Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Monica Roccaforte Chomikuj

demonstrations in defense of the public school

The Committee for the defense of public school in Brescia

parents, students and school workers to participate

WEDNESDAY October 29
in the national in all the squares at the same time to vote in the Senate DL Gelmini.



a demonstration school for the withdrawal of the decrees Gelmini-Tremonti.

supports and will join the parade of students who start at 9:00 am

from Piazza Garibaldi.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Converse White Gym Bag

Projection "Nazirock" on Ghedi (BS)

The Anti-Fascist Coordination of Lower Bresciana invites you to the screening of Nazirock "documentary film on the new right, which has created much Scalora in ' last year.
followed by a debate the new Nazism and fascism that is invading our country, including Gedi, where a few months ago have tried to open a center for the extreme right. You are all invited
WEDNESDAY 'October 29, at 20:30, Council Chamber at Ghedi (BS).

the entire event is self-financed by the Anti-Fascist Coordination of Lower Bresciana
site: http://antifa-bassabs.blogspot.com/
e-mail: @ gmail.com antifa.bassabs

Thursday, October 16, 2008

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excessive nationalism

yesterday I turned on tv. I see a report about a famous brand of coffee that has decided to make a calendar with Italian models and Italian landscapes, to enhance the quality of Italy.
think "but then sell abroad their coffee?" and change the news channel ... talk about a proposal from the League to do classes for migrants ... just say it with such calm that comes vomiting. as if it were a normal thing, like a story like many others ... no one seems to realize that they are returning to the racial laws of fascism.
spare channel ... oh play Italy tonight! the stadium is packed for the game ... the public support of the national players with choirs e. .. ... fascist incitement? I heard right? choirs will be fascists! as if now "Italy" was a synonym for "fascism" ...
And so it went.
nationalism is brought increasingly to the extreme ... it is strange to think that most of the Italian people votato per un partito che vuole dividere l’Italia, e allo stesso tempo è estremamente nazionalista.
Fino a pochi anni fa il nemico numero uno per l’italiano, o meglio, per il padano, era il meridionale. Non ci possiamo dimenticare quegli slogan pieni di ideali e cultura inneggianti alla supremazia del polentone sul terrone. Slogan di una profondità morale tale che tutti gli acculturati nordici seguivano questo illustre pensiero. Ora la “lotta al terrone” non c’è più, è molto piu’ comodo (e si prendono piu’ voti!) estendere l’odio a tutta l’Italia contro…l’americano che occupa il nostro territorio con le sue bombe atomiche?NOO!...contro i giapponesi che come to take pictures of our cities? obvious that NO, against the French? the Germans? the British? noo ... against Africans! why? with Africa because we have no interest, we do not care nothing of Africa or in part Sharm Djerba .
I do not believe it's a matter of skin color, since many Africans are far more 'light of some Italians!
There is no real reason why you must hate the stranger. All the reasons you can give are the result of ignorance and misinformation.
makes no sense to show an extreme nationalism, when we Italians are not the first to respect our country: we do not respect the laws, I forget 'the ideals they died for our grandparents, do not we love and continue to govern us by a thug! Shudder when abroad give us the mafia, but we hide when it comes to denounce an injustice. We went after the migrants, without thinking that a few decades ago we were migrants. We are curious about the territories, from food, from foreign cultures, and we spend a lot of money on restaurants, travel agencies, ethnic clothing .... But then reject the idea that other cultures can live on our territory. One would then make a speech on the endless pseudo-Catholics who have seen the church right on the day of confirmation, but they fight on the front lines x defense against the Catholic religion Muslims of those bad guys!
extreme nationalism, which we see everywhere, especially in recent months (who knows, maybe the government has something to do??) Is hypocritical, bogus and hides something that goes beyond love for our country lies intolerance, inequality , racism, fear and above all, a general fear for the social and economic situation, the government directed towards migrants and foreigners.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Custom Rabbit Hutch Blue Prints

October 11 IN THE SQUARE! The government saves

a peace and disarmament in the face of all the risks of war.
Giving perspective to a European role to end the unilateralism of the Bush administration. End the occupation in Iraq and withdrawal of our military Afghanistan.

2 Defense wages and pensions wiped out by the high cost of living.

Faced with the scourge of "white killings" intensified controls and impose sanctions on companies. Defense contracts of employment from the attack of Confindustria.
Combating insecurity and illegal workers.

3 reject the attack on the public school, university, research and culture, the national health service.

4 Tackling men's violence against women,
recognizing the political value of fighting to the forms of patriarchal domination, and freedom of women's women.

5 Support the value of the secular state full citizenship and to recognize the demands of Gay Lesbian Trans Queer movements and those relating to the choice of their biological destiny.

6 Supporting
territorial disputes (No Tav, No Dal Molin, etc..), From environmental issues, health and common goods, first of all the water. Support the resumption of anti-nuclear movement and a new energy policy.

7 Tackling authoritarian temptations to deny or restrict civil liberties and democratic , from justice, communication and press freedom.

8 No to racism.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Lump On Side Of My Leg

Geronzi, Tanzi and Cragnotti

"Another?" Yes, another. And for this time? But Cesare Geronzi, the chairman of Mediobanca in court because of the hindrances crac Parmalat and Cirio. The works of more permanent ad personam, with the brand loyalty of the Berlusconi government, produces another, tucked into the folds of the law converting the Alitalia decree. Not if nobody notices, the opposition of course, when the Senate passed on October 2. Yet As has already written to the magistrates in the mailing list, it is of an "atomic bomb" intended to blow up not only to repeat the old process for fraudulent bankruptcy, but to block future.
Farewell to the processes Parmalat and Cirio. Tanzi and Cragnotti rescued. Safe-conduct for the former president of Capitalia Geronzi. Clean slate for minor scandals such as Giacomelli, the Eldo's Postalmarket. All thanks to Alitalia and the Ordinance of 28 August did it on purpose to avoid bankruptcy. Signed by Berlusconi, Tremonti, Scajola, Sacconi, Matteoli. Amended by the two speakers in the Senate, both of PDL, and Cicolani Pearson. Ready to be discussed and approved by the House next Tuesday without a shot beat the opposition.
(cut) that saves
Geronzi is constitutional is to be seen. Experts already see violated the principle of equality and that of reasonableness. The first because the rule leads to an obvious disparity in treatment between the poor Christian who does not have access to Marzano, fail, and end up on trial, and the great directors. The second because the prosecution only depends on the ability of the Commissioner to manage the company in crisis. If the save, save also the former administrator, if that fails, part of the process. We'll see if Berlusconi will go on defying even the Look. "(Liana Milella, Republic of 8 October)

what is happening in Italy is a shame. He and his team of criminals that the rich people are getting away with it ... it is true that what says the journalist of the Republic, there is an 'all ... opposition to the communists have always given him, but now that there is no communication there is 'OPPOSITION politicians .... make and unmake everything as they want it, the ad personam laws proliferate, the rich will steal more and more' and the poor will pay the interests of the powerful. and nobody says anything. I do not know if it's' shameful fascist government that's on, the opposition or with slices of salami on the eyes ...

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Touching Wedding Messenge

Tonight conference with the father of Carlo Giuliani


Friday, October 3, 2008, 20:30
Circolo Arci "La Meridiana" Hurricane Mella
at the House of the People "E. Natali," living "Dolores Abbiati


taken: Giuliano Giuliani (father of Charles)

Over della serata verrà proiettata la nuova edizione del video "Piazza Alimonda 20 luglio 2001" contenente materiale inedito ed informazioni relative ai più recenti sviluppi processuali

Acid Burning In Throat


Temp Disability In Texas

demonstration against the minister Gelmini


Il Decreto Legge 137 approvato dal governo ed il piano Programmatico collegato alla finanziaria rappresentano un pericoloso attacco alla scuola pubblica italiana (riconosciuta d’eccellenza a livello mondiale) che produrrà gravissimi danni a bambine e bambini, famiglie, personale docente e ATA.

In tutti gli ordini di Scuola: Aumento di 4-5 alunni per classe
Nella Scuola Child: That must be just round the morning session with a single teacher
Primary School (Primary): The return to single teacher to teach all subjects across the 5-year program. Reduction of weekly that lead to the disappearance of Modules and Full time.
In secondary school (Media): Reduction of weekly
In high school: Reduction of weekly, reduced from 5 to 4 years of the course.

Minister Gelmini has taken up the apron and decided to destroy the public school
• 7 billion and 800 million cuts of Education over the next four years
• closing schools with less than 500-600 students
• loss of 200,000 jobs

Saturday, October 4 H.9.15
churchyard of S.FAUSTINO-BRESCIA