Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Parts Labeled On The Santa Maria


I like to know where we stand. Although I do not know where we are, I like to know where we came . If we go we'll never know.

roots, identity-crushing cage fabrication ingenious ambiguity as a comfortable background who can lead the mind in heaven and earth without which upset our plans shabby.

Equivoco sprawling to which you are attacking and they mistreat us to fear and dread of metamorphic existential turn, although they did not feel alien to that which was first our taste of anything but the passage already insanely wise.

We're here where someone who created us is said to nourish us still rooted habits. Here where we need to re-know each other without being ever known. Making use of memory because of this we're short on time. Time is a present that is offered as a gift only devoid of earthly concerns.

Instead careless disarray. We have no flag. Bandits. Unnamed. Knot-free and without combs.

We are direct from somewhere, in my opinion ....

I would like to a step in the right direction

I'm coming with you, on my way ...

Where are we

we are where we are.

where we

what where we

From where we came from, more or less?


Fainted. Sooner or later.

And where we go

to parry

or finishing

to justify our continued radical.

It's just a conspiracy of cartographers

Here we will not get anywhere

We've gone too far

We went

And then we have fallen because it is already poised

I suppose we'll go ahead and just

Because if we happen, if we just happen to discover, or at least suspect, that our spontaneity is part of plans of others, you will know you lost ..

And you know, time is not on our side.

watching us.

of us is the reverse cold

How many sockets can be in the world, the route is still only one, and time is the only unit of measurement ..

The human roots are carried away by the current. We are grinding from the weather. Assume anthropomorphic appearance only after the reason. Only the roots are root






Thursday, December 23, 2010

Bajaj Allianz Deposit

All I want me (de)

of a man without a soul in search of head, not his, because that has to do unless agreed to substantial cuts in the s-board mental occurred due to significant debt sentimental and existential.

All of a headless man in search of a soul, not his, because già persa nei meandri scoscesi perduranti e rovinosi del desiderio irrisolto, ma di quella di chi gli vuole bene e ha promesso di non farne oggetto d'abbandono.

D'una testa senza anima in cerca di un uomo, quel me stesso ferito per insufficienza di prove d'esistenza e di resistenza.

D'un'anima senza testa in cerca di te.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Free Poptropica Accounts With Membership

outside and inside Parliament. The process of the Gelmini Law.

Emanuela De Luca

Where were we - Before the summer we have given voice to the concern of researchers and university students against the bill Gelmini, whose port was shifted to the parliamentary debate on Oct. 14. The concerns raised then have occurred in all their gravity at the beginning of the academic year by the Minister because there have been setbacks nor signs of opening to the protests from the academic world. Inevitably, then, the intensification of the forms of mobilization and the threat that all feared: the no of many researchers to take the courses for the new year, a decision that he would skip the start of many undergraduate courses as a large number of researchers are qualified to teach (in some cases the percentage of researchers who is also teaching in a graduate program gets to 40%). The position of
CRUI - Faced with this situation, the deans used the iron fist, especially at the beginning of the academic year, saying that would have banned the teaching contract to replace the void left by the researchers. The worst of solutions, because it would entail an additional expenditure (financing, albeit at bargain prices, new contracts) and the risk of lowering the quality of teaching (as i nuovi contratti potrebbero anche essere assegnati a persone che non hanno mai tenuto un corso universitario). È seguita una mozione della CRUI (la Conferenza dei Rettori delle Università Italiane) del 23 settembre, la quale, pur ribadendo la necessità di garantire il diritto degli studenti al regolare corso dell’anno accademico, comprende il disagio dei ricercatori e sollecita il Governo a rendere certi i tempi e le entità dei finanziamenti per l’Università. Tuttavia, dopo pochi giorni,il Presidente della CRUI, Enrico Decleva, preoccupato che la calendarizzazione al 14 ottobre della discussione parlamentare sul DDL Gelmini, proprio alla vigilia dell’inizio della Sessione Bilancio, potesse portare “molto probabilmente, in the current political instability, the early destruction of the measure, "says that" it is imperative that you return on the schedule in the House providing space for discussion of the measure in time. " Covertly, but not that much, CRUI showed that the will was approved and DDL in a short time.
Mobilization and forms of protest - Mobilization saw in the first row above the University of Bologna: after an initial iron fist, the Academic Senate of the Alma Mater has welcomed and endorsed a document proposed by the Rector and Ivano Dionigi Deans whereby the start of classes was postponed to October 5 and was approved by 27 September to 1 October, a week of reflection and discussion on some of the most important and most critical of the university system (such as autonomy, the right to study the system of governance, resources, new recruitment policies and the status of current research). Everything to know the real situation of public universities and the reasons for the discomfort expressed by the researchers and to develop proposals on the reform bill to be submitted to the institutional and political parties. The initiatives have been numerous seminars, public meetings, meetings of researchers were organized in various faculties of the University of Bologna (il 29 settembre la mobilitazione ha coinvolto anche attori esterni all’università: il mondo della scuola e del teatro, anch’essi colpiti pesantemente dalla scure dei tagli economici) e sono state accompagnate da numerosi momenti di protesta (ad esempio lo sciopero nazionale dell’8 ottobre di un’ora in tutti i comparti della conoscenza).
Oltre alla settimana di mobilitazione per l’università, i ricercatori hanno organizzato ulteriori assemblee, per definire in maniera precisa le proposte da avanzare al Governo e le forme di protesta in occasione della discussione parlamentare.

Le richieste e le proposte dei ricercatori precari – Lo scorso 8 ottobre a Bologna ha avuto luogo l’assemblea precarious national research and teaching in Italian universities, during which it was decided to create the "Precarious Coordination of research and teaching - University (CPU) and was drafted a document that collects and summarizes the various proposals made in the field. Let us quote the main points. Researchers from the CPU primarily want to know that even if they have many years of research and teaching underpaid and disenfranchised that contribute significantly to the functioning of the universities, the proposed laws and policies of the university there is no official recognition for their . Arguing that "the university should reform itself democratically and low, the Italian company to offer quality education, research and a talented role of constant and critical self-observation, "desiring" a university that does not create social or territorial fractures among students and workers, which does not exploit the labor contracts with humiliating and unprotected, which does not offer the younger generation as the unique choice precarious life, the researchers observed that the CPU, however, government policies, particularly the so-called "reform" of the university, go in completely opposite direction. Although the DDL Gelmini, will be approved by Parliament, be presented with a situation like this, "entire generations of precarious university are simply deleted from the planned abolition of the post of researcher for an indefinite period and its replacement with temporary contracts with no guarantees, a far cry from the advertised tenure track, tens of thousands of precarious researchers are at risk of not being able to continue its working relationship unacceptable because of time constraints and Population for fellows and researchers TD and cuts (1 billion and 350 million euro) that are ravaging the Italian university, already in the past months several thousand employees, co.co.co. teachers on contract and have been purged due to lack of funds and left with no social safety nets, through the establishment of the rector and the introduction of private owner- Board are weakened in the democratic structures of university, you grant a proxy to the Ministry of Economy in white for the assessment and funding of universities, the right to study changes in student debt quote, exacerbating social inequalities and regional authorities. It is no coincidence that the DDL is supported by CRUI Gelmini, private association that brings together the academic component most responsible for the many distortions of the university today. " Therefore, researchers from the CPU demand that the reform of universities including "inextricably" 5 points: 1) a single pre-contract role of research and teaching, at least two years and unlimited renewal, in replacement of the jungle-term contracts, 2) the introduction of a unique role of teaching divided into 3 levels, 3) the revival of recruitment through open competitions for new research and teaching positions for an indefinite period, 4) 's adjusting the retirement age of university teachers to the European standard of 65 years also in order to recover resources exclusively for the recruitment, 5) the introduction of a system of welfare and social protection for all fragile. Furthermore, by urging the abolition of restrictions on time and personal access and renewal contracts for temporary university; the release of the turnover and recovery of the positions already lost as a result of the blockade, the cancellation of fees for students without a grant and the allocation of increased resources for scholarships, the university will stop paying dues to the CRUI, equivalent to over € 1.5 million per year from their budgets, as the "Association CRUI "definitively ceased to represent the interests of the public university (the sums recovered should be used to refinance the university cut services because of economic difficulties of the past), all the governing bodies of universities to speak out against the DDL Gelmini against CRUI support this measure, all the rectors and deans do not ban outside contracts to replace the researchers Structured unavailable. As for the protest, finally, the researchers set out to reject and condemn all forms of free labor or pay symbolic and awareness among gentlemen precarious position of principle to this important and effective form of protest, to build local initiatives against the Gelmini DDL for claiming the right to be represented in the universities and to support platform of demands for improving their working conditions and living to coordinate with the school to offer temporary and embrace a national day of action against cuts to education and against government plans to dismantle public education.

The parliamentary debate - Here comes the fateful October 14, the starting date of the parliamentary debate on the bill in 1905. Outside the weather is particularly hot to the numerous sit-in precarious researchers and students, and within the House, the growing impatience of the group of "Finian" Future of Freedom and in the Government. But we think Giulio Tremonti to remove, for a moment, the chestnuts from the fire: in fact, the economy minister in those days said that there is sufficient funding for the plan to reform the university. All slide So, in December. In the meantime, researchers are returning to the chair and courses are regularly parties, while remaining open all the problems are the cuts the law 133/2008, are the cuts and freezes the turnover set out in the last financial. As if that were not enough, you add a new fact: 8 out of 10 Italian students eligible for the scholarship will not be able to use them, because state funding has increased from 246 million last year to 25.7 million, almost 90% of funds less.
In early December, the DDL ends the parliamentary debate in the House and receives the approval to go to the Senate. No easy task, because the majority of the serious internal crisis, the alternative choices of the group of Fli, and especially because of the huge mobilization of university researchers and the entire student movement. Schools and universities employed, the symbol of our heritage under assault, students and researchers on the roofs, assemblies, lessons in the streets, demonstrations, blocking of stations and highways, police charges on students: these are the events of the early days of December. Long time not attending to such strong protests and choirs. If researchers last winter, when it began to circulate the first draft of the bill on the university, feared that their protest and their reasons would not have taken hold on public opinion, can now be said to have escaped that danger and to be able in their awareness and information. Sunken
confidence from the government on 14 December, the parliamentary process of the Bill continued in the Senate, where on December 23 was finally approved. (The provisional draft of the reform is available at http://www.senato.it/service/PDF/PDFServer/BGT/00518474.pdf ).
The detrimental impact of this law on the university system have already been discussed within this blog in recent months with teachers, researchers and students [http://rdsuniversita.blogspot.com/2010/06/la-protesta-dei- ricercatori.html http://rdsuniversita.blogspot.com/2010/10/ancora-sul-ddl-gelmini-colloquio-con.html http://rdsuniversita.blogspot.com/2010/10/gelmini-e-la- reform-delluniversita.html] not to mention the severe funding cuts due to L. 133/08 and fiscal consolidation. Certainly the policies pursued cut in education and research in the last decade, most acutely in the last 2-3 years have had a devastating effect on the entire public university system. Admittedly, however - and this debate can not leave politics, but necessarily from within the academic world - that the main problem of the Italian university, together with that of economic divestment from the State, is education. For the moment we leave open this fundamental issue, which deserves more space and would require other contributions, but we still want to bring the reflections, which we happened almost accidentally read a few days ago, made on these two points (universities and state funding to education and quality of university teaching) by Marc Bloch and Antonio Gramsci. By analogy, we believe that they can offer valuable insights.

"Every national disaster requires first an examination of conscience, then (since the examination of conscience is not a sterile complacency when it does not lead to an effort towards the better) to draw up a renovation plan. [...] Among the many reconstruction and essential, that our educational system will not be the least urgent. These strategies, administrative practices or simply moral strength, our collapse was first, in the leaders of this country and (why be afraid to admit it?) In a whole part of his people, as a defeat of the intelligence of the character . Among the root causes of the defeat, in other words, a role it is the lack of training of young people from society. A modest reforms could never correcting these defects. You do not create a new educational system patching old routine. We need a revolution. [...] I do not delude ourselves, the task will be arduous. We can not avoid the tears. It will not be easy to convince teachers that the methods for a long time and that they consciously used were perhaps not the best, mature men that their children will benefit from an education different from what they themselves received, [...]. Here, not only here, the future will belong to the brave, we are sure. For everyone involved in teaching, there could be danger worse than a soft complacency towards the institutions of which they have done, with time, a comfortable abode. Not claiming, in a few pages to discuss the program of this necessary revolution. [...] There is however a prerequisite, so indispensable that nothing serious will be When she did not is satisfied. For the education of young people, as for the continued development of culture among all citizens, it is important for France to agree to spend tomorrow's figures incomparably higher than that so far has resigned to devote. [...] Resources, therefore, for our research projects. For our universities, colleges and schools, [...]. And, let's say without false modesty, we also need to ensure resources for teachers of all grades existence certainly not luxurious (France is not a luxury we dream), but sufficiently independent, as well as from small material distress, the need of jobs incidental, that these men can devote themselves their task of teaching or scientific research with clear mind, a spirit that will not cease to be renewed at the living sources of the art or science. But these necessary sacrifices would be in vain if you do not apply to a teaching completely renovated.
A word, a terrible word, sums up one of TARE the most pernicious of our current system: bachotage. A poison penetrated to a lesser degree in primary education, although I do not think it is entirely free. Secondary education, universities and grandes écoles, it has become infected. Bachotage. Ie: obsession examination and evaluation. Worse, what should be a simple reagent, destinato a verificare il valore dell’educazione, diventa il fine cui si orienta sin dall’inizio l’intero processo educativo. Non si invitano più i ragazzi o gli studenti ad acquisire le conoscenze di cui l’esame, bene o male, permetterà di apprezzare la solidità. Li si esorta invece a preparare l’esame. Similmente, un cane sapiente non è un cane che sa molte cose ma che è stato addestrato a dare, tramite qualche esercizio preventivamente scelto, solo l’illusione del sapere. […] Non penso sia necessario insistere oltre sugli inconvenevoli intellettuali di una simile mania degli esami. Ma, quanto alle conseguenze morali, le conosciamo da sempre: il timore di qualsiasi iniziativa, negli insegnanti as in the students, the negation of all freedom of curiosity, the cult of success rather than the pleasure of knowledge, a kind of perpetual tremor, and resentment where it should reign in the free joy of learning, faith in luck [...] and finally , infinitely more serious evil, faith in the fraud? ".
Marc Bloch, on education reform in the odd defeat. Testimony of 1940, introduced S. Lanaro, Einaudi, Torino 1995, 201-213.

"The Italian universities. Why not exercise that influence in the country regulating the cultural life of practicing in other countries? One reason must be sought in what the universities il contatto tra insegnanti e studenti non è organizzato. Il professore insegna dalla cattedra alla massa degli ascoltatori, cioè svolge la sua lezione, e se ne va. Solo nel periodo della laurea avviene che lo studente si avvicini al professore, gli chieda un tema e consigli specifici sul metodo della ricerca scientifica. Per la massa degli studenti i corsi non sono altro che una serie di conferenze, ascoltate con maggiore o minore attenzione, tutte o solo una parte: lo studente si affida alle dispense, all'opera che il docente stesso ha scritto sull'argomento o alla bibliografia che ha indicato. Un maggior contatto esiste tra i singoli insegnanti e singoli studenti che vogliono specializzarsi su una determinata disciplina: questo contatto si forma, per lo più, random and has a huge importance for the continuity and the fortunes of academic disciplines. Is formed, for example, for reasons of religious, political, family-friendly. A student becomes a regular professor, who met him at the library, invites him home, he recommended books to read and research to be groped. Each teacher tends to form his own "school" has its points of view (called "theories") on certain parts of his knowledge, he would like to see supported by "his followers or disciples." Each professor wants from her university, competing with others, young people leave "distinguished" leading contributions "serious" in its science. So right there in the same competition between teachers of related subjects to compete for some young people who have already distinguished themselves with a short article or a review or discussion in school (where if they do). The professor then really driving his pupil, shows him a theme, the Council in the performance, facilitates the research, conversations with his assiduous accelerates its scientific background, makes him the first essays published in journals, puts it in relation to other specialists and definitely hoarding. This costume, except for specific cases of the Camorra, is beneficial, because it integrates the function of universities. It should be something personal, to personal initiative, to become organ function: I do not know to what extent, but I think the workshops of the German type, represent functions or seek to perform it. Around certain crowds of Procaccianti professors, who hope to reach more easily a university. Many young people however, who come from high schools in the province especially, are lost and in the social environment of university study. The first six months of the course serves to orient the specific nature of university studies and shyness is inevitable in any relationship between teacher and pupil. In the seminars is not the case, or at least not to the same extent. Anyway, this general structure of university life does not, already at university, no hierarchy between permanent intellectual mass of professors and students after college too few bonds are dissolved and the country lacks any cultural structure which focuses on campus. This has been one of the elements of the luck of the dyad Croce-Gentile, before the war, in making up a large national center of intellectual life, among other things, they also fought against the inadequacy of university life and the scientific and educational mediocrity (sometimes even moral) of the official teachers.
school question. Compare the article entitled "The easy and the difficult of Metron in the Corriere della Sera on 7 January 1932. Metron makes two interesting observations (referring to courses in engineering and state exams for engineers): 1) that during the course the teacher speaks and the student absorbs percent for one or two, and 2) in the state exams that candidates know how to respond to quarrels "difficult" and fail in the quarrels "easy". Metron It does not cover exactly the reasons of these problems and does not indicate any remedy "trend." It seems to me that the two deficiencies are related to the educational system of lectures and conference without "seminar" and the traditional nature of the testing that has created a traditional psychology exams. Notes and handouts. The notes and the notes are formed especially on the question "difficult" teaching himself insists on the "difficult", assuming an independent student for the "things easy. "The more they approach the exams more it sums up the matter of the course, until the day before, when you" have returned "only just the most difficult quarrels: the student is mesmerized by how hard all his power of recollection and his sensitivity intellectual focus on the question so difficult. For the absorption minimum: the system of lectures and conference leads the teacher to repeat or not repeat as little as possible: the quarrels are so made only within a framework determined, which makes unilateral for the student. The student absorbs one or two of one hundred teacher said: but if the format of one hundred percent different one-sidedness, the absorption can not essere che molto basso. Un corso universitario è concepito come un libro sull'argomento. Ma si può diventare colti con la lettura di un solo libro? Si tratta quindi della quistione del metodo nell'insegnamento universitario: all'università si deve studiare o studiare per saper studiare? Si devono studiare "fatti" o il metodo per studiare i "fatti"? La pratica del "seminario" dovrebbe appunto integrare e vivificare l'insegnamento orale».
Antonio Gramsci, Note sparse. Problemi scolastici e organizzazione della cultura in Quaderni del carcere 3: Quaderni 12-29, a cura di V. Gerratana, Einaudi, Torino 1977 .

Infine vogliamo aggiungere che la protesta, forte e decisa, contro questa proposta reform has finally put together the different souls of the university in general tend not to talk or talk too little, that is, students, researchers and teachers. What better time to start rethinking university teaching?

Links to previous articles by E. De Luca Trentin and BM

http://rdsuniversita.blogspot.com/2010/10/ancora- on-bill-Gelmini-interview-con.html


Unstopping A Marine Head System

The President's letter that accompanied the promulgation of the Law "Gelmini" on 'University.

"promulgating a law, pursuant to art. 87 of the Constitution, by failing identified in the text clear and serious reasons to demand a new debate to the Chambers, the corrective of the law passed at the end of a long and difficult passage through Parliament. Implementation of the law has entrusted the rest to a large number of measures, by means of legal authority to government regulations and ministerial decrees; what is about to start is thus a process of reform, in which will be specifically defined addresses listed in the legislation and may also be addressed certain problems, found in particular in Articles 4, 23 and 26.
Regarding Article 6, concerning the title of associate professor - even if he left the Normally, from a substantive point of view, no room for doubt interpreting the real intention of the legislature - is expected to be desirable for a better formal coordination, the government immediately fulfill the commitment made by Minister Gelmini its meeting on December 21 in the Senate , possibly through the deletion of paragraph 5 of Article. As for the art. 4 on the granting of scholarships to students, it is not fully consistent with the criterion of merit in so far as it provides a reserve based also on the criterion of territorial.
addition, Art. 23, in regulating contracts for teaching, is of doubtful reasonableness in that adds a limitation objective in respect of income to subjective requirements of a scientific and professional. Finally, it should be that Article. 26, by providing the authentic interpretation of Article. 1, paragraph 1, of Decree Law No 2 of 2004 is formulated in unequivocal terms, corresponding to the established jurisprudence of the Court address Costituzionale.Al beyond could be exceeded - in the process of implementation of the law - the critical issues affecting the items mentioned, it remains important that the initiative lies with the government enforcement of the agendas and other Valditara G 28100, Ruskin and other G24.301, welcomed the meeting on 21 December in the Senate, containing precise information also integrative - in terms of content and resources - the choices made by the law subsequently approved by the Assembly. Finally I hope that all the commitments made in the acceptance agendas and developments in the complex process of implementing the measure, the government looks for a constructive dialogue with all stakeholders. "

Giorgio Napolitano

Gay Cruising Parks Maine

Gelmini Law. The minority report

Rules for the organization of universities, academic staff and recruitment, as well as enabling Government to enhance the quality and efficiency of the university system

report Luigi Nicolais

Mr President, Distinguished Representatives of the Government
Colleagues , The 5
Giugno1224 with "lictera generalis" in founding the University of Naples, was formally issued the edict that said: "Frederick II of Swabia by the grace of the Lord of the Roman Emperor Augustus and King of Jerusalem and Sicily , to the archbishops, bishops and other prelates of the Church, to the Margrave, barons, judges, chamberlains ..... We ordain that in Naples, the most lovable of all the cities, will be taught all the arts and business will be established seat of learning so that all who are hungry to know in my kingdom will find the means to meet their needs and will not be obliged to go abroad for the sake of studies ...."

The University took a ruler to the centrality of about 800 years ago, we should expect even more aware today of a modern political class.

In a knowledge society where competition has a global dimension need to focus mainly on universities as part of the country's development. E 'must be able to train young people capable and competent and develop knowledge and research, on the one hand can be transferred to companies (which, however, only through dematerialization of their product are able to maintain a competitive position in a global setting), and the other, creating a ruling class at the complexity of challenges that society presents us.
Our university has been able to date, with great difficulty, to maintain a scientific production that our country still ranks among the top industrialized nations, despite the low number of researchers and the limited financial resources. How extraordinary intellectual resources
result of years of sacrifice in the classrooms and laboratories of our faculty have found their place in large corporations abroad? How many thousands of Italian researchers in the world scientific community often are universally recognized for their quality and their ability? Consider that in Boston at the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology many researchers with an Italian passport, committed between research centers and multinational companies with which they interact, have felt the need to meet in a community called MIT-ITALY, to share the extraordinary wealth of knowledge acquired at home and valued in a major shopping of excellence in the world.
Such data would require a greater humility in dealing with certain criticisms indiscriminate to our university, its teaching staff, its researchers and its students. Especially
should make us act with greater caution in proposing indiscriminate cuts that end up accelerating the migration flows of our finest minds in favor of the economies of our competitors on a global scale.

Surely our universities, like many other institutions in need of a reform that takes into account the great changes that have occurred in recent years.

In a system that changes very fast, we can not allow us to leave unchanged our system of higher education. And that is why the Democratic Party as we have argued, right from the start of the examination of the legislative reform of the University of the bill, the need to demand a change of pace from the university system. Through the commitment of the teaching staff of universities, not only in the development of knowledge and in training, but also paying attention to the possibility of transferring land to the results of research produced.

Unfortunately, we find that this government has followed a path that was not up to the challenges we have before us. The Government has addressed the problem of university reform aiming mainly to savings in expenditure.
The same resources contained in the budget package just approved, while demonstrating that it was necessary to tighten things than many cuts already made in the field, on the other appear to be totally inadequate to give the entire industry the knowledge that key for the redevelopment of the country.

In order to ensure that the public does not ripen fierce hostility against these cuts as dangerous, was still the worst smear campaign in place in recent months by the media and emphasizing some sectors of the political problems real, however, also present in other areas of public and professional life, but that was instrumental in the university wanted to pass as a general rule of the system.

The greatest damage produced by this campaign was to have taken the young students a chance to look at their teacher as a reference model.
groped Instead of strengthening the credibility of institution, the academic who daily engaged with the difficulty of giving consciousness to new generations of its role in society, he wanted to represent the eyes of the easy cliche University wasteful and annuities position.

Unfortunately, the result of this policy choice was not to facilitate the reduction of investment in this sector, but to poison the atmosphere and even more exasperating those who chose to dedicate his life to research and expected by their rulers more foresight and courage in more investment.

Today we are examining this Bill, in the version next to the amendments made by the relevant parliamentary committees, in the knowledge that his body has the legal contradictions that have not been resolved.
principles such as autonomy, free education and free inquiry set out with great force in Article 1 of the measure under consideration, and certainly acceptable, but are totally contradicted by the instructions given in the following articles, which are the living body of the draft law.
Think of how on the one hand it provides a compelling detail that is invasive and the meticulous composition of governing bodies and, secondly, we introduce the concept of the Programme with the Ministry to try their functional and organizational models, allowing to disregard the standards established following an agreement between the parties, mortifying the true autonomy in a bureaucratic and centralized decision-making places.
According to the same approach to three-year development plans, which statements in the government were to represent a high moment of university policy, is to reduce bureaucratic activity that should be applauded by the Ministry for University, Education and Scientific Research (MIUR).
The entire system of university reform which is proposed to tip us back to a central system and with the approval amendment to Article. 25, we introduce an obvious mentoring the Ministry of Education by the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

In designing the cornerstone of the new university legislation, we would have expected more attention in the provision of specific transitional rules. Unfortunately, we must note that even these basic provisions are completely inadequate, not to predict what will happen in about 25,000 researchers, however, was also canceled already shooting salary brackets, and tens of thousands of temporary workers who make a vital contribution to support both the research, the teaching of the universities also challenging the provisions of the law currently in force 382.
The bill before us is not a reform launches at no cost, but a reform that works within denominations that have dogged the university.
The economic principle that inspires it has no equal in the EU framework. Other European countries, who share our common concerns and budget requirements for financial instability, have invested in Research and Innovation.
France and Germany have accompanied their measures of economic and financial planning with massive investments in knowledge, aware that any resources allocated for the supply chain of knowledge can become, in a system that works, multiplier and catalyst for development of recovery economy.
Italy, unfortunately even with this bill we are voting, came more and more like bringing up the rear of the rankings among the most developed countries to invest in research and higher education. The cut of 1 billion and € 300 million worked in university funding in the last 3 years is a very serious because the consequences of which we pay every day, mortgaging adverse effects for the next few years if not reverse course. The 800 million just awarded with the financial account for only a portion of the Financing Fund Ordinary already reduced and so they are a wholly inadequate measure for any new recruitment and can not be touted as additional investment.

This is not to uncritically defend the status quo. The Democratic Party was created to serve as a political force for needed change to the country. As a result we are aware of the urgency is not so much individual remedies, as a measure that makes the whole system, the legislative framework governing the world of the university in all its aspects.
But we believe in a reform of the Italian university. The courageous reforms, those that serve the public interest of the country can not be conditioned only by the need to reduce costs.

We need a streamlined single text principles and clear rules to which the universities must follow (in the recruitment, training, evaluation), as to the paradigm of maximum range and maximum responsibility.

autonomy is the foundational element that characterizes the university system, but we need resources to pursue, strategic programs and projects that make the university system, cohesive and functional needs of a modern country. In DDL we see a renewed centralized administration and the detailed list of obligations that the universities must meet. We need, however, a review and reorganization of universities in a 'general policy and complex optical than hitherto adopted. The universities must be put in a position to act as a stronger society, and to do so must act with knowledge that is necessary to open a new phase project that involves and integrates multiple actors and institutions. That's why we have to start from autonomy. Especially now that it must be articulated along with federalism, subsidiarity, evaluation and multilevel governance.

But autonomy must be cornerstones of a system made of valid weights. Only the assessment by third party institutions will act as a bulwark against the pressures of a bad conception of degenerative recognized. The evaluation of attività come strumento di controllo dei risultati e di trasparenza pubblica è, e deve essere, un punto fermo su cui costruire la forza del sistema che immaginiamo per gli Atenei.
Siamo consapevoli, tuttavia, che per tramutare concretamente la valutazione in una prassi che faccia perno sulla massima responsabilizzazione degli attori universitari dobbiamo avere il coraggio di parlare non solo di valutazione ex ante, ma principalmente di valutazione ex post. Solo così saremo in condizione di premiare i comportamenti virtuosi delle università, dei Dipartimenti e delle diverse strutture accademiche, esaltando una concezione di merito e isolando storture e sperperi. La valutazione delle attività come strumento di indirizzo strategico, di controllo results and public transparency is, and ought to be a cornerstone on which to build the strength of the system.
Already in the previous legislature was created ANVUR that the intent of all the third body should be able to make objective assessment of scientific production is that of teaching activities, but also the functioning of universities. Why, after almost three years, the ANVUR is not yet operational?
In this bill we talk frequently described without having yet clearly defined variables to be measured and the methodologies to be used!
Again, as in many others, refers to a range DDL Gelmini of decrees and decrees making this reform very vague and no immediate effect.

The recruitment, which is an essential element for the future of the university is strongly influenced by all the choices of an economic nature carried out by this government. Even given the expected strong exodus of teachers in the coming years would have required a significant input of young people in the university system in order to avoid a shortage of university teaching and research capacity.

Of particular concern is the way it dealt with by the text of the draft law the issue of governance of the university system. We are skeptical about the idea di un modello rigido unico che passi per norme di dettaglio omogenee per tutte le università. Gli Atenei italiani sono molto diversi tra loro per dimensioni, caratteristiche e ambiti culturali e un “unico modello ” non sembra adeguato a rispondere alle diverse esigenze.
Si costruisce un nuovo modello di governo delle università solo individuando un obiettivo strategico. Questo dovrebbe essere ispirato al principio dell’ accountability, inteso come un solenne e sistematico impegno a render conto dei propri risultati con modalità trasparenti. Ad oggi nell’università una concezione fuorviante e strumentalizzata del pur prezioso concetto di “garanzie democratiche” a tutto campo, ha condotto alla formazione di strutture di governo pletoriche, a procedure decisionali lente e pesantemente gerarchiche, all’impropria commistione tra forme di rappresentanza e compiti di governo. Un obiettivo coraggioso è senza dubbio rappresentato dalla semplificazione stessa degli strumenti di governance e di organizzazione delle università. Abbiamo bisogno di giungere ad una riduzione del numero di corsi di laurea e di dipartimenti attraverso un accorpamento e razionalizzazione degli insegnamenti, garantendo agli stessi studenti la possibilità di una più ampia possibilità di articolazione dei propri percorsi formativi.

Al consiglio di amministrazione va assegnato un deciso compito di programmazione e di governo e il contributo di competenze esterne è senz’altro opportunity for strengthening the university, provided they are identified key features and specifications for these components.

The Academic Senate is the same without its institutional mission defined and, given his role so far fulfilled, it is weakened. We believe that his new prominence lies in its strong role of maximum security, and strict control of programming and promotion of scientific and educational activities.

Universities exist because there are students who attend them. This DDL is not the centrality of the student around which to build a system that can perform its tasks.
It would have been necessary, ad oltre dieci anni dalla sua introduzione, un’analisi del sistema di formazione basato sul 3+2 per poter essere in grado di effettuare i necessari aggiornamenti.
Altrettanto preoccupante è il capitolo Diritto allo Studio. Nel nostro paese appena l’8% degli studenti riceve una borsa di studio. Circa la metà degli studenti idonei, perché meritevoli ma privi di mezzi economici sufficienti, non è assegnatario del contributo economico cui ha diritto. Nel mezzogiorno gli assegnatari sono, addirittura, una netta minoranza. Abbiamo il minor numero di alloggi residenziali d’Europa. Più dell’80% degli studenti si iscrive alle facoltà della propria regione di residenza. Tutto ciò mentre il diritto allo studio is formally enshrined as a mandatory principle in Article. 34 of our Constitution. The bill introduces a general national fund for the credit without giving content to these mandatory provisions, not by identifying the key criteria for their implementation and scandalously evading the issue of resources to fill gaps that students have reported large-scale demonstrations with just a few days ago, in every university town.
Once again we see a general principle stated that translates into tangible measures, and that does not find solutions to existing problems, especially for a lack of hedge funds.

We would have expected a law courageous di riforma dell’Università che affrontasse tutti i nodi che abbiamo qui evidenziato che sono a gran voce rivendicati da tutti i suoi attori: docenti, studenti, ricercatori, personale amministrativo.

Ci troviamo, invece, ad analizzare un testo che continua ad essere viziato da misure di finanza pubblica che ne hanno svuotato qualsiasi prospettiva di cambiamento reale dell’esistente.

Pertanto non possiamo che ritenerci insoddisfatti dal contenuto di questo Disegno di Legge: esso non risponde alle esigenze di un Paese che vuole essere competitivo e che richiede un sistema di alta formazione responsabile e competente.

Resoconto stenografico dell'Assemblea
Seat No 399 of Monday, November 22, 2010

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Tesco Bms1 Instructions

happen a long play LP

Un lungo giocare lucido

rovinoso collage dal sottosuolo

intorno alla confezione domenicale 12 12 10 komakino

This is the hour When the mysteries emerge.
A strangeness so hard to Reflect.
A moment so moving, goes straight to your heart, The vision has Never Been
met. Held
The attraction is like a weight deep inside,
Something I'll never forget.

beloved myself

would hope a little 'more radical

of punk here, I saw or rather heard

some burps


needs it?

and then instead of a room decorated with a thousand-returnable bottles to high-grade

all well

posing no broken glass or crushed

no laceration of the status quo actor



a sampler of sounds

low dissonant

the recitation of the error and not error out

the unsteadiness of the plot

directing where the idea behind all ?

Where is the basic idea directing?

Where is everything?



And that one moment of presence

with three stomach committed to swallow drinks slowly slowly

exceptional end-side reflection of our present condition bivaccante

existential weariness and wounds of the heart

concert baffled

but forgot where the violence?

But what is the rush?

Fate broke between us, do not wait until you open the door


roars mugolanti

a moderate disarray

sent a buzz

SHOUT TO RIME din of the world

Majakovski who shot himself for the failure of a revolution

here and we bow our head in search of applause

happy ending without damage and without cracked

spectacular revival a little 'vintage a bit' guessed

The pattern is set, her reaction will start,
Complete Rejected But too soon.
Looking ahead in the grip of Each fear,
Recalls the life that we knew.
The shadow that stood by the side of the road,
Always reminds me of you.

Un prosecco prima un merlot dopo. Guardate come siamo bravi a farci offrrrrire da bereeee da una ciurma di attenti spettatori parzialmente sconosciuti. In realtà nemmeno tanto. Qui tra neon gelidi e interruzioni moleste, modeste, facciamo solo finta d'ubrrrriacarci. L'alcool lo reggiamo fino ad un certo punto e il palco ancor meno. Siamo veri solo quando ci riposiamo, confessiamo stanchezza somatizzandola e non simulandola.

Poi, lo sappiamo, non possiamo certo farci arrestare da tecnici o gendarmi per danni fisici o morali allo spazio e ai convenuti. We have been inviting guests. We occupied the rectangle metatheatrical our empty, we proposed a more rock fruition, we raised the volume, we turned off the lights delivering you up to our words and your poor tired beats. And no, we never thought to shoot as Mayakovsky. There is no more revolution to cry or say. There are only ten or more heavy bags to dispose of bottles, two boxes to be removed, a fine white cloth that was precious to Leo to rewind and take back home.

And then there is only one still waiting for n11, predicting the frost off of the homeless Induno which this time should be avoided. And no, a gesture of affection is not the case, we're too tired to even think about us and our reciprocity.

Now that the end is near


hated myself

my head deleterious

please refrain from tastes and preferences and aversions to

inferences and say this again and godardianamente

what is between the things

and nothing more and nothing less

How can I find the right way to control,
All Conflicts the inside, all the problems beside, As the questions
Arise, and the answers do not fit, Into my
way of things,
Into my way of things.