Monday, December 20, 2010

Free Poptropica Accounts With Membership

outside and inside Parliament. The process of the Gelmini Law.

Emanuela De Luca

Where were we - Before the summer we have given voice to the concern of researchers and university students against the bill Gelmini, whose port was shifted to the parliamentary debate on Oct. 14. The concerns raised then have occurred in all their gravity at the beginning of the academic year by the Minister because there have been setbacks nor signs of opening to the protests from the academic world. Inevitably, then, the intensification of the forms of mobilization and the threat that all feared: the no of many researchers to take the courses for the new year, a decision that he would skip the start of many undergraduate courses as a large number of researchers are qualified to teach (in some cases the percentage of researchers who is also teaching in a graduate program gets to 40%). The position of
CRUI - Faced with this situation, the deans used the iron fist, especially at the beginning of the academic year, saying that would have banned the teaching contract to replace the void left by the researchers. The worst of solutions, because it would entail an additional expenditure (financing, albeit at bargain prices, new contracts) and the risk of lowering the quality of teaching (as i nuovi contratti potrebbero anche essere assegnati a persone che non hanno mai tenuto un corso universitario). È seguita una mozione della CRUI (la Conferenza dei Rettori delle Università Italiane) del 23 settembre, la quale, pur ribadendo la necessità di garantire il diritto degli studenti al regolare corso dell’anno accademico, comprende il disagio dei ricercatori e sollecita il Governo a rendere certi i tempi e le entità dei finanziamenti per l’Università. Tuttavia, dopo pochi giorni,il Presidente della CRUI, Enrico Decleva, preoccupato che la calendarizzazione al 14 ottobre della discussione parlamentare sul DDL Gelmini, proprio alla vigilia dell’inizio della Sessione Bilancio, potesse portare “molto probabilmente, in the current political instability, the early destruction of the measure, "says that" it is imperative that you return on the schedule in the House providing space for discussion of the measure in time. " Covertly, but not that much, CRUI showed that the will was approved and DDL in a short time.
Mobilization and forms of protest - Mobilization saw in the first row above the University of Bologna: after an initial iron fist, the Academic Senate of the Alma Mater has welcomed and endorsed a document proposed by the Rector and Ivano Dionigi Deans whereby the start of classes was postponed to October 5 and was approved by 27 September to 1 October, a week of reflection and discussion on some of the most important and most critical of the university system (such as autonomy, the right to study the system of governance, resources, new recruitment policies and the status of current research). Everything to know the real situation of public universities and the reasons for the discomfort expressed by the researchers and to develop proposals on the reform bill to be submitted to the institutional and political parties. The initiatives have been numerous seminars, public meetings, meetings of researchers were organized in various faculties of the University of Bologna (il 29 settembre la mobilitazione ha coinvolto anche attori esterni all’università: il mondo della scuola e del teatro, anch’essi colpiti pesantemente dalla scure dei tagli economici) e sono state accompagnate da numerosi momenti di protesta (ad esempio lo sciopero nazionale dell’8 ottobre di un’ora in tutti i comparti della conoscenza).
Oltre alla settimana di mobilitazione per l’università, i ricercatori hanno organizzato ulteriori assemblee, per definire in maniera precisa le proposte da avanzare al Governo e le forme di protesta in occasione della discussione parlamentare.

Le richieste e le proposte dei ricercatori precari – Lo scorso 8 ottobre a Bologna ha avuto luogo l’assemblea precarious national research and teaching in Italian universities, during which it was decided to create the "Precarious Coordination of research and teaching - University (CPU) and was drafted a document that collects and summarizes the various proposals made in the field. Let us quote the main points. Researchers from the CPU primarily want to know that even if they have many years of research and teaching underpaid and disenfranchised that contribute significantly to the functioning of the universities, the proposed laws and policies of the university there is no official recognition for their . Arguing that "the university should reform itself democratically and low, the Italian company to offer quality education, research and a talented role of constant and critical self-observation, "desiring" a university that does not create social or territorial fractures among students and workers, which does not exploit the labor contracts with humiliating and unprotected, which does not offer the younger generation as the unique choice precarious life, the researchers observed that the CPU, however, government policies, particularly the so-called "reform" of the university, go in completely opposite direction. Although the DDL Gelmini, will be approved by Parliament, be presented with a situation like this, "entire generations of precarious university are simply deleted from the planned abolition of the post of researcher for an indefinite period and its replacement with temporary contracts with no guarantees, a far cry from the advertised tenure track, tens of thousands of precarious researchers are at risk of not being able to continue its working relationship unacceptable because of time constraints and Population for fellows and researchers TD and cuts (1 billion and 350 million euro) that are ravaging the Italian university, already in the past months several thousand employees, teachers on contract and have been purged due to lack of funds and left with no social safety nets, through the establishment of the rector and the introduction of private owner- Board are weakened in the democratic structures of university, you grant a proxy to the Ministry of Economy in white for the assessment and funding of universities, the right to study changes in student debt quote, exacerbating social inequalities and regional authorities. It is no coincidence that the DDL is supported by CRUI Gelmini, private association that brings together the academic component most responsible for the many distortions of the university today. " Therefore, researchers from the CPU demand that the reform of universities including "inextricably" 5 points: 1) a single pre-contract role of research and teaching, at least two years and unlimited renewal, in replacement of the jungle-term contracts, 2) the introduction of a unique role of teaching divided into 3 levels, 3) the revival of recruitment through open competitions for new research and teaching positions for an indefinite period, 4) 's adjusting the retirement age of university teachers to the European standard of 65 years also in order to recover resources exclusively for the recruitment, 5) the introduction of a system of welfare and social protection for all fragile. Furthermore, by urging the abolition of restrictions on time and personal access and renewal contracts for temporary university; the release of the turnover and recovery of the positions already lost as a result of the blockade, the cancellation of fees for students without a grant and the allocation of increased resources for scholarships, the university will stop paying dues to the CRUI, equivalent to over € 1.5 million per year from their budgets, as the "Association CRUI "definitively ceased to represent the interests of the public university (the sums recovered should be used to refinance the university cut services because of economic difficulties of the past), all the governing bodies of universities to speak out against the DDL Gelmini against CRUI support this measure, all the rectors and deans do not ban outside contracts to replace the researchers Structured unavailable. As for the protest, finally, the researchers set out to reject and condemn all forms of free labor or pay symbolic and awareness among gentlemen precarious position of principle to this important and effective form of protest, to build local initiatives against the Gelmini DDL for claiming the right to be represented in the universities and to support platform of demands for improving their working conditions and living to coordinate with the school to offer temporary and embrace a national day of action against cuts to education and against government plans to dismantle public education.

The parliamentary debate - Here comes the fateful October 14, the starting date of the parliamentary debate on the bill in 1905. Outside the weather is particularly hot to the numerous sit-in precarious researchers and students, and within the House, the growing impatience of the group of "Finian" Future of Freedom and in the Government. But we think Giulio Tremonti to remove, for a moment, the chestnuts from the fire: in fact, the economy minister in those days said that there is sufficient funding for the plan to reform the university. All slide So, in December. In the meantime, researchers are returning to the chair and courses are regularly parties, while remaining open all the problems are the cuts the law 133/2008, are the cuts and freezes the turnover set out in the last financial. As if that were not enough, you add a new fact: 8 out of 10 Italian students eligible for the scholarship will not be able to use them, because state funding has increased from 246 million last year to 25.7 million, almost 90% of funds less.
In early December, the DDL ends the parliamentary debate in the House and receives the approval to go to the Senate. No easy task, because the majority of the serious internal crisis, the alternative choices of the group of Fli, and especially because of the huge mobilization of university researchers and the entire student movement. Schools and universities employed, the symbol of our heritage under assault, students and researchers on the roofs, assemblies, lessons in the streets, demonstrations, blocking of stations and highways, police charges on students: these are the events of the early days of December. Long time not attending to such strong protests and choirs. If researchers last winter, when it began to circulate the first draft of the bill on the university, feared that their protest and their reasons would not have taken hold on public opinion, can now be said to have escaped that danger and to be able in their awareness and information. Sunken
confidence from the government on 14 December, the parliamentary process of the Bill continued in the Senate, where on December 23 was finally approved. (The provisional draft of the reform is available at ).
The detrimental impact of this law on the university system have already been discussed within this blog in recent months with teachers, researchers and students [ ricercatori.html reform-delluniversita.html] not to mention the severe funding cuts due to L. 133/08 and fiscal consolidation. Certainly the policies pursued cut in education and research in the last decade, most acutely in the last 2-3 years have had a devastating effect on the entire public university system. Admittedly, however - and this debate can not leave politics, but necessarily from within the academic world - that the main problem of the Italian university, together with that of economic divestment from the State, is education. For the moment we leave open this fundamental issue, which deserves more space and would require other contributions, but we still want to bring the reflections, which we happened almost accidentally read a few days ago, made on these two points (universities and state funding to education and quality of university teaching) by Marc Bloch and Antonio Gramsci. By analogy, we believe that they can offer valuable insights.

"Every national disaster requires first an examination of conscience, then (since the examination of conscience is not a sterile complacency when it does not lead to an effort towards the better) to draw up a renovation plan. [...] Among the many reconstruction and essential, that our educational system will not be the least urgent. These strategies, administrative practices or simply moral strength, our collapse was first, in the leaders of this country and (why be afraid to admit it?) In a whole part of his people, as a defeat of the intelligence of the character . Among the root causes of the defeat, in other words, a role it is the lack of training of young people from society. A modest reforms could never correcting these defects. You do not create a new educational system patching old routine. We need a revolution. [...] I do not delude ourselves, the task will be arduous. We can not avoid the tears. It will not be easy to convince teachers that the methods for a long time and that they consciously used were perhaps not the best, mature men that their children will benefit from an education different from what they themselves received, [...]. Here, not only here, the future will belong to the brave, we are sure. For everyone involved in teaching, there could be danger worse than a soft complacency towards the institutions of which they have done, with time, a comfortable abode. Not claiming, in a few pages to discuss the program of this necessary revolution. [...] There is however a prerequisite, so indispensable that nothing serious will be When she did not is satisfied. For the education of young people, as for the continued development of culture among all citizens, it is important for France to agree to spend tomorrow's figures incomparably higher than that so far has resigned to devote. [...] Resources, therefore, for our research projects. For our universities, colleges and schools, [...]. And, let's say without false modesty, we also need to ensure resources for teachers of all grades existence certainly not luxurious (France is not a luxury we dream), but sufficiently independent, as well as from small material distress, the need of jobs incidental, that these men can devote themselves their task of teaching or scientific research with clear mind, a spirit that will not cease to be renewed at the living sources of the art or science. But these necessary sacrifices would be in vain if you do not apply to a teaching completely renovated.
A word, a terrible word, sums up one of TARE the most pernicious of our current system: bachotage. A poison penetrated to a lesser degree in primary education, although I do not think it is entirely free. Secondary education, universities and grandes écoles, it has become infected. Bachotage. Ie: obsession examination and evaluation. Worse, what should be a simple reagent, destinato a verificare il valore dell’educazione, diventa il fine cui si orienta sin dall’inizio l’intero processo educativo. Non si invitano più i ragazzi o gli studenti ad acquisire le conoscenze di cui l’esame, bene o male, permetterà di apprezzare la solidità. Li si esorta invece a preparare l’esame. Similmente, un cane sapiente non è un cane che sa molte cose ma che è stato addestrato a dare, tramite qualche esercizio preventivamente scelto, solo l’illusione del sapere. […] Non penso sia necessario insistere oltre sugli inconvenevoli intellettuali di una simile mania degli esami. Ma, quanto alle conseguenze morali, le conosciamo da sempre: il timore di qualsiasi iniziativa, negli insegnanti as in the students, the negation of all freedom of curiosity, the cult of success rather than the pleasure of knowledge, a kind of perpetual tremor, and resentment where it should reign in the free joy of learning, faith in luck [...] and finally , infinitely more serious evil, faith in the fraud? ".
Marc Bloch, on education reform in the odd defeat. Testimony of 1940, introduced S. Lanaro, Einaudi, Torino 1995, 201-213.

"The Italian universities. Why not exercise that influence in the country regulating the cultural life of practicing in other countries? One reason must be sought in what the universities il contatto tra insegnanti e studenti non è organizzato. Il professore insegna dalla cattedra alla massa degli ascoltatori, cioè svolge la sua lezione, e se ne va. Solo nel periodo della laurea avviene che lo studente si avvicini al professore, gli chieda un tema e consigli specifici sul metodo della ricerca scientifica. Per la massa degli studenti i corsi non sono altro che una serie di conferenze, ascoltate con maggiore o minore attenzione, tutte o solo una parte: lo studente si affida alle dispense, all'opera che il docente stesso ha scritto sull'argomento o alla bibliografia che ha indicato. Un maggior contatto esiste tra i singoli insegnanti e singoli studenti che vogliono specializzarsi su una determinata disciplina: questo contatto si forma, per lo più, random and has a huge importance for the continuity and the fortunes of academic disciplines. Is formed, for example, for reasons of religious, political, family-friendly. A student becomes a regular professor, who met him at the library, invites him home, he recommended books to read and research to be groped. Each teacher tends to form his own "school" has its points of view (called "theories") on certain parts of his knowledge, he would like to see supported by "his followers or disciples." Each professor wants from her university, competing with others, young people leave "distinguished" leading contributions "serious" in its science. So right there in the same competition between teachers of related subjects to compete for some young people who have already distinguished themselves with a short article or a review or discussion in school (where if they do). The professor then really driving his pupil, shows him a theme, the Council in the performance, facilitates the research, conversations with his assiduous accelerates its scientific background, makes him the first essays published in journals, puts it in relation to other specialists and definitely hoarding. This costume, except for specific cases of the Camorra, is beneficial, because it integrates the function of universities. It should be something personal, to personal initiative, to become organ function: I do not know to what extent, but I think the workshops of the German type, represent functions or seek to perform it. Around certain crowds of Procaccianti professors, who hope to reach more easily a university. Many young people however, who come from high schools in the province especially, are lost and in the social environment of university study. The first six months of the course serves to orient the specific nature of university studies and shyness is inevitable in any relationship between teacher and pupil. In the seminars is not the case, or at least not to the same extent. Anyway, this general structure of university life does not, already at university, no hierarchy between permanent intellectual mass of professors and students after college too few bonds are dissolved and the country lacks any cultural structure which focuses on campus. This has been one of the elements of the luck of the dyad Croce-Gentile, before the war, in making up a large national center of intellectual life, among other things, they also fought against the inadequacy of university life and the scientific and educational mediocrity (sometimes even moral) of the official teachers.
school question. Compare the article entitled "The easy and the difficult of Metron in the Corriere della Sera on 7 January 1932. Metron makes two interesting observations (referring to courses in engineering and state exams for engineers): 1) that during the course the teacher speaks and the student absorbs percent for one or two, and 2) in the state exams that candidates know how to respond to quarrels "difficult" and fail in the quarrels "easy". Metron It does not cover exactly the reasons of these problems and does not indicate any remedy "trend." It seems to me that the two deficiencies are related to the educational system of lectures and conference without "seminar" and the traditional nature of the testing that has created a traditional psychology exams. Notes and handouts. The notes and the notes are formed especially on the question "difficult" teaching himself insists on the "difficult", assuming an independent student for the "things easy. "The more they approach the exams more it sums up the matter of the course, until the day before, when you" have returned "only just the most difficult quarrels: the student is mesmerized by how hard all his power of recollection and his sensitivity intellectual focus on the question so difficult. For the absorption minimum: the system of lectures and conference leads the teacher to repeat or not repeat as little as possible: the quarrels are so made only within a framework determined, which makes unilateral for the student. The student absorbs one or two of one hundred teacher said: but if the format of one hundred percent different one-sidedness, the absorption can not essere che molto basso. Un corso universitario è concepito come un libro sull'argomento. Ma si può diventare colti con la lettura di un solo libro? Si tratta quindi della quistione del metodo nell'insegnamento universitario: all'università si deve studiare o studiare per saper studiare? Si devono studiare "fatti" o il metodo per studiare i "fatti"? La pratica del "seminario" dovrebbe appunto integrare e vivificare l'insegnamento orale».
Antonio Gramsci, Note sparse. Problemi scolastici e organizzazione della cultura in Quaderni del carcere 3: Quaderni 12-29, a cura di V. Gerratana, Einaudi, Torino 1977 .

Infine vogliamo aggiungere che la protesta, forte e decisa, contro questa proposta reform has finally put together the different souls of the university in general tend not to talk or talk too little, that is, students, researchers and teachers. What better time to start rethinking university teaching?

Links to previous articles by E. De Luca Trentin and BM on-bill-Gelmini-interview-con.html


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