Sunday, March 21, 2010

Where To Put A Confidentiality Clause In A Report

Chronicles and debates about the reality of the University in Italy and the prospects of his change

By Bijoy M. Trentin .

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Dark Poop, Missed Period

commitment and participation.

for a renewed debate on campus.

In a socio-cultural ideal, the university, such as schools, should always be a common good, and founded a community that creates spaces for knowledge sharing, participation and empowerment, cohesion democratic e propone e promuove il pluralismo della dinamicità e dell’attività del pensiero critico, innovativo, multiforme. La tensione alla ricerca e l’aspirazione alla scoperta si dovrebbero coniugare sempre in un orizzonte che non preveda prospettive individualistiche e sfrenatamente competitive.
I singoli saperi, nonostante la loro complessità, specificità e specializzazione, dovrebbero essere sempre in grado di fondersi in universi di senso contrari alla frammentazione, alla compartimentazione, alla settorializzazione. I significati, i modi e le direzioni si dovrebbero intersecare in maniera solidale e sistemica: diversamente, il disorientamento si potrebbe propagare in forme di smarrimento caotico, provocando inevitabili naufragi. This is the representation of a university "without condition" (Jacques Derrida), a powerful theoretical model, which, unfortunately, sometimes, is likely to fade, to dissolve in front of a myopic eye.

Today the university, such as school, was attacked from many quarters, is in danger because there are those who try to delegitimize, with the intention of reducing it to a final location of a hierarchical and training for just a few. Any reform effort that moves from the belief that the academy is populated by "lazy" and "dogs and pigs" can not clash with the power of passion and seriousness of people at the university study and work responsibly, at least that is our wish. And the much-vaunted and flaunted "meritocracy", which seems to be a panacea to save, if misunderstood, leading to move away from the real problems of the university, how to make it grow in quality and quantity together. Stunning merit, may, at times, even exaltation of aristocratic impulses, only elitist and exclusive. Still, as researchers and teachers, facilities and the academic system as a whole will be judged, more and more frequently, with evaluation procedures, but, to paraphrase Juvenal, the same evaluators who will?
must be made many more steps before reaching a mature evaluation culture, which should also be subjected to all the devices that guarantee freedom 'management' (individual and institutional) at various levels in research and teaching that goes under the name of "autonomy", to decline in ways not always arbitrary, but balanced, adjusted and not capricious. The management of resources should not pander to the rationalization processes that deplete the processes of democratization are desirable, therefore, for students, not high taxes and substantial scholarships, and, for the staff, a steady stream of recruitment and update. Only reforms that will originate from the mutual respect and the wider debate can be said with solid merits.

policies that offer only empty slogans all the time, merely propaganda, in which the distortion rampant adultery, may be not only disastrous but also quite unable to establish its own law consistently: today, just at the beginning of "Gelmini reforms", the bits of communication are recomposed in puzzles able to destabilize not only the view that citizens have the same body but also university academic. In this context, a language impaired and (not rarely) even coarse is not able to reach the core of the substance dei problemi reali esistenti. Invece, il recupero della dimensione del confronto e del dialogo autentici e sereni, eleganti e leali possono persino restituire la speranza di riuscire a agire in una società che sappia non solo rispettare il passato e il presente ma anche proiettarsi nel futuro che racchiude l’armoniosa realizzazione degli ideali e dei sogni dei singoli, delle comunità, dei popoli. E «Riforma della scuola», con l’energia dell’impegno e della volontà di partecipazione, intende contribuire, insieme con molte altre voci, a immaginare e progettare questo futuro, incentivando dinamiche dialettiche nuove e innovative.

Bijoy M. Trentin