Saturday, November 20, 2010
Lamp Burned Out On Toshiba
"Universities, Research and Innovation
Investment in knowledge is strategic: school, university and research to build the future
The strong relationship between" SCHOOL / UNIVERSITY '/ SEARCH / innovation and territory 'is a key element of economic and human development which has the strategic framework as a basis for fair distribution of political and social cohesion.
The crisis is straining the concept of the development of Emilia Romagna, which ensured a long period of economic growth and widespread prosperity. To remain competitive and continue to produce wealth to an extent adeguata a consentire un’equa redistribuzione è necessario, ad ogni livello territoriale, investire in
ricerca, trasferimento tecnologico nella produzione, sviluppo del capitale umano.
Le politiche del Governo vanno in tutt’altra direzione; i tagli generalizzati producono un effetto depressivo su ogni settore dell’economia e non indicano alcun percorso per l’uscita dalla crisi. Contrariamente ad altri Paesi che, nel quadro di manovre severe, hanno comunque continuato ad investire nel sistema dell’istruzione e della
ricerca, in Italia si è disinvestito massicciamente proprio su scuola, università e ricerca. Si tratta di una scelta grave ed iniqua perché blocca la mobilità sociale, produce ulteriori diseguaglianze aggravando la condizione economica e sociale del Paese, la cui competitività viene pericolosamente compromessa.
Per il Partito Democratico l’investimento nel Sapere è irrinunciabile in quando base fondamentale della crescita umana e sociale degli individui e delle comunità in cui operano.
Senza Conoscenza non c’è Libertà e senza Libertà non c’è Democrazia.
Nell’economia globalizzata se non si investe sui Saperi si finisce per trovarsi a competere nella fascia bassa
del mercato, con paesi che hanno mercati del lavoro meno garantiti e su produzioni mature ed a minore valore
aggiunto. La sfida potrà essere vinta se si sapranno tenere insieme sapere, conoscenza, social and technological innovation and research. The impact of the cuts
The devastating impact of the cuts is not known to most of the electorate, and it should be remembered chiefly as a centralist policy of the Government, in spite of the proclamations and with the support of the federalist Northern League, has hit the public system of education and science and technology, and with them our future.
1. Cut 8 billion in resources to the school three years, corresponding to fewer hours, fewer training opportunities, less discipline, less laboratory work, zero € for educational innovation and teacher training. Have separated the paths of education without ensuring that all children within the compulsory age, knowledge and skills needed to deal with the right tools to adulthood. E 'has been calculated that due to cuts just introduced to each child or child who enters primary school today, at the end of compulsory schooling will be removed from 63 weeks of education, almost two years younger than school.
2. Italy committed only 0.8 of GDP in education and research, compared to 2.2 in France, 3.5
Japan and 3.7% in Finland, with the cuts foreseen in the law of stability course approval
our country falls to 0.65% of trend GDP.
3. The cuts of the Finance Act 244/2008 has caused a drastic reduction in the Ordinary Financing Fund (FFO), which is the main source of livelihood University pubblica1: 7.485 billion euros in 2009
7.206 billion euros in 2010 (-3.73%)
6.13 billion euros in 2011 ( -18.10%)
6.052 billion euros in 2012 (-19.14%)
Moreover, the Ministry has not yet paid to the universities FFO of 2010, thereby preventing the closure of the budget for this year and planned expenditures for 2011
. A very serious gesture that makes the university ungovernable.
The 2011 appropriation is insufficient even to cover only the cost of staff in most universities, including the "virtuous", and thus lack all the resources for teaching and laboratories.
With the maxi-amendment to the law of its stability in recent days is reintegrated in the FFO € 800 million in 2011, but since the original cut was 1.076 billion is still a negative balance of 276 million and is forecasting a collapse in the appropriations 2012.
For the next year are also provided:
Academic Staff Role in sharp decline in turnover Block
Fewer scholarships
In 2009, France has instead allocated additional resources to the education system of at 1% of GDP and Germany has increased funding to support research by 8%.
Il PD ha proposto invece il pieno reintegro del FFO da finanziarsi con la tassazione delle rendite
finanziarie e di utilizzare le risorse derivanti dalla vendita delle frequenze del digitale per un piano investimenti finalizzato a potenziare la ricerca scientifica, a migliorare le sedi e le strutture didattiche e a sostenere la proiezione internazionale dei nostri atenei.
4. I fondi PRIN che finanziano progetti di ricerca sono diminuiti costantemente e nel decennio si sono più che dimezzati in valore reale. Si spendono complessivamente per la ricerca delle università italiane circa 80 milioni di euro, meno di quanto si è speso per incentivare i decoder della televisione.
5. Il Ministero ha ridotto in modo sostanziale anche il fondo ordinario for 2011 to the Research Institutes (CNR, INAF, INFN, ASI, etc...) The cut further compared to 2010 is 95 million, confirmed after the maxi-amendment, it is untenable for most of the research institutes that have no margin for investment in addition to the fixed costs of personnel and the operation is highly detrimental to the entities have a significant fraction of the budget devoted to 'trial and investment in research infrastructure.
6. The stability law for 2011 provides for a cut of 85% (!!!) scholarships for university students. The maxi-amendment restores 100 million, leaving essentially unchanged the current situation, which still leaves no Scholarship for lack of funds, tens of thousands of students. The mere fact that we were able to think of a cut of this size will witness a fiercely punitive class who, in violation of constitutional provisions, is available in the future to cut thousands of talented and deserving young people without financial resources, preventing further social mobility. The Emilia Romagna, integrating their own resources ministerial assignments, has so far secured a scholarship to 100% of those eligible, on the other hand is facing dramatic
with the size of the cut made by the government transfers to local authorities .
This list, although not exhaustive, illustrates a vindictive fury towards the knowledge and research, strategic factors in the economic and social development of the country, which must be denounced and combated with full force.
Policies for the development of communities and territories.
The presence of a regional network of high schools, universities and research institutions is of strategic importance to every local community of our region.
E 'requires that local administrators are aware of as it is important that the network is usable, accessible and attentive to the demands and stresses from different geographical areas.
out of the crisis can not be made by applying traditional recipes, the production system will become significantly if it wants to remain competitive and to grow, if the community will look at the world with a strategic look, without closing illusory self-sufficient in local content, and if they can make better use of opportunities offered by the regional network of facilities for education and research, which,
given the scarcity of available resources, will increasingly work in an integrated way, through agreements and territorial levels of programming, to avoid wastage of resources and increasing specialization.
1. Investing in human capital is built
future if you prepare a ruling class, capable of strategic thinking and good administration. It is therefore necessary to invest in human capital, promote access to education, to promote the talents and reward merits. In this female skills and talents can provide resources vital to invest with active policies in order to overcome delays obviously anachronistic and harmful to economic growth and social advancement.
Actions: Poli
Strengthen Technical and Technological and Scientific promoting Technical Education in the individual territories (municipal, provincial, but also inter-municipal and inter-) agreements involving local technical institutes, universities and research institutes, companies land ed altre istituzioni di rilievo delle comunità. Solo mettendo in rete tutti questi attori si potranno condividere le priorità e far convergere le risorse su progetti mirati di specifica utilità per il territorio di riferimento. I tempi che viviamo impongono questa collaborazione ed il recupero di una logica mutualistica di comunità.
Un simile approccio deve essere orientato a sfruttare il potenziale esistente ed a favorire l’emersione di progetti, anche sovra territoriali, senza preordinare temi specifici e valorizzando anche il potenziale dei progetti di tipo umanistico in campo artistico, culturale e turistico.
Potenziare il lavoro ad alta qualificazione tecnico scientifica in un’alleanza strategica con il sistema dell’Università and research.
Local communities must take steps to use the opportunities offered by the Regional Network of higher education to promote the growth of its citizens.
The Regional Network is committed to developing and attracting talent through: • a widespread
doctorates in business (international);
• Start a program of contracts for collaborative research contacts;
• a program of alternating University -enterprise (shortening the period of stay in the path of one study);
• a system of alternating-integration work-study during the whole of life;
• development of models qualified skilled production company as a place of knowledge and advanced training programs related to R &D; •
models qualified industrial orientation towards technical training on international standards;
SPINNER • strengthening of the Program in partnership with companies and foundations
2 . Work for projects and technology transfer
The pace of change must be approached with a strong ability to "appeal" of capital, knowledge, talents and politics: a gravitational pull strong, which must be based on quality, identity, mass criticism, and great capacity for innovation in knowledge, technology organization.
will be crucial to the ability to access large reservoirs of global spending, which grants the seventh European Framework Programme, the competition will be strong so it is essential to a coordinated system of our regional university and research bodies (EPR) , to reach the critical mass essential for access to large invitations to compete in international projects and the attractiveness.
In this context, the University and the EPR of our region must work together, providing for mobility of university teachers and students, in order to internationalize the departments and to adjust the size of research units: the cuts made by the Government may undermine this necessary and strategic process.
strengthen the economy and artistic creativity.
of a productive innovation brought to its knees by the crisis takes place not only with cold technological or economic instruments.
Creativity is also a basic element of industrial production processes. Before the production is creativity. Before companies is people. Before the technology parks are the places the invention of youth. We want that innovation is part of a shared social location.
To revive our manufacturing base we must first raise the creativity of young people of our city. Our territory has a secular literary and artistic vocation and has a historical and artistic heritage that is unmatched in the world. Local communities should be aware of the enormous human and cultural potential they have. We want to get out of this crisis with a new creative generation that looks to the future with confidence.
leveraging the network of universities, conservatories, academies of fine arts, museums and local art and music schools local governments can implement interventions designed to stimulate innovative approaches to promotion, preservation and enjoyment of our common historical and artistic heritage,
becoming the stars of a new innovation that will stimulate demand for new forms of tourism.
Si dovrà agganciare e stimolare il tessuto di industrie artistiche e creative già diffuse ed operanti nel nostro territorio, favorendo lo sviluppo di reti come il Romagna Creative District e guidando la realizzazione di parchi artistici ed incubatori creativi, a completamento di quelli scientifici e tecnologici, che possano innovare nei servizi di comunicazione per le imprese pubbliche e private e sviluppare una nuova economia artistica e della creatività.
Per un sistema produttivo locale più competitivo diffondere il trasferimento tecnologico
Sui Tecnopoli si gioca molta parte della futura competitività del nostro sistema territoriale e quindi occorre lo sforzo massimo di tutte le Università, IPR e dei gruppi di ricerca coinvolti ed una accelerazione, poiché la congiuntura che viviamo impone di fare subito il massimo sforzo di supporto all’innovazione ed alla produttività delle nostre imprese. In tal senso si può valutare anche un’eventuale una riduzione dei fondi destinati agli investimenti in strutture immobiliari (che potrebbero essere comunque effettuati utilizzando forme di
partenariato pubblico privato) per liberare risorse da destinare ad un maggiore investimento in relazioni, ricerca di base ed applicazioni.
Bisogna promuovere in un vero a proprio piano di marketing della ricerca emiliano romagnola prodotta dai Tecnopoli e dalla Rete dell’Alta Tecnologia e rendere fruibile il trasferimento tecnologico su tutto il territorio regional level, including through the figure of the broker of innovation.
Equally important to the development of our communities will be the ability to make the most in all municipalities, including the most decentralized of the opportunities offered by the regional network Lepida and adopt common services to a network of incubators that can settle on these territories and also spin off and support innovative projects linked to the economy of the territory.
Innovation has become a very strategic factor in agriculture. The agri-food sector in Emilia-Romagna is increasingly oriented toward the differentiation of its products, obtained by focusing on the quality and typicality of productions.
To remain competitive, we need interventions designed to foster innovation, able to overcome the structural weaknesses that mark (small businesses, entrepreneurs, senior citizens, a problem connecting with the research). The relationship with the University is therefore essential for a competitive agricultural sector with focus on environmental sustainability, which attracts the young and to innovate in
stages of production, distribution and promotion of their products.
In this case, the role of the region and the link provided by local authorities is crucial, as the national response is very incisive and constantly decreasing. In particular, is necessary to aggregate demand for innovation, the different food chains in this region by organizing modern consulting services and training, able to grasp the needs with professionalism and dynamism of the world
actual production.
3. Defending the right to study
The PD considers strategic investment in education and in the knowledge and consistently committed to promoting access to school and University of the individuals in the interests of their human and cultural growth and economic development and Civilian Community.
policies right to study are therefore of great importance. The cuts will affect government on scholarships, transport and mobility of students and all other aspects of student welfare in other countries that make up one of the key elements of the attractiveness and competitiveness of a university system.
Each local community must strive to consider strategic investments and efforts on their young, despite the scarcity of dates, to ensure that no talent is wasted, that no boy or girl decides not to study for lack of resources.
The Democratic Party intends to defend the constitutional principles on the Right to Education, seeking alliances with agencies and local institutions to mobilize funds and innovative and integrated services (housing social, student mobility, the guarantee fund for young people, etc..) and claiming the full implementation of Title V, rejecting any incursions centralist matter (from what was envisaged in the DDL Gelmini).
Ten Technopole, where physical infrastructure are the research laboratories will be able to settle and organize themselves to work with business, fielding 234 million investment of which 130 come from regional contributions, 90 from universities and centers Research, 14 local authorities that contribute to provide areas and facilities.
The infrastructure investment is 68 million euro, 54 million will go instead to the scientific equipment and 112 million euro for contracts of new researchers. In all
160 000 square meters of areas dedicated to industrial research, university campuses such as scientific or areas of Parma and Modena and reclassified as industrial sites in Bologna, Ravenna, Faenza, Forlì-Cesena, Rimini, Spilamberto, Vignola, Reggio Emilia , Piacenza. 46 research laboratories to work and 7 centers for innovation.
Researchers involved in the program are permanently about 2000, including about 520 with new contracts or research grants. The rest is represented by researchers and professors in universities or existing research institutes.
are involved in this program the University of Bologna, with the poles Romagna Cesena, Rimini, Ravenna and Forlì, Modena and Reggio Emilia, Ferrara and Parma, and the Catholic University of Milan, based in Piacenza, CNR, ENEA, Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute and other bodies research. They are also involved local authorities, in particular provinces, provincial capitals and municipalities, often with significant operations in terms of urban regeneration.
The Regional Network of the High Technology, is organized on 46 laboratory facilities for research, each with standalone configuration in terms of legal and / or organizational and scientific, and interconnected network through the coordination work with asterisk in platform issues that are aggregated: the high-tech mechanical and new advanced materials, agribusiness, construction, life sciences, energy and environment, ICT and multimedia design.
In addition there are seven centers for innovation already in the Network, for a total of 53 complex structures.
We therefore have a large amount of technical and scientific expertise, facilities and facilities for the regional production system, especially against the main production specializations that characterize it, in order to shift "from manufacturing districts to technology clusters."
Edited by PD Emilia-Romagna (November 2010)
Friday, November 5, 2010
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