Monday, March 14, 2011

Delta Portable Crib Mattress

Certificates maturing - March

publish the list of members who are certified competitive due in March.
please kindly arrange for the visit and to deliver the original certificate to the company and a copy to the secretariat of the Golden Foot (withdrawal Tour cards at the start of the races).

4 Claudio Pilotti
cat Pett athlete card certificate CSI competitive
11 608 Mario Zanotti 2113104 10/03/2011
103 Rodari Lizia 2114519 11/03/2011
6 186 Nibali Nunziata 2114885 14/03/2011
11 605 2113083 24/03/2011
11 601 Olives Alberto 2113099 31/03/2011

Whoever it was devoid of the certificate of eligibility can not compete and therefore will be excluded foot of gold. People

athletes with expired certificate or not yet presented to the foot of gold.

10 504 Claudio Cason 2113049
8 300 Luca Crosta 2113056
11 626 Dalla Pozza William 2113586
11 1626 Adriano Di Raimo 2115131
11 602 Marcello Longo 2113072
5 127 Mantovani Ornella 2113074
11 612 Peruzzotti Paul 2113081
7 241 Olives Gianluca 2113100

these atleti di mettersi in contatto con la società per regolarizzare la loro posizione.

La direzione

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Online Wild Thornberrys Wildlife Rescue Game

Trofeo Parco Sempione

Classifica valbossini

Pos Atleta Team pos pos cat Tempo
280 1136 GERVASONI MANUEL MM35 42 00:41:34
300 1135 DI GREGORIO ELISABETTA MF40 3 00:41:52
343 1137 GRISOTTO RITA MF45 1 00:42:30
520 1148 VICARIO MARCO MM40 109 00:45:07

Ogólna Koncepcja Stworzenia świata

Malgesso - Around Malgesso - 3.13

Non c' è due senza tre: come nelle due precedenti, anche in questa edizione della gara di Malgesso  la pioggia ha fatto da padrona. I gruppi iscritti erano 11 con quattrocento iscritti più  i singoli per un totale di oltre cinquecento partecipanti. La gara è stata organizzata dalla Proloco di Malgesso con la collaborazione del gruppo Sette Laghi Runners. Per quanto riguarda il tracciato, molto bello in condizioni meteo normali, oggi più che correre è stato un pattinare,e, a mio modo di vedere, bisogna davvero complimentarsi con gli atleti che hanno gareggiato con molta molta prudenza ed evitato cosi' il verificarsi di infortuni. Un suggerimento per gli organizzatori: cercare anche un percorso alternativo, spendibile in caso di cattivo tempo. Ottima la premiazione con prodotti di qualità ed il ristoro. Complimenti al nostro Valbossino Paolo che si è classificato 10° assoluto good and everyone else.
The race was won by Ivan Breda with 38'50 "and in the female ranking by Ilaria Bianchi with 44'40".
The event is scheduled for next Sunday Bardello.

Greetings to all
A. De Miera

Rank valbossini

10 10 505 Negretto Paul 00:41:21 4 175 00:04:03
49 13 810 Alezio Antonio 00:46:45 2 190 00 : 04:35
71 12 726 Gianni Zonca 00:48:36 6 165 00:04:46
86 11 607 Zanon Gianpaolo 00:49:31 20 147 00:04:51
91 11 605 Claudio Pilotti 22 00:49:50 145 00:04:53
95 10 507 Poggioni Andrea 00:50:21 25 142 00:04:56
10 119 573 Colaiacovo Nicola 00:52:27 29 138 00:05:08
13 130 804 Giuseppe Secco 00: 53:09 7 160 00:05:12
9 144 405 Iuliano Simone 00:54:45 19 148 00:05: 21
12 151 703 Enrico Castelnuovo 00:55:25 17 150 00:05:25
12 172 700 de Mier Angelo 00:57:09 21 146 00:05:36
12 183 705 Gonzato Egidio 00:57:58 25 142 00:05:41
10 185 549 Barone Mauro 00:58:06 36 131 00:05:41
186 10 548 Conte Rahan 00:58:08 37 130 00:05:42
14 193 903 Giamberini John 00:58:42 2 190 00:05:45
5 202 131 Menegon Cinzia 00:59:20 3 180 00 : 05:49
10 219 591 Leuci Luciano 01:00:28 42 125 00:05:55
223 6 165 Maria Tatar 01:00:41 1 200 00:05:56
12 227 702 Marco Lattuada 01:00:54 31 136 00:05:58
5 248 126 Soma Mariangela 01:02:28 10 157 00:06:07
260 13 803 Ciani Nicola 01:03:49 19 148 00:06:13
294 14 904 Qualloni Anselmo 01:10:00 9 158 00:06:51
303 5 129 Bianchi Elena 01:11:21 13 154 00:06:58
317 3 47 Vicario Elena 01:13:57 6 165 00:07:15
345 14 902 Bernasconi Gerolamo 01:24:37 17 150 00:08:17
349 6 186 Nibali Nunziata 01:34:02 5 170 00:09:13
6 355 167 Chieppa Rita 01:37:49 7 160 00:09:35

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Is Chinese Chicken Curry Bad For You

Honeymoon: New York ... (1st part)

10-30 May 2009

Here, finally, the review of our honeymoon!
In 20 days we were in New York, Las Vegas, Los Angeles and San Francisco.

Flights and Transport:

Verona Unfortunately, there is no direct flight to the United States, then we must necessarily make a call, the most convenient for us Frankfurt has been with Air Dolomiti (company support Lufthansa's intercontinental flights).
moving the checked baggage is handled by the airline, so we took advantage of the available time for breakfast.
And now here we are on the Lufthansa flight to New York JFK, traveling in economy class, we are equipped with a magazine and our handheld, during the crossing is still projected a movie on TV and of course lunch will be served or dinner (depending on time of flight).
airfare (round trip): € 434.20 each.

The trip from JFK to Manhattan takes about 40 minutes, the yellow cabs are all the same price (unfortunately now I do not remember), but being in for 4 with luggage we chose a private shuttle.
The company is called Go Airlink and the cost was $ 93 and $ 92 each way for the return.
The only thing we recommend is to pay attention to the dates when making your reservation online, we have the wrong one back, then eventually we called two taxis to the airport.
Fortunately the company has realized the mistake and has refunded the cost of the return.

Murray Hill Inn (143 East 30th Street - New York, NY 10016-212683 6900)
Arrival May 10, 2009.
Depart May 18, 2009.
$ 955.80 for a double room with bath and shower.

Monuments, Museii and Things to Do:

If you have never been New York is a great way to see a fairly complete and without problems and supporting the sightseeing tour, or bus routes in the guide, we have chosen the NY Gray Line Tours (with all loops, valid for 72 hours , $ 64 each), the city has many stops and during the period of validity of the ticket you can get on and off as often as you want.
addition to the duration of the ticket you can also choose a range of packages, more or less wealthy and that is why we refer to the site, where you'll find the information you need.
last piece of advice regarding tour, if you choose to do that as well at night we recommend you cover yourself adequately, we have frozen us in May! ;-)

If you are you should do the helicopter ride, only we did during our first visit to New York because costicchia (about 100 € per person), but we assure you that it really worth it (too bad that only after September 11 is no longer possible to turn one of the skyscrapers).
Alternatively you can enjoy great views also from the 102nd floor of 'Empire State Building Unfortunately I do not remember how much we spent, you will still find all the info on the site.

And what about the Statue of Liberty? Well, see it at least once is a must, even if it seemed to us much more majestic and impressive view from afar and close up. You should now be possible again climb to the crown, but that does not I can assure you, during our trip was possible only until salil "pedestal", but it seemed pointless given the lack of ground clearance.
To get to the island is available un traghetto che parte circa ogni mezz’ora (12 $ a testa).

Oltre a questo vi possiamo suggerire una visita a:
Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum (9,75 $ a testa) costruito su una delle più famose portaerei statunitensi.

Bodies The Exhibition (11,65 $ a testa) questa in realtà è una mostra itinerante, può capitarvi di vederla anche in molte altre città, raccoglie tantissimi scheletri e muscolature umane, illustra anatomia ma anche le conseguenze di alcune malattie gravi quali i tumori.

Mother African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church , una chiesa ad Harlem dove ho assistito ad una messa Gospel.

Mi stavo quasi dimenticando di Central Park!
Il miglior modo di vederlo? Bicicletta... Troverete numerosissimi chioschi dove noleggiarla, meglio diffidare dai noleggiatori non in regola e spender un po' di più, altrimenti potrete ritrovarvi come noi con delle bici sgangherate. ;-)

Food and Restaurants:

course, you will even eat sometimes, no?
So here are some nice places for lunch, dinner or snacks!

Dunkin 'Donuts : chain spread all across the U.S., we offer all conceivable types of donuts, plus all drinks for breakfast, a memorable Dunkaccino (a kind of rich cappuccino with chocolate).

Penelope (bakery cafe bar) : very intimate restaurant offering from breakfast to dinner.

Obika Mozzarella Bar : Needless to say, the main ingredient used by this chain is the mozzarella! Which comes directly from Italy along with the ham and other ingredients. Prices are a bit 'expensive, but God will give you snacks!

Da Nico (Italian Restaurant): where might be if not in Little Italy?

Reverse : a Western setting fantastic, with equally delicious meat. And if there happened to someone's birthday, tell the waiter, bring a slice of cake to celebrate ringing a bell and singing good wishes!

Shopping & Shopping:

Century 21 : stores with great prices.

Macy's : department stores, numerous plans and famous brands, change € / $ in favor of it are good business ;-)

J & R : chain of electronics stores.

Apple Store : do not think there is a need for feedback ;-)

NBC Studios : here we found a Lots of gadgets of our favorite TV shows. If you want you can visit the studios real and also attend some live broadcasts!

And here's the first part of the diary of our honeymoon, we hope you enjoyed!
soon with the second part ...

Monday, March 7, 2011

Political Card Stacking Examples

March 17 - 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy Three Valleys

Thursday, 17 during the national holiday was organized an interesting first edition of a trail in the province of Biella.
Trail_Piota_Vagante_Salussola.pdf We are considering the idea of \u200b\u200borganizing a collective participation valbossina.
Leave your comments if you wish to participate, we will provide registration collective.
SOD Vagante Trail - Prelle of Salussola (BI)
Trail racing 19 km, 8.5 km non-competitive trail
Info: Peter and Marion: 0161 997138-3333715510 -
ASGAGLIANICO 1974: tel / fax 015 541848 - - \u200b\


How To Reroute Washer Outside


We wanted to signal the return of the Three Valleys Voltorresi going well at the 36th edition.
We gave a hand to the Friends Voltorre and we have expanded the field to nearby villages in order to create the 1 lap between the Villages of Gavirate .
Sunday, March 13, 2011 at 15:00 presso l’Oratorio di Voltorre , organizzato dagli Amici Sportivi Voltorresi in collaborazione con l’Atletica Gavirate e con Gli Amici del Parco di Groppello, dopo un anno di meditazione, come l’Araba Fenice, rinasce così, bella più che mai la storica corsa delle valli voltorresi, in versione ampliata alla frazione amica / nemica di Oltrona al Lago, con lo scopo di ridare a Gavirate un evento di festa e di partecipazione senza trascurare il risvolto agonistico che da sempre viene esaltato dal percorso bello ed impegnativo.
Alleghiamo bozza del volantino della manifestazione
Gruppo Amatoriale Atletica Gavirate

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Orbital Diagram Of Br

4th Half-Marathon Lake Maggiore 2011

Cosa c'e more interesting for an athlete to participate in a half marathon with the advance of a spring day. Today a host of Valbossini competed in the 4th edition of the half marathon on Lake Maggiore-Stresa Verbania. With 2500 members, the event started at 10.00 and the multi-colored snake has invaded the streets of the "Conca d'Oro". In addition to the splendid panorama from the shores of Lake Maggiore, the joyous notes of the band joined the applause and shouts of the many curious observers, have helped make this event a memorable one. Congratulations to all our door colors. Barco has been awarded a Category 3 ^ Eliana, Dal Forno Natalina 5 ^ in its category, Gianni Giamberini 5 th grade. A praise to the organizers for how they handled the whole taking care of every detail, from the inscriptions, transport bags, etc. with refreshments. One hundred and ten honors. It 'been a good day of sport ... to be repeated! Greetings to all

A. de Mier
PS I hope one day we can organize a half-marathon in the high valbossini Varesotto

Congratulations on the new valbossino Rodighero Mauro who can improve themselves and stay under 2 hours! And Alessio also a good that has been the pacemaker accompanying athletes to the finish line in 1 hour and 45 '.

Rank valbossini

Pos Pos M / F Pos Cat Pett. Last Name Cat RealTime
50 44 8 415 Negretti PAUL MM35 01:18:45
95 88 22 478 TORELLI GIANLUCA 40 mm 01:22:33
167 158 34 417 RAMP MARCO MM35 01:25:45
322 305 72 242 BELLINI STEFANO MM35 01:29:48
368 348 533 9 Perucchini MARIO MM55 01:31:08
378 357 477 45 BOSETTI FABIO TM 01:31:27
580 546 139 742 MODESTI STEFANO 40 mm 01:35:57
587 553 22 1181 ANGELO DE MIER MM55 01:36:04
637 36 3 F131 BARCO ELIANA MF45 01:37:03
1019 949 241 1250 VICARIO MARCO MM40 01:43:40
1061 988 102 1942 SALANDIN ALESSIO TM 01:43:42
1082 1006 253 1689 FRANCESCHET LUCA MM40 01:44:23
1213 1117 5 1851 GIAMBERINI GIOVANNI MM65 01:47:10
1470 1319 324 1964 FEROLDI LUIGI MM40 01:51:41
1814 1566 386 2615 Rodighiero MAURO 40 mm 01:59:20
241 1792 9 F350 ROMANS MORENA MF55 02:00:36
1807 1562 49 918 Franzetti LUIGI MM60 02:00:52
1809 247 4 F290 FROM THE OVEN NATALINA MF60 02:00:51

Rocco Siffredi Lilli Carati Watch

Arconate - Stravis - 6 / 03 Track White

On the occasion of International Women's Day I extend my personal best wishes to our SPECIAL Valbossine.
A. De Miera


Rank valbossini

34 11 601 Olives Alberto 00:49:54 7 160 00:03:59
36 10 549 Barone Mauro 00:49: 58 5 170 00:04:00
54 13 810 Alezio Antonio 00:52:26 1 200 00:04:12
65 10 572 Antonio Tartaglione 00:53:08 13 154 00:04:15
70 4 78 Elizabeth Gregory 00:53:27 1 200 00:04:17
81 11 605 Claudio Pilotti 00:54:05 15 152 00:04:20
86 5 128 Grisotto Rita 00:54:31 1 200 00:04:22
93 12 726 Gianni Zonca 00:55:00 3 180 00:04:24
12 108 704 Luigi Secco 00:55: 48 6 165 00:04:28
9 113 415 Pierluigi De Luca 00:56:09 11 156 00:04:30
10 127 573 Colaiacovo Nicola 00:57:00 18 149 00:04:34
9 138 405 Iuliano Simone 00:57:53 13 154 00:04:38
13 141 804 Giuseppe Secco 00:58:00 5 170 00:04:38
11 142 611 Lattuada Dario 00:58:03 21 146 00:04:39
154 12 703 Castelnovo Enrico 00:58:49 12 155 00:04:42
166 10 548 Conte Rahan 00:59:37 21 146 00:04:46
168 13 808 D'Angelo Claudio 00:59:42 7 160 00:04:47
613 Zecchillo Benedict 00:59:46 00:04:47
11 169 610 Massimo Colombo 00:59:46 24 143 00:04:47
5 191 131 Menegon 01:00:57 4 175 00:04:53
10 192 506 Gianluca De Marco 01:01:01 23 144 00:04:53
194 4 80 Grisotto Monica 01:01:05 2 190 00:04:53
196 12 705 Gonzato Egidio 01:01:14 19 148 00:04:54
226 6 165 Tartari Maria 01:03:34 1 200 00:05:05
227 12 702 Lattuada Marco 01:03:37 21 146 00:05:05
247 5 126 Soma Mariangela 01:05:13 6 165 00:05:13
13 253 803 Nicola Ciani 01: 05:47 12 155 00:05:16
10 265 591 Leuci Luciano 01:06:18 27 140 00:05: 18
320 14 904 Qualloni Anselmo 01:11:29 4 175 00:05:43
330 6 166 Dall'Asen Jole 01:12:46 2 190 00:05:49
353 5 129 Bianchi Elena 01:15:18 9 158 00:06:01
362 3 47 Vicario Elena 01:16:29 5 170 00:06:07
418 14 902 Bernasconi Jerome 01:31:56 13 154 00:07:21
6 424 186 Nibali Nunziata 01:35:48 4 175 00:07:40