Saturday, January 10, 2009

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Alternative Christmas Greetings - Ahmadinejad on Channel4

Ahmadinejad, hosted by the British, in his Christmas greeting says:
"if Jesus were on earth today, would undoubtedly alongside people who are opposed to power aggressive, violent and expansionist.
If Jesus were on earth today, no doubt raise the banner of justice and love for humanity to oppose the warmongers, terrorists, and overbearing to the occupiers of the world.
If Christ were on earth today, certainly would fight against the tyrannical policies of the global system, the prevailing political and economic.
He did it during his lifetime.
Today, the will of the nations is the call for a fundamental change. This change is happening now. The responsibility of all followers of Christ and of the Abrahamic faiths is to prepare the way for the fulfillment of this divine promise and the arrival of the age of joy, splendor and wonder "

Jesus was not a revolutionary, did not oppose colonialism of the Roman Empire nalla tyranny of the ruling class. When the Pharisees asked Jesus whether it was right to pay taxes to the Romans, Jesus said that Rome was an empire "aggressive, violent and expansionist" that was shot down so that the divine justice triumph in the world, but he said "Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, Jesus said "blessed are the poor because it is near the hour of vengeance" but that theirs is the kingdom of his father and so on., Jesus did not promise the sun of the earth but in heaven and that Pilate tranquillizava His kingdom is not of this world.
Jesus was a tonic for poverty, not as a tool against oppression and injustice, but a means to endure the oppression and injustice.
was the prophet of the slaves, of "Chandalar" of a people to tame slavery and the acceptance of their condition, not emancipation, the prophet of consolation and resignation in view of divine justice in another time, another world, a ' other life.

Revolution is another matter.

So who * is * Jesus of A.?

E 'Christ that exists only in the minds of cattocomunisti, left proto-spirituality, Christianity, secular-humanist, who solemnly mentioning the sentences of Pasolini, who are moved to the front-man of Christ and de Andrè readings of the Divine Comedy by Benigni. This revolutionary
Christ is opposed to injustice, the arrogance of the powerful empire and exploitation, this ancient galielea Che Guevara is an 'invention of the imagination of some Franciscan left.

Found that if Jesus were alive today would not fight nor against the United States or against Nike, but not more than chasing the sellers of millet for the birds to the Vatican City, there are two reflections.

* Why Ahmadinejad evokes such a cristo? *

With these statements Ahmadinejad casts his eye to blatantly anti-capitalist left in Europe.
says what every cattomunista is firmly convinced, not to mention the whole "ggggente left, non-Communist, who suffered the romantic charm of this mythical christ, nemesis of the weak and the dispossessed.
And I also, though not even remotely Christian, I hope to hear such thoughts expressed by one of the politicians who claim to represent me, rather than a quote from Gandhi extremist or a defense of "Mission" Luxuria Island.

So we conclude finally that Ahmadinejad is a model for the "radical left" Europe, in its judicial strongly resist American imperialism?

No way!
The Islamic republic has been drinking the blood of comrades mowed down by the repression of the eighties in what was a massacre, a genocide policy of the Communists.
And Ahmadinejad is only volumes continuing the work, persecuting anyone who opposes the regime, by fellow Marxists in the universities, workers in factories, human rights activists, trade unionists, journalists e agli insegnanti che sostengono la causa degli sfruttati dal capitale.
Se il Gesù paladino della giustizia dei popoli tornasse sul pianeta, non risparmiebbe chi fa impiccare sedicenni per sodomia più di quando non farebbe con bush e con i leader spirituali delle stramaledette religioni abramite.
Quella di A. è la solita guerra aperta tra le classi dominanti dei paesi più ricchi per l'egemonia economica e Mamhoud è evidentemente alla ricerca di supporters in Europa. Ma il suo è solo un bieco regime fascista, per giunta legato ai miti dell' fondo il nazifascismo è costellato di oppositori della "plutocrazia giudaica rappresentata dalle democrazie occidentali".

*La trappola*

Paradossalmente after these statements, it was scatentato hell. The newspaper La Repubblica and speak of "antisemites wishes," the British Foreign Office and the Israeli embassy accused the Iranian president of "anti-Semitic statements dire", warning that the British media "are free and have every right to make their own editorial choices, but this choice gives rise to indignation not only by us but also our neighbors. "
Enough to strengthen Ahmadinejad's position as a darling of the left rival empire, which in turn with his statement legitimizes a political consolidation of the other party that Prodicus extremist in defense of Israel and suggests the equivalence between the Communists and Islamic.
It 'a comedy of the absurd that only shows how imperialism and Islamic fundamentalism are two sides of the same system, and all the support given to one not necessarily translate immediately and in strengthening the other.

The only positive note is that finally when someone speaks of "powers aggressive, violent and expansionist and warlike, occupiers, terrorists and bullies, Israel will feel immediately called into question.
We welcome this belated awareness.

* Appendix *

preach good and evil scratching

Our standard of justice for people and anti-imperialism, anti-bullying, anti-oppression, more a year has launched a mass persecution against the Marxist student movement.
Last year, during the Student Day, December 4, more than 70 students were arrested, kidnapped or simply disappeared into thin air for days, held in Evin without legal counsel, without notice to families, tortured, forced to confess to false crimes before a telcamera just for organizing an event in which they shouted "NO NO TO THE SYSTEM AND THE Imperial USA". Later, after many demonstrations erupted for low wages and the rising price of cereals, other students and workers have been dragged into the torture chambers of Evin and other prisons Iran, with no regard for the respect of basic human rights. Many comrades, even if freed on bail, they are still on trial, arbitrary trials based on confessions extracted under torture.

And again on December 7 this year, student protests erupted in other universities around Iran. At the time the students were able to block the repression of security officers, but in the days after they have already triggered the arrests and interrogations.
Currently the number of students arrested has risen to 35, according to figures provided by the WPI, the Worker-Communist Party of Iran. # / group.php? Gid = 40102198659 # / group.php? Gid = 10756443574 & ref = ts

Clara Statella