Monday, June 28, 2010

Marriage Invitation Tamil Wordings

The protest of university researchers: a conversation with the research chemists

was the end of last 2009 when the minister Gelmini presented the "University Reform" with the DDL 1905/2009 "Draft Law on the organization and quality of the university system, academic staff and the right to study ", by now alarmed the Italian universities and, particularly, the category of researchers. The items covered by the abrupt and strong disagreement are 8 "national scientific institution for approval and, above all, the 12"-term research. " Let us quote the main points: "to conduct research, teaching, integrative teaching and service to students, universities may enter into contracts of employment to full-time and determined. The contract also regulates the methods of implementation of educational activities, and supplementary educational services to students, which are reserved for three hundred fifty hours per year, and research activities "(Article 12 paragraph 1);" contracts last three years and may be renewed only once for another three years after the successful evaluation of teaching and research activities on the basis of rules, criteria and parameters set by the Minister (Article 12 paragraph 4), "the university [...] can proceed directly to the call recipient the second three-year contract referred to in paragraph 4, which not later than the expiration of that contract, qualified as an associate professor of functions, including art. 8. I called, at the end of the second contract, are classified in the role of assistant professors "(Article 12 paragraph 6).
[For the complete draft of the decree and for the proposed amendment < ]
A few months later by the threats of suspension of teaching for the next academic year, when the controversy now seems off or otherwise no longer interested in the media, we invited interested in some clarification on this Ordinance and have been answered to our questions by a group of researchers (confirmed and precarious) of the Department of Chemistry "G. Ciamician ", University of Bologna.
Our conversation begins with three researchers, Nels Zaccheroni, Sonia and Marco Melandri Montalti.
Before exploring the merits of the rules that are currently in the parliamentary debate, we try to outline what the role of the researcher universitario oggi, anche alla luce del DPR 382/1980 (art. 1 comma 5 e artt. 30-34) che istituì tale figura.

Un ricercatore, per prima cosa, dovrebbe fare ricerca, essere l’unione tra il mondo accademico e della ricerca, lo studioso che segue gli studenti e i ricercatori di laboratorio, si occupa dei temi di ricerca in maniera fattiva, è a diretto contatto sia con i docenti con più esperienza sia con gli studenti, una sorta di anello di congiunzione tra di essi, con la peculiarità di concentrarsi proprio sulla ricerca. Nel caso del ricercatore scientifico, il ricercatore è colui che praticamente va in laboratorio. Per quanto riguarda la didattica, l’attività del ricercatore dovrebbe limitarsi soltanto alla collaboration, provide support. In practice, however, most researchers perform essentially the same task as a professor for many hours, exams, and teaching. There are even situations in which the teaching load is more for researchers than for teachers. Although this is a purely voluntary, but it is a sort of unwritten obligation because there really a need: there are degree programs that are sustained for more than 40% of the researchers on the teachers, these courses may no longer exist if the researchers refused to carry out educational activities. But it is not just a matter of voluntary work, because this teaching is not recognized on any level, nor economic, nor the purpose of career advancement. But as you can concentrate on having a real teaching load so heavy? As far as our representations, the situation at the moment is this: there are only representations of the researchers at the university, so in the university of Bologna, for example, there are three, are, therefore, a small minority in all organs legislation of the university, being about one third of admissions rather than the university faculty in Bologna, elsewhere also about half.

Minister Gelmini's perspective - which has repeatedly that this reform will finally svecchierà the class of university teachers - in your opinion, try to solve these problems? How?

The claim that this reform will lower the average age of university professors is a big hoax, because, otherwise, this DDL will face the aging of the university total. It is an order at no cost, it is stressed repeatedly in the text of the decree that "the implementation of the provisions of this Act shall not derive new or higher charges for public finance" reform can not be done in any area at no cost , otherwise there is a reform but an economic measure. Here, however, what is the true perspective, the true picture of "reform" of the minister: there are certain types of lesson plans that include the presence of teachers who are retiring or soon will be there, so in these years, we want to maintain the same academic offering the courses should be required in some way by others. Assuming that teachers are already saturated, then it clears up the whole system or the courses or "orphan" of teachers are recruited by the researchers. You have to choose between the suppression of the courses and the increase of our teaching hours.

The decree provides, however, that you can get one rating to the national role of associate professor, which is essential for a possible later direct call (art. 8). Based on this research and the introduction of fixed-term, how would change the prospects for researchers (both confirmed that precarious)?

The reality is this: there are places so what do I need to give the approval for something that is not there? A law at no cost to public finances mean that there will be created elsewhere. In addition to saving is a law in the sense that the final budget package freezes everything until 2014, this means that up to 2014 can not be banned nothing (regardless of who they retire), also is not career matured, not matured shots. At the same time people retire and those who remain will have to dab the pad always at no cost. This means that the university is even older rather than younger! Finished this block of 4 / 5 years, in theory, should start to ban fixed-term contracts for researchers to 3 years + 3, probably financed by the research groups. The point is this: a research group must have a financial ability to provide partial funding for a salary for a researcher. And this is only possible for research groups large. Also - we wonder - how many will be willing to accept a situation of extreme precariousness of the future without any guarantee, even in the long run? We must consider that those who can get a job like this is a person of 30 years on average, which at that undertakes to assume a role as precarious up to 36/37 years and then? Can safely send you home. Another major problem that aggravates the situation in Italy is that in our country the research is done almost exclusively at the university, so it is unthinkable to say "I is not conducive to research, but encourages the universities." Take for example the chemical industry: in Italy There are very few industries that are doing research, and many are leaving (eg. recently, Glaxo Verona []) . In Italy it is the rare opportunity to move from academia to industry. So either go abroad or do other work. One is forced to choose to throw away all the expertise you have developed throughout the study you did, or to relocate.
Not to mention the fact that these researchers have now fixed a huge workload, while we young we approached gradually to teaching, first alongside the teachers in the courses and exams while still having the time to devote to our research, these new figures, with huge loads of teaching, research or will not do well - for lack of time - and not even the educational because of their inexperience. Finally, the new generation that will be taken will compete directly with us in the researchers call direct: in fact when approximately 6 years in a faculty will have to call an associate professor, researcher chooses the term already present in the body or a confirmed otherwise lose? We will create a war between the poor and unfortunate embarrassing even from a human point of view (perhaps the term research is one of your students ...). In short, this order should be in the direction of favoring the teaching to cover the gaps that leave many retirements in recent years and the next, and greatly harms the research, because there is only a cut in funding but also of time. It is only a temporary solution between 6 years and the problem will resurface.

What do you think of the proposal to call the researchers "professors of the third category?

The proposal by the professor of the third category - already made by Moratti - is offensive. Among other things, is something that already exists in some way, because if a researcher takes a course, may ask to be recognized as "Professor." That a law constitutes a third category to clean up this situation where a researcher could do and then teaching is called "professor of the third band" at no cost, it means that I do the same job as associate professor and yet they are third. Are you still a teacher of "B" is not so much a question of salary but their status. Would not change anything even on the representations. It is, in our opinion, a joke offensive. In addition, with the commissioning of exhaustion, we would not be entitled to any representation. So it works: you're hired, do research, teaching you, you can be exploited as well now, but now we all work because we have a prospect for a future building, after which the future is taken away from you, but you are asked to keep doing the same thing. It is not an acceptable thing. It must be said, however, that
Some are in favor of this "label" comforting, probably because they feel that changing the name, can increase the respect of his colleagues are happy or because they prefer not to be evaluated. Instead, we like most researchers do not want a simple label of the third band. We ask that we be given a chance, because we are people who have invested a lot in research and teaching and believe they have the right to be assessed in a timely and certain rhythms that deserve to be allowed passage of the role.

We are now on the merits of the protest. You also abstain teaching the activity or implement various forms of protest?

In Bologna we mobilized for several months, we have had several meetings, the Chancellor also spoke at the first assembly on that occasion was made of the situation, was prepared in an indication of a document until the various researchers from diverse disciplines have been pursuing a shared document in which they expressed unease and resistance against measures of this law and the idea of \u200b\u200bimplementing forms of protest, such as to not give the willingness to teaching for the next academic year. The response of the faculty was quite good, yet not all faculties have come together and have responded, but in the meantime, our documents were brought to the Academic Senate, which has drafted a motion that supports our protest (something that the CRUI had done) and asks to be taken into account our demands. Another support came from the National Conference of Deans of the Faculty of Sciences and technologies (con.Scienze above and beyond with a motion to support our protest and our demands, stresses scientific research in Italy takes place mainly in universities and public research institutions, maintaining a high level despite the continued destructive and diminishing resources, and the low turnover of staff, also states that no you can maintain this level, a situation which in fact encourages talented young people to go abroad and undermines the vital generational change necessitated by the very high number of retirements of these and the coming years. As for the mode of protest, we would immediately reject the recruitment of teaching duties immediately, the fundamental difference of position Bologna compared to other universities is that researchers in Bologna, for the moment, accept the assignments and reserve the right to reject them later, other universities, however, decided to reject them immediately, do not allow the activation of some courses. This is because we are waiting to see how the decree to be released in its final shape. Of alternative forms of protest are not there. The only possible complaint is the suspension of teaching. Some universities have decided that now things were unacceptable at present, so do not have the availability. The University of Bologna has adopted another line and the majority voted not to withdraw immediately available, ma di aspettare la conclusione dell’iter della legge, visto che c’è una protesta in atto, e di vedere la risposta del governo. Abbiamo deciso così in maniera più che ottimistica, pensando che se il governo risponde in maniera positiva alle nostre proteste e si giunge ad un accordo, i corsi sono comunque stati attivati e gli studenti potranno usufruirne (cosa impossibile se avessimo optato per il ritiro immediato della disponibilità). Il messaggio che vogliamo far passare è: noi vogliamo il dialogo e, se ci ascolterete, andremo avanti normalmente con la didattica. Se poi non dovesse essere così, allora all’inizio del nuovo anno accademico, nel momento in cui i corsi dovranno partire, questi verranno fatti tacere per l’indisponibilità dei ricercatori, e forse questa modalità di protesta può risultare ancora più forte. Come forma di dissenso è l’unica per farsi sentire, perché il resto del lavoro del ricercatore è un lavoro che non ha un impatto immediato, diretto sulla popolazione, per cui , ad esempio, se io non vado in laboratorio a fare ricerca, creo un diretto disagio a pochi. Lo scopo è anche quello di dimostrare che senza i ricercatori l’università italiana non può funzionare, salta tutto il sistema, condizione che non dovrebbe esistere perché esistono delle figure preposte alla didattica, e diventa paradossale che poi proprio il ricercatore che svolge quel ruolo venga privato della possibilità to become a professor.

Researchers have put forward proposals which Bologna? We

researchers in Bologna, in front of a decree that puts low our role, does not recognize the work actually done a long time (and presumably will continue to be held in the coming years) in teaching, we exclude from the commission contests and the representation in university bodies, to defend the dignity of research and academic figure of the researcher, we want to highlight these critical issues: 1) despite the amended text of the bill provides a path for researchers at the same time limit and the new Figures of researchers term in the recruitment procedure for associate professors, facing potentially conflicting situations at the time of direct calls, which is expected to give priority to temporary research in order to prevent its escape from the university, 2) the decree is binding on the resources origin of the candidates, dividing them into shares reserved for the staff to the University and shares reserved for outside staff, to approach us unfair and unjustified, because the criteria used in selection procedures should be based solely on assessments, 3) also furthering the objective of reform at no cost, there are the economic resources necessary to ensure that all i ricercatori, in tempi accettabili e a ritmi certi, il diritto ad essere valutati, permettendo ai meritevoli il passaggio di ruolo; 4) infine, i nuovi meccanismi proposti nel DDL portano a significative riduzioni stipendiali per i ricercatori a tempo indeterminato.

Dopo aver sentito il parere dei ricercatori confermati, veniamo invitati in laboratorio dove ci aspettano Matteo Amelia, assegnista di ricerca, e Monica Semeraro, dottoranda. Vogliamo conoscere anche il loro punto di vista su questo decreto.

Le proteste nei confronti del DDL Gelmini sono portate avanti soprattutto dai ricercatori confermati per i motivi di cui abbiamo parlato prima. Quanto a voi precari, invece, ritenete che questo decreto will produce improvements in your situation?

If we look at our situation, probably not much different: zero expectations we had before, so many we have now. The thing, however, in our opinion the current situation is serious, that will increase the years of insecurity. If before, in fact, he spent 8 years in doctoral and research fellowships, with the decree, through the introduction of fixed-term contracts of three years renewable + 3, you get to almost 13 years of insecurity, after which you can be sent safely at home. There is no warranty with this law because they are not invested resources, which in fact should always be decreasing. Riformare un sistema può andare anche bene, l’università va certo riformata, ma con questo decreto l’università non diventa meritocratica, come si vuol far credere. Attualmente il merito è solo “sulla carta”, in quanto spesso i concorsi non sono rigidi, ma dopo questo decreto la qualità e il valore degli studiosi sarà considerato ancor meno! Basti pensare al fatto che, per ottenere l’abilitazione a professore di seconda fascia, non viene effettuata alcuna valutazione comparativa; inoltre ci sarà la chiamata diretta da parte delle facoltà… ripeto, è vero che i concorsi per come si svolgono ora non si basano sempre sul merito, ma con la chiamata diretta sarà completamente impossibile! Indeed, in some way legalizes the bad habit that is there now. We believe that the competition serves, but that should be regulated even more because now there are no objective criteria of assessment. Instead, there are those who say "we look abroad, where there is a direct call", but probably in Italy we do not have the "culture" to act in this manner. Abroad is, yes, as the direct call mode of recruitment, but scholars are more experienced than the Italians, and studying with different people in different places, so they have to face many realities. In Italy, however, you need to graduate, being a doctor research, make the check and the researcher with the same professor, in the same place, even if you go away, you risk your place, but when the accumulated experience should be a different value. In this way there can be no meritocracy, but only allegiance. With regard to the protest of the researchers, we believe that nonsense you want to make temporary, precarious, a role that is crucial within the university, which is excellent for long-term. In addition, the researcher should enter an age when science is more productive, where they can spend more time at work and should be quiet to do their work, which is already difficult time, it will be even more after this reform.

is paradoxical, but, once introduced the figure of the researcher fixed term, the precarious workers in the call like you could compete directly with researchers.

fact we could even pass in front of them. This will create enormous friction and difficult situation from a human point of view between people who have worked together for years, in this research work, which should be a team effort and strong collaboration, is deleterious. Not to mention the issue of funding for these contracts, it is looks very dark in the current text of the law.

But you might say - especially to students of science - "Surely you will find in Italy working in private companies that are also in research."

The question is not so simple, because the search is made in Italy for the vast majority in the university, companies that make very few, some have recently closed important, therefore outside the 'academic fit for qualified people is difficult. Indeed, for a job (not a researcher) in a company of our sector, to a person entitled and qualified (with doctorate, overseas experience and research experience) is a recent graduate preferred because it can be classified in a lower profile. In short, our expertise gained from years of study, research, and many sacrifices can not be recycled.

Coming back to the resources to invest in research, one gets the impression that the common thread that runs through the text of the law is that everything must be done at no cost to public finances.

is so for decades, any reform or law concerning the university was done following this principle. This government is working with particular zeal of bleeding in the operation of research and education in general, but the problem is that other governments have not implemented strong policies and funding toward the university. Then you must consider this too: as we speak to give resources to the centers of excellence, we must see under what criteria the university is evaluated. If the number of graduates becomes an important criterion for evaluating the quality of a university and, therefore, also to get funds, then the step to "diplomificio" is very short. It is precisely the quality of basic education that, in our opinion, is currently at levels much higher than abroad. We have also studied in the United States and found that, with regard to basic training, we were at a higher level. The Italian researchers, despite everything, are good because they can do their jobs and put more passion in spite of all difficulties, whereas abroad have not only the means, but they can also invest their time into something that surely will get, are still paid even when they are much more precarious than we do and, in general, have more consideration. To give perspective, therefore, must be given more resources at the university. It is true that there are many wasteful, but should be identified carefully and, above all, the university must listen to people who work there, it is a reality too complex, from the outside you can not have a correct perception. We feel underpaid, but we must admit that there are people that the university is paid for what he does all too. Perhaps the first thing you have to hit those situations that are obvious to all: the teacher that there has never received or did not do the teaching hours that should the lawyer or the doctor who carries out the assignment in parallel university the profession. But this criticism should not even come from outside but from persone che fanno il proprio lavoro che sono già all’interno dell’università. Evidentemente non c’è questa volontà. Noi che siamo in una situazione precaria possiamo solo esprimere il nostro dissenso, ma ci sarebbe bisogno di qualcuno che agisse efficacemente. Purtroppo piace mantenere questa condizione di subordinazione, di sudditanza psicologica; i docenti non dovrebbero esercitare alcun potere, ma se lo sono creati nel tempo e non vogliono perderlo, perciò è difficile che una riforma parta dall’interno dell’università perché proprio coloro che avrebbero il potere, i mezzi per cambiare le cose, non vogliono perdere questa situazione di privilegio che si sono creata col tempo. Dispiace, poi, see that when it comes to public universities, the discussion given to persons who do not know all this world, that there are in, both from a political party or the other. Only the insiders can understand and make people understand the real situation, because it is a world so complex, that on paper works in a way, but in practice in another, that if there are inside you struggling to understand the mechanisms.

After more than an hour in conversations, the researchers let it go to their work. In concluding the report of this interview, we like to emphasize that the reference salary was in the statements of those interviewed, almost marginal, frequency inversely proportional to the expression "no new or higher charges for public finance" that marks each article of this decree.

Interview by Emanuela De Luca and M. Bijoy Trentin

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Anyone Knows About Pityriasis Rosea

I do not know who they are

I do not know who I am, I do not know who they are. I do not know, I'm not. I'm me. I am I? Not me. I do not know who I am. I do not know who I am. I do not know who I am. I do not know who I am. Decommissioning of identity. You try to be different and, in re-say, in the de-finirsi and re-write, they end up repeating the same phrase, the same phase. Declined to slow the decline, take time looking for, make it a (subsidy) comic version.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

A Fashionmodel Compare Normal

No, no glass!

Nooo, il vetro nooo!!!

Ogni discorso della notte s'interruppe,
rotto da inaspettata violenza primordiale.
Ogni incantato volo di sguardi fu ferito,
braccato dall'urgenza di tornare allo stridore del presente.

Nooo, il vetro nooo!!!

E per punirne l'ardito abuso d'ebbrezza, cominciarono a pestarlo con calci pugni e spintoni, mentre, al sentir urla feroci e bottiglie in frantumi, la piazza terrorizzata si svuotò repentinamente di corpi d'odori e di sorrisi.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Is It Possible To Catch Impetigo From Cats

Chamonix (Mont Blanc - France)

Con il caldo che fa durante l’estate non sognamo altro che un luogo fresco e rilassante dove passare le vacanze o semplicemente un week-end!

L’abbiamo trovato a Chamonix, un paesino francese sul Monte Bianco, ora grazie ai genitori di Andrea abbiamo un appartamentino che ci aspetta quando vogliamo, però prima che came this wonderful opportunity we rely on an agency ( Ciel et Logis ) renting apartments within a larger (as needed).

Staying ...

The prices are good throughout the year, especially for those who can wait and book last minute. We have done so for the last holiday of Ferragosto, paying only € 141.25 for a studio (13-20 August 2009), one must add the tax (1 € per day per person). We also recommend you bring your own bedding and clean their own room before leaving the apartment, thereby avoiding the additional costs in this regard.
The TV is not convenient, you can not see the Italian channels (especially the entry into force of the digital terrestrial).
Profit parking, pool. Not essential since it is relatively easy place nearby.

linen and towels
€ 14
Cleaning of Studio
€ 20
Cleaning a bedroom apartment
€ 30
€ 15
satellite TV
7 €

Il monolocale può ospitare fino a 3 persone, ci sono: 2 divani-letto ed un letto a scomparsa (2 nel caso dell’appartamento per 4 persone); angolo cottura e bagno con doccia e WC.

L’acqua del rubinetto è fresca ed assolutamente potabile, arriva direttamente dalla fonte. Lo stesso vale nei ristoranti, dove le caraffe d’acqua sono gratuite.

Walking ...

Walking the streets of the town is very nice it is full of various shops (especially in the main street). Do not miss the supermarkets and greengrocers, we recommend that you arrive to the market square where there is a fairly large supermarket and the best prices. At the entrance a small bakery, by the way: do not miss the baguette with butter and jam!

For those who do not want to walk, Chamonix offers a seeker free "Le Mulet" means a bus that runs continuously throughout the city, passes about every 15 minutes depending on the season and we have stopped for a bit 'everywhere!

Eating Out ...

The food is great, so that each restaurant has its merits. But we do have a favorite: The Poel, to list a variety of omelets (with 1, 2 or 3 ingredients of your choice), many regional dishes and the most delicious pizza! Who wants a full meal can choose the menu, saving a little something.

Sport and excursion ...

Obviously the ski season never ends, but for those who do not like skiing or climbing there are plenty of other opportunities!
addition to all the sports you can enjoy (golf, swimming, ice skating, hiking, mountain biking, etc..) Excursions are a great way to enjoy Chamonix and its surroundings.
- Aguillar du Midi : Mont Blanc, which can be reached by cable car (the highest in Europe). From there you can take another cable car and descend to Courmayeur on the Italian side. Needless to say, the view is breathtaking.
- La mer de glace : a little red leads to the largest glacier in Europe, from there (with cable) you reach a cave carved into the ice.
- Dam of Emosson : you can reach by car or a train (which you "climb" up on the slope) and un'ovovia.
- Although we have not seen it all, we expect many other interesting places, including: Lake Annecy , Saint Gervais and Black and White Lakes

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Macrame Bottle Holder

Prague ...

Here we are with our first diary:

29 May to 2 June 2010

6:00 Departure from Verona, Highway and on up to Regensburg (Germany) for lunch.
the border with Austria you have to stop to buy the sticker (or Vignette ) in order to travel on highways or expressways in Austria. Calcolcale € 16 more (you pay the outward and return) for the Europa Bridge.

arrive in Regensburg leave your car in a car park close to the center and head towards the river, in search of the restaurant " Wurstkuchl "where you must try the schweinsbratwurstl (thin sausage from the sausage-like taste) the most satisfying of all of Germany!

However, people like me who does not love or hot dogs or sausages can safely order something else. I ate schnitzel and potato salad with onion and cucumbers.

Before we go back to your car in the Cathedral, a splendid example of Gothic construction.

After lunch we resumed the journey toward Prague (remember to buy the "Coupon Autostrade") , where we arrived around 18:00.
to lodge ' Hotel City Centre, parking is a big commercial center, with a floor reserved for hotel guests.

At this point a note on the currency: The Czech crown (Kc).
€ 1 is approximately 25 Kc

leave the hotel a deposit of 20 € for the parking ticket, once they placed the car to go take the keys of the room. You pay in advance (cash, debit or credit card), we spent 6096 CZK (4376 CZK per room, 120 Kc for what we believe to be an 1600 Kc tax and parking).

Usually we rely on the agencies on-line only to find the hotel, who then contacted in person to save a little. This time, however, we found an excellent offer on the website www.hotel- , one of the many agencies of the Czech Republic, in fact we have been granted the money to pay for 3 nights instead 4.

The hotel has a lift, although the building is antiquated. Once in the room we were pleasantly surprised by its size, 1 double bed and 2 single beds (we had booked a double bed). The floor is completely covered with carpet. Overall, the room is very clean with a large bathroom.

Although it faces a street, it's quiet and no trouble sleeping. Another advantage is its proximity to the center and not least the friendly staff!

Walking around the town ...

walk you can reach pretty much every interesting area, but if you prefer to travel you can use convenient public transportation. In this regard, you can buy a ticket for a period of 24 h at a cost of 100 CZK (valid for metro, tram ed autobus).
Il trasporto&nbsp;pubblico è molto efficiente, quindi approfittatene tranquillamente, utili le cartine con evidenziati i percorsi (soprattutto per quanto riguarda la metropolitana).

Dove mangiare…

U Spirku : questo è il ristorante che abbiamo frequentato più spesso, l'atmosfera ricorda lo studio di un alchimista e, cosa più importante, ha un'ampia scelta di piatti tipici. Ottima la carne!
Il locale è in una vietta vicino all’orologio astronomico.

U Costella : pizzeria che vi trasporterà in un magico fondale marino. Pizze ottime, resta comunque la possibilità di ordinare cibo tradizionale, a questo proposito dovete assolutamente provare la zuppa di Goulash nel pane.
La pizzeria si trova vicino alla chiesa di San Nicola.

Master Steak & Pizza : here we tried the pasta and pizza, both excellent.
Near the Charles Bridge, offers you a relaxing atmosphere where you can eat comfortably.

Mlejnice : a door before the restaurant "U Spirku", this from the typical local farmer (we ate on an old sewing machine foot ) offers traditional food. I tried the trout wrapped in bacon.
Recommended by Routard also has reasonable prices (despite being a premium of 20% service charge, unlike the usual 10% of other spaces).

Pizza New : This pizzeria chain is part of the Environment, located opposite the hotel offers mediocre food, the pizza is absolutely not recommended.

Where to buy ...

Manufaktura : in addition to shops matryoshka has 2 of cosmetics, where we made the most of our purchases. Typical shampoo / shower gel / etc. beer.
You will also find fruit-flavored soap and more, all done strictly in Prague.

The rest is full of souvenir shops, mostly with the same items.
a look at prices before you buy, depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe city where you are can also change a few euro.

Se, invece, cercate quadri diffidate un po’ da tutti, molti cercano di spacciare stampe per acquerelli.
Noi abbiamo trovato un artista (Alex) lungo il ponte Karlo che ci ha consigliato di passare nella galleria dove lavora “ Art Gallery 11 ”. Ci sarebbe piaciuto molto (i quadri che aveva con sé erano stupendi), purtroppo non ce l’abbiamo fatta.

Cosa vedere…

Astronomical Clock : This attractive watch will give you (every hour from 9:00 to 21:00) during which a short performance figures moving on the sides and higher up, the 12 appear apostles.
Once finished it is worth climbing the tower (100 Kc) to have a wonderful view of Prague from the top. At the top you can also get to take pictures in period costume.

machine museum sex : The entrance fee is 250 Kc, 2 you can watch English films dating back to 1925 and of course various objects passing from within, chastity belts, male masturbation machines, etc. against.

Apart from these two visits to Prague payment has lots of churches here between the Hussite (near the astronomical clock) and in Piazza Castello . Also in the Jewish Quarter, you can visit several synagogues and Jewish cemetery.
Again, you will have the opportunity to take part in guided tours, some of them with audio-guides in Italian.

do not miss the view from the hill, if you want to walk remember to bring a bit 'of water. If you prefer to be comfortable not rely on the tram that takes you to the top where you can visit the Abbey of Strahov.

Here ends our visit to Prague, we're leaving with a promise to return!

At this point, our destination is Wattens , paese vicino ad Innsbruck.

Qui ci aspetta lo Swarovski Kristallwelten , un parco dedicato ai cristalli Swarovski, dove si trovano sculture di svariati artisti.
L'entrata costa 9,50 € e la visita dura circa un'ora: le creazioni sono tutte al coperto; c'è anche una parte esterna che però non abbiamo visitato causa pioggia.
emerge around the end of the shop where you can buy several items and received a refund of € 2 on the ticket. Beware though, if like me you intend to buy "components" Swarovski, you will be a bit 'disappointed, in fact have cost twice that of haberdashery.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

What Does A Thyroid Goitre Look Like

Us ...

Hello and welcome to our blog!
just returned from a trip to Prague, we decided to create this little corner for you to present our experiences ...
Hoping that you are useful and, last but not least, they are a pleasure to read ;-)