Thursday, September 3, 2009

Salieri Free Online Movies

la storia di questi mesi...come tutto è cominciato!

tutto è cominciato un giorno di fine gennaio, mentre ero intento a prepararmi l esame di diritto commerciale, mia sorella mi fa presente che è uscito il bando Erasmus e conoscendo la mia ben nota fortuna mi consiglia di presentare la domanda. Essendo, però troppo impegnato nello studio e nel lavoro lei decide di presentare la domanda anche per conto mio.

si arriva cosi al 26 febbraio, giorno di convocazione per il colloquio (e relativo "esame" di inglese) con i docenti. una volta spiegato tutto l iter del colloquio e il conteggio dei punti per stilare la graduatoria, si comincia con il vero e proprio colloquio. ancora oggi mi chiedo come sia andato quel colloquio e quanti punti mi siano stati dati (so solo che il Prof. di inglese mi diede 10/ the rest is unknown).

March without spending all that moves a leaf out April 1 and the various lists, including that of law, are 24 to 42 seats available! obviously rejoice and leap for joy even though PRIOR believes me thinking about a "fish of April"! I have until 23 to decide the university where I go ... I put my personal ranking in the top of Zaragoza, then Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthen the two German universities Bonn and Münster, and Ciudad Real, Prague, Athens and all the others .. .

and that was how he arrived April 23, given that most important in my walk Erasmus. appointment office at 9.30 internationalization appeal to missing about 10 students, including 4 before me, so this makes me slip to 20th place, although this will prove to be useless then. enter the top 5 on the list and choose, then enter the other 5 (from 6th to 10th) and so on .. at last we come from the 16th to the end. the picture that promises to me is: zaragoza to an end, Barcelona did not want to renew the agreement for Spain, leaving only 5 places for Ciudad Real's other vacancies are for destination "non-English." as my usual, peaking and I decided to be faithful to my list and decided to follow the instinct more than reason, choosing and signing Münster, a city unknown to many, but not for me that I had already gone to do a lot of research! not to look like or wanted to be a hero (because the heroes are others) but I want to remember that after I c were 5 guys who knew each other and they wanted to go to Ciudad, so if I had chosen Ciudad is also detrimental to their group, so I decided to make a choice even a little bit selfless.

I never imagined that from that day my life would become even more stressful than it already was. It is noteworthy that in the history of my school no student has ever dared to go to Germany as Erasmus, so the teachers have found them all very happy idea that finally someone did not choose the usual Spain. Happy, excited enough to e. ..! at the end very few teachers who actually became available. but perhaps best not to touch these painful notes.

I ever I approached the German I had to also look for those who are willing to help me with the language, and on this I must thank the very heart of my German Professor of the Faculty, the fundamental pivot of my adventure, which gave me as well as extensive knowledge of German, even little knowledge of life, without neglecting the crucial help in completing the forms.

continuing with the narration should be remembered for the many adventures without inviara "famous" Appllication form in Germany, not just to simplify things, they call it "fur Zulassung im Antrag Rahmen des Erasmus-Programms". lo riesco comunque ad inviare entro tempo massimo; l ho inviato a metà maggio e termine ultimo era un mese dopo. devo sottolineare infatti, che grandi problemi con la modulistica da inviare in Germania non ne ho mai avuto, perchè in caso di difficoltà basta inviare un email al tedesco di competenza e lui spiega tutto (la maggior parte delle volte in inglese) e se può si fa anche carico di risolverti l eventuale problema.

parlando di problemi non si possono non citare i numerosi problemi incontrati con la mia facoltà e con i miei professori.
inviato l application form e ricevuta la conferma della loro ricezione mi sono mosso lungo due "sentieri" diversi; contemporaneamente ho fatto richiesta per the housing, and tried to fill in the Learning Agreement. I want to focus precisely on this last, because quadno I was told to compile it's not I said all the work that had to be done to get then to fill it!?! Learning the agr. is a module that must be completed with the exams that you intend to host at Univerity. that it seems really simple and in fact for those who have decided to go to Spain, it must have been very difficult. to get to score on an examination should go to LA on a professor to ask for permission to support their examination abroad (those who have chosen Spain can use the permits granted in previous years). to get to ask permission from the professor must be carried, as it should be, a program of examination "equivalent" means chje support, but to have the program you need to download the course catalog. course in May / June, the winter semester of the course catalog does not exist yet, so we need to go to "dig" that of the previous winter semester examination at the risk of finding that will not be resubmitted in successiovo academic year. It should be borne in mind that, unlike Italy, in Germany there is a high degree of flexibility between a half el not limited to: examinations in the winter semester are divided, are merged in the summer or vice versa, or just in one semester and there are in succesivi no! This has made it more difficult my search for "convert" program, also because in Münster, or perhaps in Germany, do not use programs such as our University, but then the individual professor, said the first day of classes and delivery of all topics which will. after a long search I was able to find programs that obviously were in need of translation. once implemented must be informed on time of receipt of the teacher, hoping that the day was a reception, talk, hope that the program was quite satisfying, make him sign the authorization, once repeated this practice with a couple of teachers (always in the hope not to meet any "hiccup", though in practice There has always been) could finally compile it signed by the LA professor promoter of agreement (and therefore learn to wait for the day of receipt) and in the last controfirmalo Erasmus-Coordinator at least my always-extremely available.
bearing in mind that in all this I still study for the German course, either because it was exam period, I realize that very day were crammed with stress ... Report
final delivery with the LA so compiled. - Einkommensteurrecht equivalent of dir. Tax: I will make my return to integration because the German is a question too specific. - I + Europarecht Vertiefung Europarecht equivalent of dir. European Union, even here I must integrate part of the program (Community) upon my return. I then a series of "unofficial agreements" in order to support: * advanced commercial law (corporate dir.) * public or private law compared (comparative legal systems) * further examination of the area economy. In order that these agreements remain only office I first present, or rather, send to my Home Professor program design (in case also signed by the German professor) indicating the real and full compatibility. the fact remains that only two exams birth ...

regarding the house, sent the request I replied with an email saying I would have done everything they know when you release a room in the three students who had indicated: Coerdehof , and Whilelmskamp Bismarckallee. after mid-July I received an email in which I warned that the September 1 was a free room in Whilelmskamp room, with sink, desk and wardrobe, kitchen and shared showers, with daily cleaning of common areas. I could also give it up but at the risk (albeit very low) then could not find another accommodation. in the mail asking me to make a bank transfer (made from the account of my mother, but stating my code and my room) with the first month of € 203.81 plus a deposit of 230 €. just before mid-August brought me back the copy of the contract countersigned by their and a series of papers, including the code of conduct, including the rules of which include some really "strange" such as damage from freezing will be debited to tenant ... even I have also sent a sheet with an explanation of the collection and the significance of the various bins! .. I'm just Germans!

I say that the purpose of my blog is not so much the narrative of my personal events, also because I think nobody cares. primary purpose is to understand through the story of what happens to me, like you live in an experience of its kind in this city. I would in fact that this blog has a key role for people like me, future, will "catapulted" into a similar experience! I will try not to underestimate it, but rather always take account also and above all the aspect "bureaucratic"! considering the scarcity (or near-total absence) of forums dealing with this beautiful city, I think this blog is the least ...

this blog, it takes inspiration from that of Charles, a boy really admirable and extremely available to me was very helpful. Charles was himself a "Erasmustudenten" to that of Münste, most importantly in the Faculty of Law, had it not been for him, and facebook, deed go with either 1 / 4 of the information I have! here is the link for those who want see also his blog dated blog more than mine, but also more informative!
give us a look is really very well done, then Carlo is really a boy so much!

from 2 October there will be a language course for Erasmus students, the day before there will be a test to identify the specific class, just as in the best tradition of language courses!
I was a little saddened when about two months ago I contacted the guys at Erasmus Betreuung (loving guys) asking about the language course in September. is a course that has always held the last years in September, but this year they told me that the course is not to be held .. lack of funds! crisis and the crisis has also hit a secular university!

details about my trip: turning round and round among the various airlines have decided to go with Air Berlin, the only company from Italy is Münster. I must point out that the airport is very Münster ski out of town (more than half an hour) and we all have discouraged me, but I still preferred this airport because for better or for worse, however, I am already in Münster. arrival on 9 tonight at 21, should I take the bus that brings me to hostel, the Sleep Station (pretty cheap), the next morning I will go out of my Hausmaster Mr. Ringkamp to collect the room keys. I do not think to succeed but in the days immediately after I have to go to university to give me the certificate of registration to one-Muenster and then go to the bank to open my bank xconto otherwise I can not do many things, including pay me the rent of the room. I will speak of this in due course ...

although I hope it will be difficult to updating this blog as soon as possible, I can not wait that make me attack the Internet in the room because it will pass at least a month!
soon ...

ps. still the guys who were with me what I ask the fateful April 23 because of this choice ... and continuing today not be answered! ;)

Friday, February 6, 2009

Macrame Wind Bottle Holder



E' nostro dovere impedire a chiunque di gettare fango sulla lotta di Liberazione e sui partigiani. Gli ideali e i valori della Resistenza e dell'antifascismo sono e devono rimanere un patrimonio indelebile della nostra storia, del nostro popolo e dell'intera umanità.

Un giorno sì e l'altro pure sui mezzi di disinformazione del regime neofascista e nel dibattito politico vengono riproposte alcune tematiche inerenti agli avvenimenti accaduti tra il 1943 e il 1945 nella Venezia-Giulia in Istria e in Slovenia. E ancora una volta a emergere come dato caratterizzante di quegli avvenimenti, è la questione delle foibe.

Non ci stupisce certo che proprio in questi tempi, segnati dalla volontà della borghesia e dei suoi politici in camicia nera di portare a compimento il processo di revisione e di riabilitazione del ventennio mussoliniano, di "pacificazione e riconciliazione nazionale'', di cancellazione della storia e dei valori dell'antifascismo a cui fa da contraltare lo sviluppo di una violenta campagna anticomunista, torni in auge la questione delle foibe, da sempre strumentale "cavallo di battaglia'' della propaganda fascista. E, come tale, hanno scelto di trattare questa questione astraendo sostanzialmente dal quadro storico che, a partire dalle cause che li hanno generati, segna lo sviluppo degli avvenimenti di quegli anni. Ciò che in buona sostanza si tenta di accreditare e contrabbandare as a general belief at the mass level is that the sinkholes are the direct expression of ferocity antiitaliana and that the "infoibati''are" martyrs''of a preordained ethnic extermination perpetrated by the resistance, by partisans and Communists of Yugoslavia.

Those that are at stake here are not the "human feelings'', but the historical and political responsibility for events at the origin of which are a distortion of the national identity of the Yugoslav people and their rights, the harassment that has been submitted imperialism, nationalism and fascism Italian first and, later, Nazi-Fascist aggression and occupation.

E 'is therefore necessary to expose the distortion of those events, to which they are queued up and which are compressed in time, all the institutional parties. We'll focus here on three essential aspects.

fascist policy in the Slav territories annexed to Italy at the end of World War I

The conclusion of World War I radically altered the political balance of international and redesigned the geographical boundaries of many nations.
The new geo-political scenarios arising from agreements and dictates that emerged from the peace conference opened in Paris, the palace of Versailles, January 18, 1919 and attended by representatives of twenty-seven states. Conference emerged from the new imperial ambitions, and with it, the contrasts between imperialist countries emerging and also defines the supremacy of the United States, France and England. Italy in particular, saw scaled its expansionist ambitions. Requests made in Paris by Prime Minister Orlando of certain articles under the secret Treaty of London established in 1915 (Trentino, Tyrol, vast areas of the Balkans, Anatolia and the African colonies), were opposed and called into question by Wilson, Clemenceau and Lloyd George. Orlando, which at first had left the conference, he returned to Paris by accepting as established by the three major powers.
By signing the peace treaty by Austria September 10, 1919 in the castle of Saint Germain, Italy went Trento, South Tyrol, Trieste and the southern part of the Slav territories. The non-annexation of all territories claimed he did grow up in Italy the arrogance of nationalism and led to rising fascism, September 12, 1919, in the bandit action of the handpiece, led by D'Annunzio employment of Rijeka (Fiume).
The solution to the territorial dispute between the Kingdom of Italy and the Kingdom of Serbs-Croats-Slovenes (called the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in 1929) occurred with the Treaty of Rapallo signed November 12, 1920. Italy saw the eastern boundary adjoining territories ethnically mixed Italian-Croatian and Italian-Slovenian (concentrated mainly in cities), but also areas containing a total population totally Slovenian approximately half a million people between Slovenes and Croats.
fascism to power in Italy meant for all national minorities in the country, the beginning of a violent campaign of discrimination and denial of basic rights and forced Italianization. And this year he found the more virulent its peak against the Slavic minority, against whom the regime appeared motivated by a deep dislike of racist contempt. The program of denationalization imposed by fascism led to the cancellation of all national institutions in Slovenia and Croatia, to ban the use of the Serbian-Croatian and Italian taxation as the only language in schools and public offices. Was implemented in the Italianization major cities in them with the transfer of the Italian population. In schools teachers were fired for speaking and there was a strong limitation to recruitment of employees in the Slovenian public offices. Missing every right to protect the identity slave, he even forced to Italianization of surnames. Even the Church hierarchy
Vatican agreed to this policy are removed from the bishops Slavs of Trieste and Gorizia and abolishing the use of Slovenian language in liturgical functions and catechesis.
Alongside the implementation of the program of denationalization, the black gangs had free reign to carry out their criminal activities. There was a trickle of attacks and destruction of sites of clubs and organizations slave and systematic attacks on people trying to oppose the policy of the regime or who expressed some dissatisfaction with it.
Opposition to Mussolini's policy was developed mainly in two directions: a kind of nationalist and irredentist, based on closed groups and even terrorist-style demonstration that the system used to try to justify repressive action all'inasprirsi; the other that, in addition to the preservation of national identity, made the case for enlargement and the roots of anti-fascist struggle of the working class and the masses of the various ethnic groups in those areas. The repression of the opposition
However, the regime was tough and was never able to "normalize''the situation in those territories. The Special Court began its nefarious work in that area in February 1927. And between 1927 and 1943, only Slovenia and Croatia against defendants There were one hundred and thirteen processes. The sentences were always very hard. Thirty-four were sentenced to death Slovene anti-fascist, while 581 others were inflicted a total of 5,418 years imprisonment. Among the victims of this ruthless crackdown, many were the communist militants.

L 'Nazi-fascist attack on Yugoslavia

dawn on April 6, 1941 Aviation Nazi Germany unleashed a violent bombardment of Belgrade, razing entire neighborhoods the city and killing about ten thousand people among the civilian population. Simultaneously in several parts of the country, troops of invasion by German, Italian, Bulgarian and Hungarian violated the borders of the Balkan state. Thus began the invasion of Nazi-Fascist occupation of Yugoslavia, according to the intentions of Hitler, was to lead to the dismemberment and disappearance of the kingdom of Yugoslavia as a nation. On 15 April the king and government fled to Greece to escape to England, and after only eleven days of fighting on April 17 the military representatives of Belgrade surrendered to General Von Weichs. The division of the Yugoslav territory between the occupants took the majority of Serbia and Slovenia under German control, Macedonia to Bulgaria and the area of \u200b\u200bNovi Sad Hungary.
Croatia was formally established as a independent kingdom. In reality, it created a puppet state with the Duke of Savoy Aimone appointed king and head of government assigned all'ustascia fascist Ante Pavelic. Italy received the southern part of Ljubljana and Slovenia, substantial part of the coast of Dalmatia and parts of Bosnia, Montenegro and Kosovo.
The Nazi-Fascist occupation broke out in Yugoslavia a virtual campaign of terror and oppression that he used also the contribution of collaborators, right-wing nationalist groups who took advantage of the situation to stir up and create a climate of bloody ethnic and religious hatred. Particularly were the brutal massacres committed by Pavelic's Ustasha against the people of Serb nationality and Orthodox religion in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina and those of the collaborationist Chetniks against the Catholic Croats.
In Venezia-Giulia and in the territories annexed by Italy after the invasion escalated further judicial and police repression, to which he added also that of the military departments. In December 1941, for example, after a ruling by the Special Court in Trieste were shot five members of the Slovenian Liberation Front, with fifty other defendants were inflicted 666 years in prison, while others do not even see the process because they died as a result of torture who underwent in carcere.
I reparti militari si dedicarono a sistematiche azioni contro i paesi e le popolazioni civili delle zone annesse.
Molti villaggi del retroterra delle province di Trieste, Gorizia e Rijeka (Fiume) vennero attaccati dai reparti militari, alcuni furono incendiati, migliaia di civili deportati, altri assassinati in esecuzioni sommarie e arrestati. I popoli della Jugoslavia pagarono con un altissimo tributo di sangue, circa un milione di morti, le nefande azioni degli invasori nazifascisti; mentre altre settecentomila furono le vittime della lotta di Liberazione e della guerra.
Se al regime di Belgrado mancò la volontà e la capacità di opporsi al nazifascismo, non così fu per il popolo jugoslavo. La classe operaia e le In fact, the masses were able to organize a strong and active resistance to the invaders that already began in the summer of 1941, immediately after Hitler's attack on the Soviet Union. It was a real war of the people whose army of men, women and young people in various parts of the country consists of about fifteen thousand fighters went at the beginning gradually to swell to just over eight hundred thousand units. A war of people who also knew how to develop, through the liberation struggle, the revolutionary process that led to the proclamation of 29 November 1945 by the Constituent Assembly, the People's Republic of Federal Yugoslavia. The main force in the organization and direction of the partisan movement and Resistance, especially after the betrayal by the military function nationalist Chetniks of General Mihailovic passed to the active collaboration was the Yugoslav Communist Party that was held in Zagreb in October 1940 its fifth conference during which he was elected the new CC and confirmed to Tito position of secretary general.
We have seen that the boundary established in the Treaty of Rapallo, Italy had annexed a territory inhabited by more than a quarter of the Slovenian population. The Slovenian and Italian bourgeoisie had acquiesced to one o'clock this solution by accepting the full legitimacy of the Italian law on those lands and the other to recognize the annexation to Italy to try to stem the advance of the revolutionary struggle in Slovenia. Radically different from this location were the sentiments of the working class and popular of the two countries, especially after the coming to power of fascism in Italy and implementation of the policy of denationalization fierce against the Slovenian population.
In April 1934 the Italian Communist Party, Slovenia and Austria signed a joint declaration on the question of Slovenia. It stated inter alia: "the violent partition of the Slovenian people between the two imperialist powers winners, Yugoslavia and Italy, which was carried out to Austria, leaving a fraction of the Slovenes, has meant that the territories Slovenia became the theater of national-revolutionary struggle of the masses of the Slovenian people, and at the same tempo, il campo dei più intensi intrighi e trame imperialistiche, strettamente collegate con la preparazione di una nuova guerra. Nel periodo del nuovo ciclo di guerre e di rivoluzioni, di cui siamo alla vigilia, la questione slovena può diventare, o una leva della rivoluzione degli operai e dei contadini, liberatrice dei popoli oppressi, oppure uno strumento della controrivoluzione imperialistica''.
La giusta soluzione del problema, indicata nella dichiarazione, stava nella proclamazione del diritto di autodecisione del popolo sloveno fino anche alla separazione dalla Jugoslavia, dall'Italia e dall'Austria; lo stesso diritto veniva peraltro riconosciuto agli italiani, ai croati ed ai tedeschi presenti in Slovenia. La lotta per l'unificazione of the Slovenian people through the right to self-determination must be related, it was emphasized in the declaration, the struggle against the bourgeoisie for the establishment of socialist power. "This bond - continues the statement - it is essential ... because the people of Slovenia will achieve their liberation and unification only through the revolutionary struggle under the leadership of the working class in alliance with the proletariat of the oppressor nation ... Only the fight common workers of the Slovene nation and ensure the success of the dominant nation, the victory over the enemy and the oppressor.''

E 'on this basis that the proletariat, the anti-fascists and communists Italians and Slovenes moved in years bui della tirannia fascista.

L'esplosione dell'odio popolare contro i criminali fascisti e i loro lacché dopo l'8 settembre '43

Quando l'8 settembre 1943 l'Italia firmava l'armistizio, vaste zone del Friuli, della Venezia-Giulia, della Slovenia e dell'Istria erano controllate dalle formazioni partigiane italiane, slovene e croate. Il disfacimento del regime portò allo sfaldamento degli organi di gestione e di controllo del potere mussoliniano a cui si sostituirono le prime forme embrionali di governo da parte del Fronte di Liberazione sloveno e croato. Il Movimento di Liberazione proclamò i territori delle province di Trieste e Gorizia e di Pola e Fiume annesse rispettivamente alla Slovenia ed alla Croazia. Fu in questa situation, far from being stabilized at the level of security and military control, which in Istria in September 1943 several hundred people: Italian Fascists (squads, officials and hierarchs of the institutions of the regime), Slavs (and Ustasha collaborationist) and German soldiers , many of which are already on the verge of running away to avoid having to account for their actions, were convicted of crimes against the local population and then passed through the arms from the Slavic and Italian partisans and their bodies infoibati.
Fascist propaganda spoke, then as now, the extermination of thousands of ethnic Italians. All documents from the investigation and research carried out after the war, including from Western Europe and supported by accurate documentation, have determined that about five hundred people were killed and infoibate in Istria in 1943, also without being able to deny in any way because, at those events, he had to say the Croatian PC as early as September 1944. "The reaction - reads the statement issued on 29/9/44 Communist Croats - will seek to exploit foibe still saying that then attempted to destroy the Italians in Istria and that was the manifestation of a Croatian chauvinism. We know well that ended not only in foibe exploiters and murderers Italian fascists, but also the traitors of the Croatian people, the fascist Ustasha and Chetniks degenerate. The sinkholes were not that popular expression of hatred compressed into decades of oppression and exploitation, which exploded with the violence of the insurgency characteristic of people.'' A
oppression and exploitation facts of crimes and atrocities and even until the end of World War II will be the people of those regions by the Nazi army, the SS, the fascists of the "Rsi''reactionary and Slavs.
Immediately after the September 8, 1943 the German army seeks to take direct control of areas previously occupied by Italy. The establishment on 1 October 1943 of the "Adriatic Coast Operations Zone''coincided with the outbreak of a brutal Nazi counteroffensive. The command's area of \u200b\u200boperation was given Friedrich Reiner, while at the head of the SS and Police was appointed general Globocnik, former head of the criminal Nazi extermination of two million Polish Jews. This was one of the most tragic and bloody conflict marked by violent military offensive of the Nazi invaders and their ferocious repression implemented with the active participation of the Italian fascists re-aggregated in the "Republic of Salo,''Ustasha and Chetniks in which aggregation thousands of Cossacks and Caucasians, gangs of traitors and counterrevolutionaries allies of the Nazis in the war against the Soviet Union under Stalin, and were now on the run after being routed by the Red Army Soviet Union. Countless were the devastation and i saccheggi di paesi e villaggi, le distruzioni delle risorse economiche e del territorio, le torture e gli eccidi ai danni della popolazione civile, gli stupri contro donne e ragazze, per finire con i rastrellamenti e le deportazioni per lo più senza ritorno, nei campi di prigionia e nei lager, tra cui la Risiera di San Sabba a Trieste, tragico simbolo in Italia della barbarie nazifascista.

La Resistenza antifascista italo-slava

Ciò che permise di sconfiggere tutto questo fu la lotta comune del proletariato e delle masse popolari italiane e slave, l'azione congiunta della Resistenza antifascista italo-slava, il valore e l'eroismo dei combattenti delle Brigate Partigiane italiane e dell'Esercito Popolare di Liberazione jugoslavo, thousands died in the liberation struggle, whose spirit of sacrifice and merits of which will remain engraved forever in the hearts and memories of the proletariat and the masses of anti-fascist Italian and Slavic nations.
The main forces and organizations in these regions were combatants in the Yugoslav area VII and IX and IV Corpus Slovenian Army dell'EPLJ and in the Italian camp: Divisions and Friuli-Garibaldi Garibaldi-Natisone, the Partisan Action Group (GAP) operating in Friuli and Trieste, Monfalcone and Muggia. In the course of 1944 also born partisan fighters formed by Catholic Action Party and veterans of Julia Alpine Division, in April 1944 several hundred Italian soldiers formed in the provinces of Gorizia and Trieste the Carso Trieste battalion that after an agreement reached with the Divisions IX Corpus Garibaldi and the Garibaldi Brigade will form the Slovenian Trieste in Slovenia in December 1944 is active in the employ of the VII Brigade Brothers Fontanat Corpus consists of about 750 men mostly shipyard workers, students and soldiers, while in Istria act since 1944, the Battalion and the Battalion Alma Vivoda Pino Budicin framed in the Croatian brigade "Vladimir Gorton.''
was these forces and these fighters who were given victory in the liberation struggle against fascism, liberating the occupied territories. Between the end of April and 1 May 1945 and all the partisans liberated Udine il Friuli e il 1° Maggio entrarono vittoriosi in Trieste il IX Corpus sloveno e la IV Armata jugoslava.
Il periodo che va dal 2 maggio al 12 giugno 1945 vede sui territori della Venezia-Giulia e dell'Istria la presenza militare delle truppe degli Alleati e quelle dell'Eplj e sul piano politico la rivendicazione dell'Avnoj (Consiglio antifascista di liberazione jugoslavo) di quei territori come parte integrante della Jugoslavia - dove era ormai consolidato sul piano della volontà popolare il processo rivoluzionario che porterà alla costituzione della Repubblica Popolare Federativa di Jugoslavia (Rpfj).
Una rivendicazione che, come precedentemente detto, era già stata esplicitata all'indomani dell'8 settembre '43. L'abbandono del principio del diritto all'autodecisione aveva generato contrasti, anche seri, nelle relazioni tra comunisti italiani e jugoslavi in un momento peraltro cruciale della lotta di liberazione.
Contrasti ricomposti, anche se non in maniera definitiva, con gli accordi intervenuti il 4 aprile e il 7 maggio 1943, che stabilivano la necessità della comune lotta contro il nazifascismo e la soluzione delle problematiche politiche inerenti ai confini e ai rapporti statali alla conclusione del conflitto. Una posizione questa condivisa dal Movimento comunista internazionale. Ancora nel gennaio del 1945 il PCJ rivendicò l'annessione di Trieste, dei territori slavi e delle zone miste alla Jugoslavia in un incontro che Hebrang - membro dell'Up del PCJ e del Comitato di Liberazione Nazionale Jugoslavo - ebbe a Mosca con Stalin e Molotov soprattutto per concordare forme di aiuto economico e militare dell'Urss alla Jugoslavia. In quell'occasione i dirigenti sovietici ribadirono a Hebrang che tale questione poteva trovare soluzione solo sul piano politico-diplomatico sulla base della volontà espressa dalle popolazioni coinvolte nel problema e non sulla base di azioni di forza unilaterali.

La questione delle foibe e la nascita della nuova Jugoslavia
Fu proprio nei giorni precedenti gli accordi del 12 giugno tra il governo jugoslavo e gli alleati che stabilirono per la cosiddetta "zona A'' (Trieste Gorizia e Pola) l'amministrazione "alleata'' e il controllo della "zona B'' (la parte restante della regione, l'Istria e Fiume) alla Jugoslavia, che si acutizzò lo scontro delle forze ostili al nuovo governo rivoluzionario nel tentativo di mettere in discussione la nascita della nuova Jugoslavia proprio mentre si insediavano e cominciavano a operare le nuove istituzioni del paese. E fu questo il momento in cui i fascisti, i nazisti, i collaborazionisti di ogni sorta e i controrivoluzionari jugoslavi, dovettero assumersi la piena responsabilità della loro politica e delle loro azioni. In questa azione di giustizia tanto necessaria quanto difficile, saranno sicuramente stati emessi verdetti errati per alcune persone così come si saranno verificati casi di vendette personali; ma questo non può assolutamente costituire un fattore di alterazione e di falsificazione di those events.
There is a close connection and inescapable, a common thread that binds particular and contingent events such as sinkholes, the holding of prisoners of war, the so-called exodus of Italians from Istria, the policy of denationalization fascist, Nazi-Fascist aggression in Yugoslavia , the Italian military occupation, Nazi activity in the "Adriatic Coast,''the anti-fascist and anti-Jewish persecution.
is therefore necessary to reaffirm strongly truth and accountability on the events of those years, the untruth out optics produced by the fascist propaganda both quantitatively (the number of dead found in ravines) and on the historical, and in contrast, the organic development of the Nazi-Fascist policy.
In terms of relations between countries, Italy has failed to safeguard the rights of the minority Slavic and Italy has made waste paper of the Treaty of Rapallo attacking Yugoslavia in 1941 and annex the territories of the "province of Ljubljana.''The the level of political responsibility, the denationalization of the Slavs, the invasion and dismemberment of an entire state, the bloody oppression of the civilian population are the basis of the revolt and demands for justice of the masses Italian, Slovenian and Croatian. On the of truth, the sinkholes do not represent the symbol of genocide and hatred of the Italian population antiitaliano. There was no ethnic extermination against the Italians, but a common revolt against the torturers fascists, Nazis and Ustasha collaborationist macchiatisi all sorts of crimes.
liberation struggle against the Nazi-Fascist barbarity and for the appropriation of the freedom and national independence. And the main example given by their joint struggle of various peoples, from the joint struggle of the different organizations and partisan, by the aid given by generous people slave to thousands of Italian soldiers in the course after September 8, 1943 and hunted down by their former German allies. Soldiers who were invaders, but who owe their salvation and their freedom to the Yugoslav people and those who threaten their lives, they have withdrawn from the Nazi revenge.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

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Alternative Christmas Greetings - Ahmadinejad on Channel4

Ahmadinejad, hosted by the British, in his Christmas greeting says:
"if Jesus were on earth today, would undoubtedly alongside people who are opposed to power aggressive, violent and expansionist.
If Jesus were on earth today, no doubt raise the banner of justice and love for humanity to oppose the warmongers, terrorists, and overbearing to the occupiers of the world.
If Christ were on earth today, certainly would fight against the tyrannical policies of the global system, the prevailing political and economic.
He did it during his lifetime.
Today, the will of the nations is the call for a fundamental change. This change is happening now. The responsibility of all followers of Christ and of the Abrahamic faiths is to prepare the way for the fulfillment of this divine promise and the arrival of the age of joy, splendor and wonder "

Jesus was not a revolutionary, did not oppose colonialism of the Roman Empire nalla tyranny of the ruling class. When the Pharisees asked Jesus whether it was right to pay taxes to the Romans, Jesus said that Rome was an empire "aggressive, violent and expansionist" that was shot down so that the divine justice triumph in the world, but he said "Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, Jesus said "blessed are the poor because it is near the hour of vengeance" but that theirs is the kingdom of his father and so on., Jesus did not promise the sun of the earth but in heaven and that Pilate tranquillizava His kingdom is not of this world.
Jesus was a tonic for poverty, not as a tool against oppression and injustice, but a means to endure the oppression and injustice.
was the prophet of the slaves, of "Chandalar" of a people to tame slavery and the acceptance of their condition, not emancipation, the prophet of consolation and resignation in view of divine justice in another time, another world, a ' other life.

Revolution is another matter.

So who * is * Jesus of A.?

E 'Christ that exists only in the minds of cattocomunisti, left proto-spirituality, Christianity, secular-humanist, who solemnly mentioning the sentences of Pasolini, who are moved to the front-man of Christ and de Andrè readings of the Divine Comedy by Benigni. This revolutionary
Christ is opposed to injustice, the arrogance of the powerful empire and exploitation, this ancient galielea Che Guevara is an 'invention of the imagination of some Franciscan left.

Found that if Jesus were alive today would not fight nor against the United States or against Nike, but not more than chasing the sellers of millet for the birds to the Vatican City, there are two reflections.

* Why Ahmadinejad evokes such a cristo? *

With these statements Ahmadinejad casts his eye to blatantly anti-capitalist left in Europe.
says what every cattomunista is firmly convinced, not to mention the whole "ggggente left, non-Communist, who suffered the romantic charm of this mythical christ, nemesis of the weak and the dispossessed.
And I also, though not even remotely Christian, I hope to hear such thoughts expressed by one of the politicians who claim to represent me, rather than a quote from Gandhi extremist or a defense of "Mission" Luxuria Island.

So we conclude finally that Ahmadinejad is a model for the "radical left" Europe, in its judicial strongly resist American imperialism?

No way!
The Islamic republic has been drinking the blood of comrades mowed down by the repression of the eighties in what was a massacre, a genocide policy of the Communists.
And Ahmadinejad is only volumes continuing the work, persecuting anyone who opposes the regime, by fellow Marxists in the universities, workers in factories, human rights activists, trade unionists, journalists e agli insegnanti che sostengono la causa degli sfruttati dal capitale.
Se il Gesù paladino della giustizia dei popoli tornasse sul pianeta, non risparmiebbe chi fa impiccare sedicenni per sodomia più di quando non farebbe con bush e con i leader spirituali delle stramaledette religioni abramite.
Quella di A. è la solita guerra aperta tra le classi dominanti dei paesi più ricchi per l'egemonia economica e Mamhoud è evidentemente alla ricerca di supporters in Europa. Ma il suo è solo un bieco regime fascista, per giunta legato ai miti dell' fondo il nazifascismo è costellato di oppositori della "plutocrazia giudaica rappresentata dalle democrazie occidentali".

*La trappola*

Paradossalmente after these statements, it was scatentato hell. The newspaper La Repubblica and speak of "antisemites wishes," the British Foreign Office and the Israeli embassy accused the Iranian president of "anti-Semitic statements dire", warning that the British media "are free and have every right to make their own editorial choices, but this choice gives rise to indignation not only by us but also our neighbors. "
Enough to strengthen Ahmadinejad's position as a darling of the left rival empire, which in turn with his statement legitimizes a political consolidation of the other party that Prodicus extremist in defense of Israel and suggests the equivalence between the Communists and Islamic.
It 'a comedy of the absurd that only shows how imperialism and Islamic fundamentalism are two sides of the same system, and all the support given to one not necessarily translate immediately and in strengthening the other.

The only positive note is that finally when someone speaks of "powers aggressive, violent and expansionist and warlike, occupiers, terrorists and bullies, Israel will feel immediately called into question.
We welcome this belated awareness.

* Appendix *

preach good and evil scratching

Our standard of justice for people and anti-imperialism, anti-bullying, anti-oppression, more a year has launched a mass persecution against the Marxist student movement.
Last year, during the Student Day, December 4, more than 70 students were arrested, kidnapped or simply disappeared into thin air for days, held in Evin without legal counsel, without notice to families, tortured, forced to confess to false crimes before a telcamera just for organizing an event in which they shouted "NO NO TO THE SYSTEM AND THE Imperial USA". Later, after many demonstrations erupted for low wages and the rising price of cereals, other students and workers have been dragged into the torture chambers of Evin and other prisons Iran, with no regard for the respect of basic human rights. Many comrades, even if freed on bail, they are still on trial, arbitrary trials based on confessions extracted under torture.

And again on December 7 this year, student protests erupted in other universities around Iran. At the time the students were able to block the repression of security officers, but in the days after they have already triggered the arrests and interrogations.
Currently the number of students arrested has risen to 35, according to figures provided by the WPI, the Worker-Communist Party of Iran. # / group.php? Gid = 40102198659 # / group.php? Gid = 10756443574 & ref = ts

Clara Statella