Monday, December 20, 2010

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Gelmini Law. The minority report

Rules for the organization of universities, academic staff and recruitment, as well as enabling Government to enhance the quality and efficiency of the university system

report Luigi Nicolais

Mr President, Distinguished Representatives of the Government
Colleagues , The 5
Giugno1224 with "lictera generalis" in founding the University of Naples, was formally issued the edict that said: "Frederick II of Swabia by the grace of the Lord of the Roman Emperor Augustus and King of Jerusalem and Sicily , to the archbishops, bishops and other prelates of the Church, to the Margrave, barons, judges, chamberlains ..... We ordain that in Naples, the most lovable of all the cities, will be taught all the arts and business will be established seat of learning so that all who are hungry to know in my kingdom will find the means to meet their needs and will not be obliged to go abroad for the sake of studies ...."

The University took a ruler to the centrality of about 800 years ago, we should expect even more aware today of a modern political class.

In a knowledge society where competition has a global dimension need to focus mainly on universities as part of the country's development. E 'must be able to train young people capable and competent and develop knowledge and research, on the one hand can be transferred to companies (which, however, only through dematerialization of their product are able to maintain a competitive position in a global setting), and the other, creating a ruling class at the complexity of challenges that society presents us.
Our university has been able to date, with great difficulty, to maintain a scientific production that our country still ranks among the top industrialized nations, despite the low number of researchers and the limited financial resources. How extraordinary intellectual resources
result of years of sacrifice in the classrooms and laboratories of our faculty have found their place in large corporations abroad? How many thousands of Italian researchers in the world scientific community often are universally recognized for their quality and their ability? Consider that in Boston at the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology many researchers with an Italian passport, committed between research centers and multinational companies with which they interact, have felt the need to meet in a community called MIT-ITALY, to share the extraordinary wealth of knowledge acquired at home and valued in a major shopping of excellence in the world.
Such data would require a greater humility in dealing with certain criticisms indiscriminate to our university, its teaching staff, its researchers and its students. Especially
should make us act with greater caution in proposing indiscriminate cuts that end up accelerating the migration flows of our finest minds in favor of the economies of our competitors on a global scale.

Surely our universities, like many other institutions in need of a reform that takes into account the great changes that have occurred in recent years.

In a system that changes very fast, we can not allow us to leave unchanged our system of higher education. And that is why the Democratic Party as we have argued, right from the start of the examination of the legislative reform of the University of the bill, the need to demand a change of pace from the university system. Through the commitment of the teaching staff of universities, not only in the development of knowledge and in training, but also paying attention to the possibility of transferring land to the results of research produced.

Unfortunately, we find that this government has followed a path that was not up to the challenges we have before us. The Government has addressed the problem of university reform aiming mainly to savings in expenditure.
The same resources contained in the budget package just approved, while demonstrating that it was necessary to tighten things than many cuts already made in the field, on the other appear to be totally inadequate to give the entire industry the knowledge that key for the redevelopment of the country.

In order to ensure that the public does not ripen fierce hostility against these cuts as dangerous, was still the worst smear campaign in place in recent months by the media and emphasizing some sectors of the political problems real, however, also present in other areas of public and professional life, but that was instrumental in the university wanted to pass as a general rule of the system.

The greatest damage produced by this campaign was to have taken the young students a chance to look at their teacher as a reference model.
groped Instead of strengthening the credibility of institution, the academic who daily engaged with the difficulty of giving consciousness to new generations of its role in society, he wanted to represent the eyes of the easy cliche University wasteful and annuities position.

Unfortunately, the result of this policy choice was not to facilitate the reduction of investment in this sector, but to poison the atmosphere and even more exasperating those who chose to dedicate his life to research and expected by their rulers more foresight and courage in more investment.

Today we are examining this Bill, in the version next to the amendments made by the relevant parliamentary committees, in the knowledge that his body has the legal contradictions that have not been resolved.
principles such as autonomy, free education and free inquiry set out with great force in Article 1 of the measure under consideration, and certainly acceptable, but are totally contradicted by the instructions given in the following articles, which are the living body of the draft law.
Think of how on the one hand it provides a compelling detail that is invasive and the meticulous composition of governing bodies and, secondly, we introduce the concept of the Programme with the Ministry to try their functional and organizational models, allowing to disregard the standards established following an agreement between the parties, mortifying the true autonomy in a bureaucratic and centralized decision-making places.
According to the same approach to three-year development plans, which statements in the government were to represent a high moment of university policy, is to reduce bureaucratic activity that should be applauded by the Ministry for University, Education and Scientific Research (MIUR).
The entire system of university reform which is proposed to tip us back to a central system and with the approval amendment to Article. 25, we introduce an obvious mentoring the Ministry of Education by the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

In designing the cornerstone of the new university legislation, we would have expected more attention in the provision of specific transitional rules. Unfortunately, we must note that even these basic provisions are completely inadequate, not to predict what will happen in about 25,000 researchers, however, was also canceled already shooting salary brackets, and tens of thousands of temporary workers who make a vital contribution to support both the research, the teaching of the universities also challenging the provisions of the law currently in force 382.
The bill before us is not a reform launches at no cost, but a reform that works within denominations that have dogged the university.
The economic principle that inspires it has no equal in the EU framework. Other European countries, who share our common concerns and budget requirements for financial instability, have invested in Research and Innovation.
France and Germany have accompanied their measures of economic and financial planning with massive investments in knowledge, aware that any resources allocated for the supply chain of knowledge can become, in a system that works, multiplier and catalyst for development of recovery economy.
Italy, unfortunately even with this bill we are voting, came more and more like bringing up the rear of the rankings among the most developed countries to invest in research and higher education. The cut of 1 billion and € 300 million worked in university funding in the last 3 years is a very serious because the consequences of which we pay every day, mortgaging adverse effects for the next few years if not reverse course. The 800 million just awarded with the financial account for only a portion of the Financing Fund Ordinary already reduced and so they are a wholly inadequate measure for any new recruitment and can not be touted as additional investment.

This is not to uncritically defend the status quo. The Democratic Party was created to serve as a political force for needed change to the country. As a result we are aware of the urgency is not so much individual remedies, as a measure that makes the whole system, the legislative framework governing the world of the university in all its aspects.
But we believe in a reform of the Italian university. The courageous reforms, those that serve the public interest of the country can not be conditioned only by the need to reduce costs.

We need a streamlined single text principles and clear rules to which the universities must follow (in the recruitment, training, evaluation), as to the paradigm of maximum range and maximum responsibility.

autonomy is the foundational element that characterizes the university system, but we need resources to pursue, strategic programs and projects that make the university system, cohesive and functional needs of a modern country. In DDL we see a renewed centralized administration and the detailed list of obligations that the universities must meet. We need, however, a review and reorganization of universities in a 'general policy and complex optical than hitherto adopted. The universities must be put in a position to act as a stronger society, and to do so must act with knowledge that is necessary to open a new phase project that involves and integrates multiple actors and institutions. That's why we have to start from autonomy. Especially now that it must be articulated along with federalism, subsidiarity, evaluation and multilevel governance.

But autonomy must be cornerstones of a system made of valid weights. Only the assessment by third party institutions will act as a bulwark against the pressures of a bad conception of degenerative recognized. The evaluation of attività come strumento di controllo dei risultati e di trasparenza pubblica è, e deve essere, un punto fermo su cui costruire la forza del sistema che immaginiamo per gli Atenei.
Siamo consapevoli, tuttavia, che per tramutare concretamente la valutazione in una prassi che faccia perno sulla massima responsabilizzazione degli attori universitari dobbiamo avere il coraggio di parlare non solo di valutazione ex ante, ma principalmente di valutazione ex post. Solo così saremo in condizione di premiare i comportamenti virtuosi delle università, dei Dipartimenti e delle diverse strutture accademiche, esaltando una concezione di merito e isolando storture e sperperi. La valutazione delle attività come strumento di indirizzo strategico, di controllo results and public transparency is, and ought to be a cornerstone on which to build the strength of the system.
Already in the previous legislature was created ANVUR that the intent of all the third body should be able to make objective assessment of scientific production is that of teaching activities, but also the functioning of universities. Why, after almost three years, the ANVUR is not yet operational?
In this bill we talk frequently described without having yet clearly defined variables to be measured and the methodologies to be used!
Again, as in many others, refers to a range DDL Gelmini of decrees and decrees making this reform very vague and no immediate effect.

The recruitment, which is an essential element for the future of the university is strongly influenced by all the choices of an economic nature carried out by this government. Even given the expected strong exodus of teachers in the coming years would have required a significant input of young people in the university system in order to avoid a shortage of university teaching and research capacity.

Of particular concern is the way it dealt with by the text of the draft law the issue of governance of the university system. We are skeptical about the idea di un modello rigido unico che passi per norme di dettaglio omogenee per tutte le università. Gli Atenei italiani sono molto diversi tra loro per dimensioni, caratteristiche e ambiti culturali e un “unico modello ” non sembra adeguato a rispondere alle diverse esigenze.
Si costruisce un nuovo modello di governo delle università solo individuando un obiettivo strategico. Questo dovrebbe essere ispirato al principio dell’ accountability, inteso come un solenne e sistematico impegno a render conto dei propri risultati con modalità trasparenti. Ad oggi nell’università una concezione fuorviante e strumentalizzata del pur prezioso concetto di “garanzie democratiche” a tutto campo, ha condotto alla formazione di strutture di governo pletoriche, a procedure decisionali lente e pesantemente gerarchiche, all’impropria commistione tra forme di rappresentanza e compiti di governo. Un obiettivo coraggioso è senza dubbio rappresentato dalla semplificazione stessa degli strumenti di governance e di organizzazione delle università. Abbiamo bisogno di giungere ad una riduzione del numero di corsi di laurea e di dipartimenti attraverso un accorpamento e razionalizzazione degli insegnamenti, garantendo agli stessi studenti la possibilità di una più ampia possibilità di articolazione dei propri percorsi formativi.

Al consiglio di amministrazione va assegnato un deciso compito di programmazione e di governo e il contributo di competenze esterne è senz’altro opportunity for strengthening the university, provided they are identified key features and specifications for these components.

The Academic Senate is the same without its institutional mission defined and, given his role so far fulfilled, it is weakened. We believe that his new prominence lies in its strong role of maximum security, and strict control of programming and promotion of scientific and educational activities.

Universities exist because there are students who attend them. This DDL is not the centrality of the student around which to build a system that can perform its tasks.
It would have been necessary, ad oltre dieci anni dalla sua introduzione, un’analisi del sistema di formazione basato sul 3+2 per poter essere in grado di effettuare i necessari aggiornamenti.
Altrettanto preoccupante è il capitolo Diritto allo Studio. Nel nostro paese appena l’8% degli studenti riceve una borsa di studio. Circa la metà degli studenti idonei, perché meritevoli ma privi di mezzi economici sufficienti, non è assegnatario del contributo economico cui ha diritto. Nel mezzogiorno gli assegnatari sono, addirittura, una netta minoranza. Abbiamo il minor numero di alloggi residenziali d’Europa. Più dell’80% degli studenti si iscrive alle facoltà della propria regione di residenza. Tutto ciò mentre il diritto allo studio is formally enshrined as a mandatory principle in Article. 34 of our Constitution. The bill introduces a general national fund for the credit without giving content to these mandatory provisions, not by identifying the key criteria for their implementation and scandalously evading the issue of resources to fill gaps that students have reported large-scale demonstrations with just a few days ago, in every university town.
Once again we see a general principle stated that translates into tangible measures, and that does not find solutions to existing problems, especially for a lack of hedge funds.

We would have expected a law courageous di riforma dell’Università che affrontasse tutti i nodi che abbiamo qui evidenziato che sono a gran voce rivendicati da tutti i suoi attori: docenti, studenti, ricercatori, personale amministrativo.

Ci troviamo, invece, ad analizzare un testo che continua ad essere viziato da misure di finanza pubblica che ne hanno svuotato qualsiasi prospettiva di cambiamento reale dell’esistente.

Pertanto non possiamo che ritenerci insoddisfatti dal contenuto di questo Disegno di Legge: esso non risponde alle esigenze di un Paese che vuole essere competitivo e che richiede un sistema di alta formazione responsabile e competente.

Resoconto stenografico dell'Assemblea
Seat No 399 of Monday, November 22, 2010


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