Monday, December 20, 2010

Unstopping A Marine Head System

The President's letter that accompanied the promulgation of the Law "Gelmini" on 'University.

"promulgating a law, pursuant to art. 87 of the Constitution, by failing identified in the text clear and serious reasons to demand a new debate to the Chambers, the corrective of the law passed at the end of a long and difficult passage through Parliament. Implementation of the law has entrusted the rest to a large number of measures, by means of legal authority to government regulations and ministerial decrees; what is about to start is thus a process of reform, in which will be specifically defined addresses listed in the legislation and may also be addressed certain problems, found in particular in Articles 4, 23 and 26.
Regarding Article 6, concerning the title of associate professor - even if he left the Normally, from a substantive point of view, no room for doubt interpreting the real intention of the legislature - is expected to be desirable for a better formal coordination, the government immediately fulfill the commitment made by Minister Gelmini its meeting on December 21 in the Senate , possibly through the deletion of paragraph 5 of Article. As for the art. 4 on the granting of scholarships to students, it is not fully consistent with the criterion of merit in so far as it provides a reserve based also on the criterion of territorial.
addition, Art. 23, in regulating contracts for teaching, is of doubtful reasonableness in that adds a limitation objective in respect of income to subjective requirements of a scientific and professional. Finally, it should be that Article. 26, by providing the authentic interpretation of Article. 1, paragraph 1, of Decree Law No 2 of 2004 is formulated in unequivocal terms, corresponding to the established jurisprudence of the Court address Costituzionale.Al beyond could be exceeded - in the process of implementation of the law - the critical issues affecting the items mentioned, it remains important that the initiative lies with the government enforcement of the agendas and other Valditara G 28100, Ruskin and other G24.301, welcomed the meeting on 21 December in the Senate, containing precise information also integrative - in terms of content and resources - the choices made by the law subsequently approved by the Assembly. Finally I hope that all the commitments made in the acceptance agendas and developments in the complex process of implementing the measure, the government looks for a constructive dialogue with all stakeholders. "

Giorgio Napolitano


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