Saturday, December 20, 2008

I Love You Man Wedding Seating Arrangement

You can not die for a shoe

"Two centuries ago theorized that the pen could do more harm than the sword or gun. Which is true. Now we must recognize that a shoe thrown at a good height (and skillfully dodging) can really destroy any remaining semblance of credibility of a wrong war, began to strengthen one administration to the brink of bankruptcy, based on false information and to create art.

The shoe thrown at Bush by Muntafer Al Zaidi, a reporter of the channel Iraqi al Baghdadi, rappresenta un gesto simbolico, per quanto violento e certo non condivisibile, di un popolo che continua a vivere la tragedia di una occupazione militare oppressiva e senza senso, il dramma di una nazione che è scivolata direttamente dalla dittatura di Saddam al controllo delle truppe angloamericane. Ora, però, accade che, mentre il presidente americano per fortuna uscente ammette l'errore di una guerra assurda, il governo fantoccio di Bagdad accusa Al Zaidi di "terrorismo", reato per il quale c'è in Iraq la pena di morte. D'altra parte il giornalista, che era regolarmente accreditato alla conferenza stampa, è stato pestato a sangue dai G men americani e dalla polizia, gettato in una prigione e accusato di nefandezze indicibili. Ora rischia grosso, nonostante dalla società irachena giungano appelli ripetuti per salvargli la vita tanto che manifestazioni in questo senso si sono svolte in diverse città del paese. La Federazione Internazionale dei Giornalisti, con sede a Bruxelles, ha invitato i colleghi di tutto il mondo ad evitare di manifestare in modo così forte il proprio dissenso. D'altra parte la penna (oppure il pc, la video camera, ecc.) rappresentano strumenti efficaci, comunque propri della professione. Ma la Ifj ha anche rivolto un appello alle istituzioni internazionali ed ai governi iracheno e degli Stati Uniti per salvare Al Zaidi. Anche noi riteniamo che la pena debba essere proporzionale al danno arrecato, minimo per Bush almeno dal punto di vista fisico. Per questo aderiamo all'appello. "


Recently, the Iraqi situation was made even more complicated by several Turkish incursions into northern Iraq, justified by the Iraqi Kurds offered from kindergarten to members of organizations (such as the PKK), which would be responsible for terrorist acts in Turkey.

The human costs of war are clear: the only number known with some accuracy is that of coalition losses (4,188 dead and 28,000 wounded until December 1, 2007), while the Iraqi casualties It ranges from about 30,000 deaths referred to by President Bush in a speech in December 2005 to approximately 650,000 estimated in a study published in the medical journal Lancet in October 2006.

Source: wikipedia

Saturday, December 13, 2008

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December 12: the reasons for a strike on a personal crisis

"The crisis can and must be tackled with appropriate safeguards that protect the rights and value of work. This was the message at the heart of the general strike tomorrow. A devastating crisis must be addressed with interventions height on the side of production, consumption, employment protection, but also planning how they came up positive. For this crisis and counter-cyclical policies are the middle two fundamental values \u200b\u200bthat must be clearly perceived: social justice and faith in the future .
The government is not doing. He presented a decree is wholly insufficient in quantity, and wrong in the way that chiaramente non pensa alla prospettiva.
La CGIL ha avanzato precise proposte nella piattaforma del 5 novembre .
Molti commentatori condividono queste proposte, ma contemporaneamente affermano che lo sciopero è sbagliato perché riguarda solo i garantiti; o perché non si sciopera durante una crisi così grave.
Spesso sono gli stessi che ideologizzavano il valore della deregolazione del lavoro che ha portato a questo livello di precarietà, o che, lodando il metodo di coesione di altri paesi e ricordando che durante una crisi così grave serve unità di intenti, non parlano di un governo che adotta provvedimenti sbagliati senza discuterli, senza tenere conto delle proposte avanzate."


was present in the procession also the great wave of students to say no to the project of destruction of schools and universities 'public Tremonti Gelmini and solidarity and to give' the greek student movement democratic and non-violent calls these days like us to answer an emergency for the future.

Monday, December 1, 2008

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Here we go again. Once again our Premier uses a time of general fear more and more to fill their pockets.
Across Europe governments strive to find the best measures to overcome this crisis, seeking to reassure the population as possible ... in Italy instead takes advantage of the dark period to continue a fascist policy, in which more saves Premier and save-the-crisis-Premier on the agenda. Skip
comforting words of our president worker "to end the crisis must consume more ... but how, he himself is a worker who does not know what to eat that we do not need money?! then if we consider that most precarious not have a job for Christmas, and the workers are recruited in layoffs ...
Another joke is that some families receive alms (30 € on average for poor families with dependent children, around 15 € for pensioners alone ... millions spent by the State for a benefit that actually will be a few cents for each family, as the price increases will void the pocket money given by government) as if it were enough to give a sop to help those most in need.
But there are two standards that have made the crisis more discussion: the first concerns the environment. After highly snubbed the rules laid down by the Kyoto Protocol (as Italy is one of the most polluted nations, and above all there's going to come into compliance with smog levels down), the Premier's decision to withhold incentives for state those companies that have undertaken this year to reduce smog levels and have invested (and would like to invest) to improve the environment and produce less toxic waste.
remember that the rest of Europe is doing the exact opposite groped to overcome the crisis.
And yet, against compared to other countries, Italy will increase taxes on some products, particularly on Pay TV (Sky). Some opposition has complained (at least that!) That this rule will encourage the direct rival pay-TV (Mediaset Premium) which, incidentally, is owned, like many other companies, our selfless Silvio Berlusconi. The Premier's response was not long to wait "Mediaset is not a direct competitor to Sky, since the signals travel on different systems, telecommunications, yet another joke, even if the signal comes in different ways, does not take much to understand that the family used to a certain level television program, will choose to save, to give the best known pay-TV and moved on Mediaset Premium.
We're not trying to defend some pay-TV, but we would like to focus on the joke to the consumer, and ad-personam sull'ennesima law, created only to protect its interests.
Lacking specific effects will also be rules on variable rate mortgages, at least according Adusbef and Federconsumatori: "In 2009 the rate will settle definitely in percentages less than 4%, probably 3 to 3.5%, making them useless and propaganda the rule contained in the decree "that the State bears the costs if you exceed 4%.
E 'a crisis plan that, according to tradition Berlusconi, is inconsistent and will not benefit ordinary workers, but the rich entrepreneurs who may continue to gain in their activities, not affected by the crisis, who will be conducting more and better for reducing product costs. Again someone is enriched on the backs of citizens.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

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respective Cardinal not only poor but also humiliated

"The Social Card boasts an illustrious precedent - almost centenary. Like in the" American Food Stamps Program '39 "- this refers to the Minister Tremonti, who assures, will be anonymous. So, dear" poor beneficiaries "- of so much grace, 40 euro per month - and ultra sixty-five families with a child under three anni che rientrate nei parametri Isee, state (si fa per dire) tranquilli - non sarete schedati, come i bimbi rom. Nessun censimento dei poveri italiani - così dicono. Niente impronte digitali impresse sulla Social Card, ma ... (c'è sempre un ma) - attenzione! - il Titolare deve firmarla nell'apposito spazio sul retro, ed esibire un valido documento di riconoscimento su richiesta degli esercizi commerciali convenzionati - che, secondo il ministero dell'Economia, ad oggi, sono pari al 5% del totale.

Se andiamo sul sito del Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze e leggiamo l'informativa sull'utilizzo della "carta acquisti, beneficiario con 65 anni o più":
in section 3, we read: "... The Charter should be used exclusively by the owner and can not be sold or given to third parties. The owner is required to affix his signature in the space provided on the back of the card when of its receipt ..."."
And yet, in paragraph 9: "... To use the card in shops will still be required to affix an agreement on the receipt issued by the POS of the signature of the owner, according to one placed by itself on the back of the card. The business owner can apply to the presentation of a valid identity document.


Social Card? NO, THANK YOU! It 's more important the dignity of a person and his obvious poverty pilloried by a piece of paper.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

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25/11 World Day against violence against women

It is a tragedy unfolding, most of the time, in the home, which has the face of her husband, or my colleague, the neighbor, friend or relative. Women between 15 and 49 victims of violence, are all over the world, around 1.7 billion. In our country, according to ISTAT figures of 2007, would be 6 million 743 thousand (data compiled from a sample of 25 thousand women aged between 16 and 70). Young and old in the course of their lives have suffered physical, sexual, psychological.
is dedicated to them, Tuesday, November 25, the "World contro la violenza sulle donne.

Il Corriere riporta che

le donne che si rivolgono ai centri antiviolenza hanno tra i 28 e i 47 anni (30,6%), sono sposate (56,2%), di nazionalità italiana (77,3%) e vengono maltrattate prevalentemente dal marito (75,1%). Tra i 16 e i 60 anni, quattro su dieci, hanno subito una violenza, fisica, psicologica o sessuale. Ma appena il 3% ha denunciato il partner

La sociologa Sonia Stefanizzi spiega che

"In Lombardia tre donne su quattro subiscono violenza dal marito-compagno ma lo tutelano, per proteggere la famiglia [...] accanto alle donne emancipate ci sono le straniere vulnerabili, perché prive di una rete sociale; le coppie mixed indicator of modernization but at the same amplifier conflicts, violence and children on the parents of the young peers on the effect of cocaine and alcohol on the weekends. Finally, the fake violence, including young women who have unprotected sex and they say for fear of being raped at home "

In 2007, Italy have been killed in 122 women (only the last two weeks, Verona and Trento) Daniela and Gregory explains that IRER

"Violence is the leading cause of death or permanent disability in women aged 14 to 50 years, more than cancer and accidents Social

But it appears that the figures are alarming, perhaps the case of roll up sleeves and do something. And push institutions to do so.

Paola Caio, chairman of the Italian Victims of Violence, told Affaritaliani

"We need the institutions: it is necessary that the scourge of violence is eradicated with the help of someone who can do something concrete to protect the victims. When a woman makes a complaint, should get immediate help: you can not wait to assess 'steady' when, how and what this person is, or has been, beaten. The relief must come soon. The sentences for those found guilty must be reinforced. Who is guilty of an offense that has to do with violence, should be locked up until they no longer pose a danger for the Company "

The problem is not so much under-reporting is not the certainty of punishment.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

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From words to action, violence squad in a network

" Suddenly the funny video of the 99 was a group of demented neo-Nazi, have disappeared from the circuit of youtube. Probably the person who had not loaded much liked the article that appeared yesterday on the complaint site of the Republic, at the opening, much less liked the threats made by Leone Paserman, president of the Foundation of the Holocaust museum, which has expressed the 'intention to report the matter to the police post. Better hide. Too bad that the tracks remain on the network.
Of course you do not wait for the response of members to the forum Storm Front Italy. After returning to the full text of the article, Once Where Warriors White (this is the user's name) undertakes an analysis highlighting, as, in his view, rather than an attack on neo-Nazi group, whether an attack on freedom of the network.
Life is not easy for music leaders who deny the Holocaust, incites hatred (albeit demented). Probably the last time their presence begins to get a little 'more cumbersome, are beginning to be felt, even in an unorthodox, produce books, CDs, internet forums are also very popular, sites, write on the blog ... walls, and are not afraid to declare openly that they are celebrating the fascist or Hitler or Mussolini. A little use then the statements of condemnation coming from the institutional world when the words do not follow the facts, specifically the sentence by applying the Law Scelba; little or nothing and a possible tighter control of the network, since there are systems tested to avoid detection, and in any case (to reassure the user of the forums above) is not limiting the freedom network that is contained in these phenomena, but rather asking about mistakes, errors which are mainly institutional.
not discuss the severity of a message dichiaratemnte revisionist but equally it can not be waived on squad violence that, for some time now, has begun to manifest itself at the expense of immigrants, "different" or (to use their language) "tick-communist."
And if someone still wants to talk about girls, will perhaps be the case going to talk to those guys ended up in hospital ...
might change his mind. "


The reality that is surrounding us .. . unfortunately!

Friday, November 21, 2008

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The war is not over

will leave next Monday from the base of Ghedi Brescia four Air Force Tornado aircraft for deployment to rinpolpare Italian military in Afghanistan. The aircraft Aterro first hi-Mazar-Sharif, then will be moved to Herat, where dislcocato the bulk of the Italian contingent. Yesterday, meanwhile, the Chamber of Deputies has given the green light to the refinancing of the Italian missions abroad until December 31, 2008. With 494 yes, 15 abstentions and one vote against, the Assembly also approved the dispatch of 40 observers in Georgia. We feel the service with the Group's Walter Saresini Peace Brescia social forum

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Blueprint Dining Table

Obama is "beautiful, successful, well tanned!"

Obama is "beautiful, successful, well tanned!" It 's the translation of the sentence Mr Berlusconi to President Medvedev by simultaneously during a joint press conference in Moscow . Smiles President of the board, smiling leader of the Kremlin. Out - of journalists embarrassed, embarrassment of the experts ... What to say?
Berlusconi 'a joker. Unfortunately - they say the Russian journalists - in Moscow have become accustomed to the beats of Silvio. Then, in the Russian language the word detestable is that nigger nigger. So, no problem. Especially because for the first time a Western leader sided with Moscow's intervention in Georgia. And this almost standing - you can overtake on the politically correct. Therefore, the fact does not exist. In fact, the measure will cost a lot of Berlusoni international image of Russia. He says a source close to the MID, the Ministry of esters. Calls obviously not to be cited. 'Cause while you wait for the release of U.S. newspapers. The analysis is this: the young Russian president goes to an ignoramus. The relations between the United States and Russia on the eve of the elections are bad ... I was frustrated the efforts of diplomacy in Moscow to ease the effects heavy intervention in Ossetia. It 'more, Americans have been given a fantastic chance to accuse the Russian Federation had not done anything against the neo-Nazi groups that attack several years ago African students studying in Russia. In short, a good start of relations between Moscow and Wasignton. A disaster ... There will be
the official reaction - continues the source - Berlusconi is a friend of Putin, there are too many half interest - but you can not say certain things to the vertices. It is not a cheerful dinner party revelers over a glass of wine. In between is' international politics. It is not 'a joke.


Like it or not, Berlusconi is Italy: after the recent allegations we have been teased by half the world. It 'paid for with our taxes also to make critical decisions in international politics and, in what many are asking is a little self-respect.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

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[CULTURE] Pass the Decree . Extreme right-wing attack.

"Gelmini decree is law. Despite the amendments portati dall’opposizione, nonostante le proteste che hanno scosso la penisola in questi giorni, il presidio davanti Palazzo Madama, i 133 no urlati a squarciagola, la riforma della scuola è e rimane quella imposta dalla maggioranza di Governo. 162 a favore, 134 contrari e tre astenuti, con queste cifre, passa la legge che non è stata modificata di una virgola.
Intanto anche all’interno della contestazione studentesca emergono i dissidi interni fra quelle anime tanto diverse. Se il fronte unito contro il decreto Gelmini aveva permesso a studenti di destra e di sinistra di manifestare quasi in maniera congiunta, il recente tentativo, da parte del Blocco studentesco di strumentalizzare e guidare la protesta ha avuto conseguenze come aver aggredito other kids using these helmets, belts and bottles, all without that there was no intervention from the police.
The budget is currently three children wounded, one shot in the head and hospitalized, and an agent. 18 fasteners, all members of the student block. The students' union website appears in a press release dated Oct. 28 that reads: "We ask the newspapers to give correct information at this time because we see an explicit attempt by the right and some of the media to manipulate our presence squares and the student movement ... We reaffirm the face of every attempt at manipulation and flattening of our protest and of our problems, we have nothing to do with the right training, who use violence, as happened yesterday at the high school Giulio Cesare. "


What Block student? was the movement of high school students until 2008 near Fiamma Tricolore, when it is dissociated by expulsion from the party Gianluca Iannone.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Monica Roccaforte Chomikuj

demonstrations in defense of the public school

The Committee for the defense of public school in Brescia

parents, students and school workers to participate

WEDNESDAY October 29
in the national in all the squares at the same time to vote in the Senate DL Gelmini.



a demonstration school for the withdrawal of the decrees Gelmini-Tremonti.

supports and will join the parade of students who start at 9:00 am

from Piazza Garibaldi.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

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Projection "Nazirock" on Ghedi (BS)

The Anti-Fascist Coordination of Lower Bresciana invites you to the screening of Nazirock "documentary film on the new right, which has created much Scalora in ' last year.
followed by a debate the new Nazism and fascism that is invading our country, including Gedi, where a few months ago have tried to open a center for the extreme right. You are all invited
WEDNESDAY 'October 29, at 20:30, Council Chamber at Ghedi (BS).

the entire event is self-financed by the Anti-Fascist Coordination of Lower Bresciana
e-mail: @ antifa.bassabs

Thursday, October 16, 2008

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excessive nationalism

yesterday I turned on tv. I see a report about a famous brand of coffee that has decided to make a calendar with Italian models and Italian landscapes, to enhance the quality of Italy.
think "but then sell abroad their coffee?" and change the news channel ... talk about a proposal from the League to do classes for migrants ... just say it with such calm that comes vomiting. as if it were a normal thing, like a story like many others ... no one seems to realize that they are returning to the racial laws of fascism.
spare channel ... oh play Italy tonight! the stadium is packed for the game ... the public support of the national players with choirs e. .. ... fascist incitement? I heard right? choirs will be fascists! as if now "Italy" was a synonym for "fascism" ...
And so it went.
nationalism is brought increasingly to the extreme ... it is strange to think that most of the Italian people votato per un partito che vuole dividere l’Italia, e allo stesso tempo è estremamente nazionalista.
Fino a pochi anni fa il nemico numero uno per l’italiano, o meglio, per il padano, era il meridionale. Non ci possiamo dimenticare quegli slogan pieni di ideali e cultura inneggianti alla supremazia del polentone sul terrone. Slogan di una profondità morale tale che tutti gli acculturati nordici seguivano questo illustre pensiero. Ora la “lotta al terrone” non c’è più, è molto piu’ comodo (e si prendono piu’ voti!) estendere l’odio a tutta l’Italia contro…l’americano che occupa il nostro territorio con le sue bombe atomiche?NOO!...contro i giapponesi che come to take pictures of our cities? obvious that NO, against the French? the Germans? the British? noo ... against Africans! why? with Africa because we have no interest, we do not care nothing of Africa or in part Sharm Djerba .
I do not believe it's a matter of skin color, since many Africans are far more 'light of some Italians!
There is no real reason why you must hate the stranger. All the reasons you can give are the result of ignorance and misinformation.
makes no sense to show an extreme nationalism, when we Italians are not the first to respect our country: we do not respect the laws, I forget 'the ideals they died for our grandparents, do not we love and continue to govern us by a thug! Shudder when abroad give us the mafia, but we hide when it comes to denounce an injustice. We went after the migrants, without thinking that a few decades ago we were migrants. We are curious about the territories, from food, from foreign cultures, and we spend a lot of money on restaurants, travel agencies, ethnic clothing .... But then reject the idea that other cultures can live on our territory. One would then make a speech on the endless pseudo-Catholics who have seen the church right on the day of confirmation, but they fight on the front lines x defense against the Catholic religion Muslims of those bad guys!
extreme nationalism, which we see everywhere, especially in recent months (who knows, maybe the government has something to do??) Is hypocritical, bogus and hides something that goes beyond love for our country lies intolerance, inequality , racism, fear and above all, a general fear for the social and economic situation, the government directed towards migrants and foreigners.

Friday, October 10, 2008

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October 11 IN THE SQUARE! The government saves

a peace and disarmament in the face of all the risks of war.
Giving perspective to a European role to end the unilateralism of the Bush administration. End the occupation in Iraq and withdrawal of our military Afghanistan.

2 Defense wages and pensions wiped out by the high cost of living.

Faced with the scourge of "white killings" intensified controls and impose sanctions on companies. Defense contracts of employment from the attack of Confindustria.
Combating insecurity and illegal workers.

3 reject the attack on the public school, university, research and culture, the national health service.

4 Tackling men's violence against women,
recognizing the political value of fighting to the forms of patriarchal domination, and freedom of women's women.

5 Support the value of the secular state full citizenship and to recognize the demands of Gay Lesbian Trans Queer movements and those relating to the choice of their biological destiny.

6 Supporting
territorial disputes (No Tav, No Dal Molin, etc..), From environmental issues, health and common goods, first of all the water. Support the resumption of anti-nuclear movement and a new energy policy.

7 Tackling authoritarian temptations to deny or restrict civil liberties and democratic , from justice, communication and press freedom.

8 No to racism.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

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Geronzi, Tanzi and Cragnotti

"Another?" Yes, another. And for this time? But Cesare Geronzi, the chairman of Mediobanca in court because of the hindrances crac Parmalat and Cirio. The works of more permanent ad personam, with the brand loyalty of the Berlusconi government, produces another, tucked into the folds of the law converting the Alitalia decree. Not if nobody notices, the opposition of course, when the Senate passed on October 2. Yet As has already written to the magistrates in the mailing list, it is of an "atomic bomb" intended to blow up not only to repeat the old process for fraudulent bankruptcy, but to block future.
Farewell to the processes Parmalat and Cirio. Tanzi and Cragnotti rescued. Safe-conduct for the former president of Capitalia Geronzi. Clean slate for minor scandals such as Giacomelli, the Eldo's Postalmarket. All thanks to Alitalia and the Ordinance of 28 August did it on purpose to avoid bankruptcy. Signed by Berlusconi, Tremonti, Scajola, Sacconi, Matteoli. Amended by the two speakers in the Senate, both of PDL, and Cicolani Pearson. Ready to be discussed and approved by the House next Tuesday without a shot beat the opposition.
(cut) that saves
Geronzi is constitutional is to be seen. Experts already see violated the principle of equality and that of reasonableness. The first because the rule leads to an obvious disparity in treatment between the poor Christian who does not have access to Marzano, fail, and end up on trial, and the great directors. The second because the prosecution only depends on the ability of the Commissioner to manage the company in crisis. If the save, save also the former administrator, if that fails, part of the process. We'll see if Berlusconi will go on defying even the Look. "(Liana Milella, Republic of 8 October)

what is happening in Italy is a shame. He and his team of criminals that the rich people are getting away with it ... it is true that what says the journalist of the Republic, there is an 'all ... opposition to the communists have always given him, but now that there is no communication there is 'OPPOSITION politicians .... make and unmake everything as they want it, the ad personam laws proliferate, the rich will steal more and more' and the poor will pay the interests of the powerful. and nobody says anything. I do not know if it's' shameful fascist government that's on, the opposition or with slices of salami on the eyes ...

Thursday, October 2, 2008

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Tonight conference with the father of Carlo Giuliani


Friday, October 3, 2008, 20:30
Circolo Arci "La Meridiana" Hurricane Mella
at the House of the People "E. Natali," living "Dolores Abbiati


taken: Giuliano Giuliani (father of Charles)

Over della serata verrà proiettata la nuova edizione del video "Piazza Alimonda 20 luglio 2001" contenente materiale inedito ed informazioni relative ai più recenti sviluppi processuali

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demonstration against the minister Gelmini


Il Decreto Legge 137 approvato dal governo ed il piano Programmatico collegato alla finanziaria rappresentano un pericoloso attacco alla scuola pubblica italiana (riconosciuta d’eccellenza a livello mondiale) che produrrà gravissimi danni a bambine e bambini, famiglie, personale docente e ATA.

In tutti gli ordini di Scuola: Aumento di 4-5 alunni per classe
Nella Scuola Child: That must be just round the morning session with a single teacher
Primary School (Primary): The return to single teacher to teach all subjects across the 5-year program. Reduction of weekly that lead to the disappearance of Modules and Full time.
In secondary school (Media): Reduction of weekly
In high school: Reduction of weekly, reduced from 5 to 4 years of the course.

Minister Gelmini has taken up the apron and decided to destroy the public school
• 7 billion and 800 million cuts of Education over the next four years
• closing schools with less than 500-600 students
• loss of 200,000 jobs

Saturday, October 4 H.9.15
churchyard of S.FAUSTINO-BRESCIA



Tuesday, September 30, 2008

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relationship before meeting CABB

remind everyone that tonight, Tuesday September 30th at 20:30 at the Office of the PRC Communist GHEDI to be held the second meeting of coordinating anti-fascist, where you decide the first concrete steps to be taken, and find solutions for the flow, the division of tasks, from which countries and so on.

___________________________________________________________ Report
first meeting

The September 10, 2008 was held the first meeting of the coordination of anti-fascist low Brescia.
were present about thirty people, mostly from the low countries, who discussed methods of more 'effective to combat neo-fascism and neo-Nazism, phenomena more and more' present, especially among the young, even in our province.
We have identified what the real problem: what might be called "fascism bar", widespread and dangerous phenomenon that leads to a shift in votes more and more 'to far-right parties.
The bars are full of kids Fascist and racist attitudes manifest themselves without solid underlying ideology. They are often intolerant of kids who are "in" Roman exchanging greetings and draw Celtic crosses on the walls. From the initial "good" kids to pass, with the encouragement of friends, hate and xenophobia and fascist thought. Obviously, far-right parties and movements supporters are ready to attract to itself these guys.
associations such as Casa Pound or parties such as Forza Nuova Fiamma Tricolore exploit this climate of fear among children, affecting their behavior. Also under the current government (especially the League) arrive continuous implicit and explicit incitement to mass reaction against those who believe the proponents of crisis (migrants, left). The media greatly influence the perception of the mass on the facts of record, emphasizing the crimes committed by foreigners, and vilified by certain political parties at the expense of others. In this way divert attention from the serious situations that occur in our country.
The individual municipalities maintain order with fascist rules such as bans absurd in the parks (do not eat, drink, early termination, etc..) Cameras that observe all our movements, controls more and more 'particularly against excessive foreign nationals. The institutions, both left and right, do nothing to integrate the various cultures in the area, nor are surprised and condemn racist and events fascisti, come per esempio l'apertura di Casa Pound Brescia a Ghedi.
Il nuovo fascismo si organizza in associazioni e movimenti subdoli, che non hanno simboli riconducenti immediatamente al fascismo e al nazismo (come svastiche o croci celtiche), e presentando dei programmi che nei fatti sembrano simili a quelli di gruppi comunisti, ma nella sostanza partono da presupposti diversi e contrastanti. Per esempio sono contro le bombe atomiche, contro i mutui spropositati, lo strapotere delle banche, l'informazione di parte ecc.
Il nostro compito è far capire ai giovani la differenza fra i nostri e i loro progetti, e spiegare loro che in realtà questa associazioni non sono contro il sistema, ma serve dello stato, dei partiti che appoggiano.
Per fare cio' dobbiamo conoscere questi nuovi movimenti fascisti, controllare le loro mosse sul territorio e anticiparle.
Dobbiamo creare piu' strutture per accogliere i giovani, luoghi alternativi in cui vige l'uguaglianza, la tolleranza verso gli altri, il rispetto reciproco.
L'antifascismo si deve basare su un nuovo linguaggio, piu' diretto ai giovani e più appropriato ai tempi che corrono. I fascisti guadagnano consensi proprio perché sanno dare presunte risposte che sembrano reali ai problemi della società.
Allo stesso tempo bisogna tener viva la memoria, legata alla Resistenza contro il fascismo degli anni Quaranta. La Resistenza non deve essere ricordata come un evento passato, non deve essere una commemorazione, ma una sfida continua.
Dobbiamo pero' affermare che il fascismo del terzo millennio è diverso da quello mussoliniano: è presente nella società in maniera piu' nascosta, è nel capitalismo, nell'omofobia, nel razzismo, nello sfruttamento dei lavoratori, nella negazione della libertà e della privacy dell'individuo, nel rigorismo delle leggi, nell'incostituzionalità, nella corruzione dei politici che ci governano e in molte altre cose.

Nella prossima riunione, che si terrà martedì 30 settembre a Ghedi, cercheremo di individuare quali sono i primi passi da fare e organizzare il lavoro di squadra per colmare i problemi che un compito cosi importante comporta.
Ricordiamo a tutti i partecipanti che stiamo fighting for the same purpose, that is not our policy at the institutional level, but an initiative that will be made on a practical level in the squares, streets, schools, board rooms ...
We are not fighting among political parties or different ways of managing the communist ideal, but we're forming a coordination against intolerance and exploitation, in which all work together according to their means and interests.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Fm Transmitter Project Report

Milan, 50 thousand against racism. Abba's Friends take the city.

They went, they took the parade, they took to the streets of downtown and then alone, so 'as they came, they went on a Zuretti. Where everything is 'done and it' started. Where Abba and 'dead, killed. Have been a hundred at the beginning, Italian boys, blacks, G2, children of immigrants and migrants, and a few others with them. 18.19, 20 years and no more '. A great deal of anger in the body. Against all. They would not stand in the ranks of the parade. They did not want to break anything or anyone, just cry, block traffic, run back and forth, like spring. Then he sat down to repeat the slogan: 'What do we want to raga Abba?', 'Justice'. And then: 'Shame', 'Stop Racism'. A cry and went. T-shirts with the face of Abba, drawings or photographs. A sign for all, held aloft by a guy with a shirt of Inter, Balotelli such as: 'Proud Black, Abba lives.' Pants and designer sunglasses. Earrings with rhinestones. As such to their peers at the rustle of the windows. But "c'est la banlieue". That of many Abba reduction on a Saturday afternoon in the center, that the crossing at night and at dawn can be found on the floor in a pool of blood if they meet the wrong kind. "C'est la banlieue," Milan, screaming, angry, incomprehensible to those "grandparents" to parade before trying to contain them, complying with (state well in the lead, but before you do a cordon to distance himself from the police). Nothing to do.
Not even for a few "boss" of the community 'migrant. Argue with him there as well. Ten minutes time, and these guys, these Italians, blacks, break down the rows of the left. They are going to take San Babila, and Corso Vittorio Emanuele, Piazza Duomo, and when you find a police cordon in front of a tract not authorized the background. Travel. On the momentum. A couple of beatings and so on. The police defended Palazzo Marino, City Hall. They do not even know WHAT '. They do not give a fuck anything of the Palace. The river disorganized place to go. Some calcium and motor car to pass. Some roughness. But away, away. Without the need to riot. Up on a Zuretti. Alone. From
yesterday in Milan and 'Something happened. For those who want to 'understand. For those who want to 'listen. And 'that happened a hundred boys have taken their time, the beat. Never mind about everything and everyone. In their own way. The parade lets you do. It could not be otherwise. Also because ' "Boys" do not listen to anyone. Only the relatives of Abba, a cousin or an uncle, who was always half when tensions rise, when flying any insult. 'Abba was a non-violent,' he says, 'no one should ruin his party'. And all is calm. It happens so 'even at the end, in Zuretti, while the banner of the hundreds of symbols of the event remained in the Cathedral. Tension and shaking of the police encirclement. But then with all hands up for the song they liked Abba and then again to reggae to dance in the street.
now up to all those who were behind these guys know it or not, do not abandon them. It is up to 50 thousand a beautiful parade, which fills the heart with colors, music, signs. It will be 'to the left, the company' calendar, not to leave those guys. Listen to them. Because 'an account is us, our desire for solidarity', multiculturalism, non-violence. A bill to them. I'll say when you approach. They tell you "you". And you want to explain that you are there 'to tell and that you are always racist. "Fuck you" and 'the answer. There 's an "us and you. There 's an "us young, urban, mestizo, precarious, that when it wants to take words and acts in its own way, style and rules.
that not only applies to hundreds of "troubled strangers" who have taken the road. It is also for that guy, Italian flag in his hand has an argument in piazza della Scala con un signore anziano che voleva spiegargli la vita, il lavoro, la famiglia, essere italiani... ‘Guarda che non devo andarmene a casa mia, questa e’ casa mia. Io sono italiano e le cose stanno cambiando, se non te ne sei accorto. E dovete abituarvi’. In via Zuretti verso le 18, a corteo finito, saranno un migliaio a ritrovarsi, sono arrivati anche molti dei centro sociali. Un furgone, della musica e qualche discorso. Ma soprattutto musica. Attorno tanta polizia. La gente si affaccia alle finestre. Alcuni cambiano il nome della via. Una targa come quella per Carlo Giuliani, adesso dice "Via Abba". Tra gli amici, c'e’ anche John che la sera maledetta era con Abba. John porta dei biscotti davanti al bar Shining. Cookies. Those who were "motivated" the reaction of the two bartenders animal, father and son. Here they are cookies. The same guy who carries around a whole procession stopping in front of every bar, every coffee 'in the center, starting over each time a sort of theatrical piece:' I only ask to be human, you see, are like you ... I have killed for these cookies, as you do for a dog '. Heartbreaking.
Before departure, before this special day in the city 'may not make again into account, there were the words of his sister Adriarata, behind the banner that was to be opening:' There 's too racism must stop, and what ' successo e’ drammatico, nessuno puo’ sentire il dolore che ho dentro, per avere un paese bello bisogna vivere insieme’. Dolore e dignita’. Rispedite come di consueto al mittente dal vicesindaco di An De Corato: ‘Milano non crede al razzismo, ma sulla vicenda del ragazzo ucciso c'e’ una parte, quella della sinistra radicale, che si ostina a rinfocolare una congettura smentita da tutti. Ma anche da esponenti del centrosinistra, come la senatrice teodem Emanuela Baio. Che ha negato la patente di xenofobia alla nostra citta’ e piu’ razionalmente ha puntato il dito contro una societa’ malata, quella per esempio, dei tanti giovani, che come spettri, vagano per le strade della citta’ fino all'alba distruggendosi con alcol e droghe’. Gli fa da contorno uno dei due accusati di omicidio, il figlio, che tramite la madre fa sapere: ‘Meno male che sono in cella con altri sette italiani che mi tirano un po' su e poi abbiamo la stessa cultura, mentalita’, e ci capiamo’. Eccoci qua.
A lui e alla citta’ che dorme sonni tranquilli mentre dei giovani vengono ammazzati, risponde ancora Rifondazione con Arci, Sinistra Democratica, Verdi, sindacato di base e Cgil (c'era tutta la Camera del lavoro al corteo), associazionismo, centri sociali... Ma quale ponte con quei ragazzi che ancora alle 19 camminavano in centinaia lungo Melchiorre Gioia, incapaci di fermarsi? Moni Ovadia, ricordava ieri quando i clandestini erano Italians and says we should say thanks to these guys poured a blessing. Meanwhile, in the Fourth Oggiaro Torchiera social center with the anti-fascist network in Milan staged "Chronicles of resistance", music, memory, writing to re-weave the periphery. And Corvetto, groups of young people had their hip-hop, born in the melting 'pot of one of the most' toast of the town 'with a draft released by the district contracts and the work of outreach. All stuff that the city 'institution, that of "all home at night," does not want. Here, perhaps we need to start from the '. From the future.

Claudio Jampaglia, Milan (Liberation)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Letter Of Recommendation For Stylist


After some months after the birth of Rec seems the time to take stock and see what we have done so far and what our future goals.
We like to think that everything started with our first public outing, the festival of August 5, although in reality follows a month of confrontations, meetings and ideas. The Street Style Night
there has served to introduce us to our country (Ghedi) and beyond, we have spread our questionnaire, promoted the blog, handed out flyers about our ideals and our social struggles, and we were a bit 'self-financed.
Same thing, changing the target to the entire province and beyond, was done during the working week at the party of Radio shock wave, where we met realtà che combattono per i nostri stessi ideali e con cui speriamo di continuare collaborazioni sempre più necessarie in questo clima di paura e disfattismo a livello politico e culturale. Nello stesso periodo è continuata l'attività antifascista, consolidata poi nella fondazione del coordinamento antifascista della bassa (ma non solo) bresciana.
L'attività di Rec prosegue su due fronti paralleli: la partecipazione al coordinamento antifascista e il proseguimento degli obiettivi interni prefissati all'inizio dell'estate.
Innanzitutto cominceremo ad analizzare i dati raccolti dai questionari. Abbiamo superato di gran lunga il numero di risposte che ci aspettavamo, e di questo dobbiamo ringraziare tutti voi che avete collaborato, giving us the necessary enthusiasm to really believe in this project.
And here finally revealed the mystery: what are the questions that we asked?
emerged from the answers we understand what the points and issues to be addressed as soon as possible to shed light on topical issues of which we have a clear idea.
The goal is to organize cultural events of all kinds and in all places (schools, board rooms, parks, roads ...) and hold conferences with specialists who can give us different views on different issues: we need to analyze all sides of things create in us a critical thinking, to know how to make a proper and rational choice.
The results of the questionnaires will also help us to draw up the draft Final of our manifesto our ideas and initiatives not want to be only local, but spread throughout the territory.
A cultural movement should have no territorial or cultural boundaries, according to some 'ideal of' think global, act local ". To do this' will also ask the support of the distinguished figures of Italian culture that share our ideals and help us grow.
REC is an ambitious and difficult to develop, especially in this era, it takes a lot of enthusiasm and willingness to respond to oppression and standards imposed by the fascist system.
We believe that a new world is possible, that we are not just pieces on a chessboard that are moved by the powerful. The power is the people, squares, streets, industries, clubs, schools ...
We are at your disposal for any questions, please contact us if you have ideas, if you want to publish your article or participate actively or as sympathetic to the cultural movement.
remains at your disposal the blog, where we urge you to leave your comments and ideas to create a confrontation that could be constructive and stimulating our minds. Thanks

Friday, September 12, 2008


* el presidente ... tells jokes

Berlusconi tell lots of jokes Italians you knew ... Needless to say these promises and his brilliant ideas (eg to save Alitalia) ...
the main gift is the sympathy of our president ... everyone laughs with him (or he?) who delights us with her find a true gentleman and great leader of the government.
The last on the list yesterday, just to add spice to the debate originated by the statements of pro-fascist Alemanno and La Russa: Berlusconi unleashed in black shirt and has performed at the party's fascist youth action in Rome.
Many jokes about Communists, like the one shown in the video (we could not make you laugh out loud!), Or that the mosquito's communist turned around: "There is a mosquito Communist ...", said Berlusconi. Then, the crushing and exults: "The liberal philosophy has prevailed on attachment.
Dopo aver decantato l’operato dei suoi primi 100 giorni di governo, si è lasciato andare ad un inqualificabile elogio del gerarca fascista Italo Balbo per la sua opera svolta in Libia.
"Italo Balbo in Libia fece cose egregie, cose buone - lo loda - e questo l'ho ricordato a Gheddafi, ma lui mi ha replicato che aveva fatto, sì, cose buone, ma soprattutto caserme e centrali operative per i colonizzatori".

...che altro aggiungere?!


Thursday, September 4, 2008

Free Beastiality Zoophilia

R-existence criticism

R-esistenza critica

Ogni resistenza è critica. è lo stesso momento critico che chiama a sè la necessità della resistenza. Sono sempre i corpi a resistere. Quando si resiste a un' idea, a una tentazione a claim or to fear the bodies are always on the battlefield, what is at stake. It is the body that does not run away, does not sin, and acting according to one or other idea. When it comes to resistance will always be of the bodies. All resistance is critical. This situation of difficulty and risk tells us about how our bodies (strong, responsive, paying) are in fact innocent, and preferably kill them. It is the body helpless to resist, or rather the body must resist precisely because it is helpless. The body part that is resistant to hide his helplessness, but on the other it becomes aware. It's helpless body that realizes the need to resist, he goes for his own survival.

A resist is the body, the body against other bodies. I can not speak of resistance, without appeal to the partisan resistance, as indeed it is impossible to speak of resistance in the abstract, but because when it comes to lives, to speak of bodies killed in the abstract always require too great a sacrifice.

then I think it is fair to talk about the story of the extermination of Jews. Is it possible to transmit to the obsessions I have to confess that I contracted this from my dear professor. How can an entire population has left exterminate without reacting? If the Jews have reacted if they had organized a resistance as they would be things go?

I am now faced with two roads. On the one hand the temptation of wanting bodies reactive, able to react, always ready and always up to the task, offering performance of the bodies. On the other hand dell'inermità and inadequate awareness of the body. I believe that follow the first path inevitably leads to fascism. What else is fascism if not the desire for unity and integrity of bodies and the social body? Is not the fascist power to build national identity in one language, one religion, one culture, and sometimes in the most idiotic in a single race? It is not fascism that enhances l’eroe, colui che si è sacrificato per la patria? Colui che si è giocato fino in fondo per rendere la sua patria all’altezza? E non ci arrivano dal fascismo quelle immagini della ginnastica di piazza, dell’esaltazione dell’uomo forte e prestante? Non è il fascismo che esalta lo sport e la competizione? Il fascismo vuole l’uomo prestante per essere all’altezza di raggiungere i suoi obbiettivi, sacrifica la carne, il corpo dell’uomo a ciò che il fascismo stesso pone come fine ultimo e come ideale. Sacrifica il reale all’immagine gloriosa dell’eroe. Sacrifica sull’altare degli dei il corpo inerme dell’uomo.

Quindi seguire la via della reazione, dell’uomo sempre in grado di reagire mi risulta impercorribile, per salvare l’inerme dalla morte dovrei sacrificarlo sull’altare. Dall’altra parte resta però inaccettabile l’arrendersi di fronte alla passività di un popolo che si lascia sterminare in massa senza reagire.

Mi rendo conto che non c’è soluzione, tanto meno dialettica alla questione. Ne gioisco perché allora probabilmente sono sulla buona strada.

Pensando alla resistenza mi sono trovato alla fine a parlare di reazione e passività. Mi resta allora forse ancora una via da percorrere, una via che mi risulta difficoltosa e oscura in quanto straborda di ambiguità. È la via della resistenza una via ancora da scoprire, da abbozzare and to think about. But what is the resistance? I do not think being able to respond with a definition. Resistance is response but it is not performance. It is not passivity but neither project. The resistance are bodies that fight and resist other bodies, who are fighting for their survival but not in the name of a proposed idea of \u200b\u200ba state or a hero but to save his life. to sketch a picture I would say that resistance is a shapeless mass that fights for its survival. If it is true that the partisans were in a somewhat organized is also true that the Communists were fighting side by side with Catholics, that young people were fighting alongside the old, that the actions were not always coordinated, that the commands general change at any moment. Then there is that there is a vast difference between the U.S. Army and the partisans, though both were fighting the same enemy. Several different techniques and intentions.

dell'inerme resistance is then the effort to survive, is helpless to defend himself but refusing to accept the fascist injury leading to exclusion of the other. For this part of the resistance by the people. It is the helpless that accepts diversity, because he himself is the diversity, and at the same time struggle to maintain this diversity. That is all resistance is critical. All resistance is critical because è critica la situazione del corpo, è critico l’esistere del corpo.

Non posso allora che apprezzare il gioco R-esistenza perché è l’esistenza stessa che ha bisogno di resistere, perché ci ricorda che resistenza è esistenza e non astrazione ed istituzione. Ci ricorda che resistenza non è delega ma è lotta in prima persona. R-esistenza critica ci ricorda che ogni esistenza è critica perché critica è la situazione dell’inerme, del corpo feribile ed uccidibile. Perché ci ricorda che ogni resistenza è critica, che ne va dei nostri corpi e delle nostre vite.

Non credo che resistenza critica possa significare resistere in maniera critica nel senso di messa in discussione or rational analysis, it can not be analytically strong, the resistance is a matter of skin, even in the sense of feeling in skin of living skin, fight skin, there is no resistance with the criticism in a newspaper, at least that this does not serve to bring together or raising other people in first person resist. I like to think that in this case, the critical word is for that way instead of saying we are in a critical situation, the situation becomes critical, then it is here that we must resist. A must-have to live there because it is resisting, because they require the existence of the resistance and because you can not bear it if not existing.


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Parts Of Christopher Columbus Ship

CABB First meeting - September 10

FASCISM He raised his head



The coordination of the low-fascist Brescia was created to organize the resistance to fascism in the third millennium here on our territory, because fascism must be fought in every place where he tries to stand up from the ashes of his dirty past.
Fascism today is reflected both in the old forms that history has already 'taught to recognize both in new ways even more insidious and subtle forms that we have yet to learn to know and fight. He's in all those forces that explicitly seek to reorganize itself to revive the fascist movement, which go back to the values \u200b\u200bof the beam or even worse, the Nazi theories. Among these stress immediately Fiamma Tricolore party, Casapound (who tried to occupy a farm in Ghedi no more than three weeks ago) the new force (which is already present in our high school), the cultural association Venetian front skinhead, black heart Milan etc. ..
But fascism is not just that. Fascism is also in the drift which now afflicts securitarian Italy, lies in the cameras that watch our countries lies in the fear of difference, the desire for cultural assimilation, the desire for a unique moral and absolute, in the exploitation of immigrant laborers. The coordination of the low-fascist
Brescia will undertake to fight fascism in all its forms, because history is not rewritten, not again commit the mistakes of the past, not to forget all those who have died in the resistance.

E 'opened the first meeting of the coordination of anti-fascist low Brescia, in which we decide how to move, who to invite, how to organize the table so fascist.
If you are interested in active participation: We

Wednesday, September 10

for info: r.esistenzacritica @