Non si sta molto comodi nell'esilio forzato della volontà. Si respira appena, si avanza sotto mentite spoglie e, qual pena, fa male il cuore soprattutto. Dormivo in una fossa stanotte, mi rigiravo di continuo per trovare la mia condizione per peristalsi intestinale del masticato e triturato tempo che ci precede. Indigesto oppure ben assimilato. Deglutito a fatica. Singhiozzando o emettendo imprecisate peripezie giugulari.. La mia cognizione. I geniacci e gli angeli si fanno male facilmente. Tra fuochi d'artificio della memoria e un vomitar sospinto e ripetuto delle tossine in esubero, fuggendo il dolo del sentenziare postumo.
Pance torticollis futurists bursts centenary non-paying resident and grinning half-asleep on the chair. Joints catchy initiations ammunition operations masters balls.
certain vision accompanied by delusions, discarded like candy to let loose on the palate long before they lead you to unusual aspects, those which are directed from the tomb of the real.
And how do you pretending to be healthy with a vengeance (COG) nomen omen of this magnitude on the shoulders?
windbag partly skilled and very vain, in a check of a ball and chain that coincides with itself. [As if it were a simple thing to vanish any attempt, from emotional carnage in marshes of today desaparesido]
will say: escaping from bail, paid for their misbehavior head of this whole earth. Helped him in many ways to use their own in this final boss, teasing him, pins ideas from the brain, drained and kept a wash every now and then.
They will say he paid with empty pocket to be happy. He did not wear a pilgrimage too wealthy in times of discounts and seasonal change of wardrobe, and platoon. He had not even time to remember his name, but it was what he wanted. I'll never see me again. I do not ever acknowledge. Do not ever confess to myself that I was not there when he was at the source of the unjust alike.
Re-cognition is the action carried out over the front line to gain military information relating to the enemy. [But here is the internal front and the enemy less]
Given the bad habit, even in times when the spectrum of the poet terrified chickens, the port of dementia would not be so bad. In this merdaio in which we must take care not to come to your senses to the ratings.
Where are we then if not to show and show as stigmata still the shortcomings of this condition, with our poor words, our eyes with minimal means and interludes to the company. In our deposition. Sooner or later will lay down their arms and claws, let us do the Carnival of the power part of the mad or the duct. Doctors call it the most abused our bodily conduit. Blast you that the sky is gone. The thrill will be to deal and leave them open. Wide open for any eventuality, as will those who count limit and who is only counted. Easier to predict who, granted, contact the police and put in all alarms, attention, most citizens do not open your doors, anzi stringete e digrignate i denti, dimostratevi vincenti, allontanate questi poco dignitosi artistoidi malviventi.
Ed eccoci. Rieccoci. Avvertiti e ricchi d'eco. Sempre e ancora tanto riconoscenti quanto irriconoscibili al variare dei campi di gravitazione, all'infrangersi delle regole dell'attrazione, in comunione alcolica, per quell'attimo di delizia che precede strazi e stragi, strani casi e morti passaggi.
Ognuno ha le sue triste buone o cattive ragioni. Almeno tu nell'universo. Nel mio verso. No, nemmeno tu.
Vedo che ora siete affaticati, così tanto ai deliri impreparati. Così a lungo non riesco a seguirmi either.
If the world turns it should not change? They will return from the fierce invalids warm seas and a wealth of communion nell'extrema say that this monstrous B we deserve it, as if to wish the shit he sacrificed flesh and blood.
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