Monday, December 13, 2010

Hernan Cortes Acrostic

looking like a beast that animals (or performing)

Like cattle looking boxes. That biting bodies. Changing clothes. Bare spaces on the periphery of a stage set, a ring of wooden planks multifunctional essential perfect for an odd couple (or copy only) by alternate blows and ruins do whores pockets and empty stomachs at the time of Testaccio smell of blood, the slaughter of St. Basil, the romantic walk under the mountain of debris. Direct engagement with the people in the township of true language.

How miserable and desperate animals. Proletarian anger like paragrafizzata in eight installments in writing by the PPP and then heading to the staging quilted by pauses pop singing and represented by Imamama With in-theater training with a round body rough and dirty - in explicit exaggerated overacting actorial strained since the onset - and his Romanian counterpart Roman dreamy slumber of mammoth size.

then give us a bit 'of dangerous violent shake, shock and vibration energy the misfires as cannon fodder as tire marks which humiliated and uncomfortable body dead abbattetevi with your sharp shadows over us. Like dogs with broken bones, desperate souls from the fetid odor.

And still linger to tell what is not there or was there another place in sending us so far from our present spectator, or once again comfortably in a safe and protected from the dangers dei margini degli eccedenti degli emarginati degli eccessi infetti della carcassa del nostro corpo sociale. Rovinarsi insomma solo coreograficamente e a parole invece che picchiare, ammaccarsi, mancarsi, scopare sul serio ferirsi e grondare sangue.

E invece pur rigettando l'addio borghese come attaccamento alla roba, ci si attiene a ciò di cui in principio si dichiarava l'estraneità e si è ordunque come bestie che non mordono, bestie realiste ammaestrate, cercatrici non di vaste radure nelle quali correre, ma di briglia con le quali restar meno sciolte.

Canzone non cantata, ballata non andata. Inchiodati all'infimo in cui si è impantanati, senza alcuna scala sociale. La riscossa si sa, è nello scendere la china fino in fondo.


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