Sunday, September 21, 2008

Fm Transmitter Project Report

Milan, 50 thousand against racism. Abba's Friends take the city.

They went, they took the parade, they took to the streets of downtown and then alone, so 'as they came, they went on a Zuretti. Where everything is 'done and it' started. Where Abba and 'dead, killed. Have been a hundred at the beginning, Italian boys, blacks, G2, children of immigrants and migrants, and a few others with them. 18.19, 20 years and no more '. A great deal of anger in the body. Against all. They would not stand in the ranks of the parade. They did not want to break anything or anyone, just cry, block traffic, run back and forth, like spring. Then he sat down to repeat the slogan: 'What do we want to raga Abba?', 'Justice'. And then: 'Shame', 'Stop Racism'. A cry and went. T-shirts with the face of Abba, drawings or photographs. A sign for all, held aloft by a guy with a shirt of Inter, Balotelli such as: 'Proud Black, Abba lives.' Pants and designer sunglasses. Earrings with rhinestones. As such to their peers at the rustle of the windows. But "c'est la banlieue". That of many Abba reduction on a Saturday afternoon in the center, that the crossing at night and at dawn can be found on the floor in a pool of blood if they meet the wrong kind. "C'est la banlieue," Milan, screaming, angry, incomprehensible to those "grandparents" to parade before trying to contain them, complying with (state well in the lead, but before you do a cordon to distance himself from the police). Nothing to do.
Not even for a few "boss" of the community 'migrant. Argue with him there as well. Ten minutes time, and these guys, these Italians, blacks, break down the rows of the left. They are going to take San Babila, and Corso Vittorio Emanuele, Piazza Duomo, and when you find a police cordon in front of a tract not authorized the background. Travel. On the momentum. A couple of beatings and so on. The police defended Palazzo Marino, City Hall. They do not even know WHAT '. They do not give a fuck anything of the Palace. The river disorganized place to go. Some calcium and motor car to pass. Some roughness. But away, away. Without the need to riot. Up on a Zuretti. Alone. From
yesterday in Milan and 'Something happened. For those who want to 'understand. For those who want to 'listen. And 'that happened a hundred boys have taken their time, the beat. Never mind about everything and everyone. In their own way. The parade lets you do. It could not be otherwise. Also because ' "Boys" do not listen to anyone. Only the relatives of Abba, a cousin or an uncle, who was always half when tensions rise, when flying any insult. 'Abba was a non-violent,' he says, 'no one should ruin his party'. And all is calm. It happens so 'even at the end, in Zuretti, while the banner of the hundreds of symbols of the event remained in the Cathedral. Tension and shaking of the police encirclement. But then with all hands up for the song they liked Abba and then again to reggae to dance in the street.
now up to all those who were behind these guys know it or not, do not abandon them. It is up to 50 thousand a beautiful parade, which fills the heart with colors, music, signs. It will be 'to the left, the company' calendar, not to leave those guys. Listen to them. Because 'an account is us, our desire for solidarity', multiculturalism, non-violence. A bill to them. I'll say when you approach. They tell you "you". And you want to explain that you are there 'to tell and that you are always racist. "Fuck you" and 'the answer. There 's an "us and you. There 's an "us young, urban, mestizo, precarious, that when it wants to take words and acts in its own way, style and rules.
that not only applies to hundreds of "troubled strangers" who have taken the road. It is also for that guy, Italian flag in his hand has an argument in piazza della Scala con un signore anziano che voleva spiegargli la vita, il lavoro, la famiglia, essere italiani... ‘Guarda che non devo andarmene a casa mia, questa e’ casa mia. Io sono italiano e le cose stanno cambiando, se non te ne sei accorto. E dovete abituarvi’. In via Zuretti verso le 18, a corteo finito, saranno un migliaio a ritrovarsi, sono arrivati anche molti dei centro sociali. Un furgone, della musica e qualche discorso. Ma soprattutto musica. Attorno tanta polizia. La gente si affaccia alle finestre. Alcuni cambiano il nome della via. Una targa come quella per Carlo Giuliani, adesso dice "Via Abba". Tra gli amici, c'e’ anche John che la sera maledetta era con Abba. John porta dei biscotti davanti al bar Shining. Cookies. Those who were "motivated" the reaction of the two bartenders animal, father and son. Here they are cookies. The same guy who carries around a whole procession stopping in front of every bar, every coffee 'in the center, starting over each time a sort of theatrical piece:' I only ask to be human, you see, are like you ... I have killed for these cookies, as you do for a dog '. Heartbreaking.
Before departure, before this special day in the city 'may not make again into account, there were the words of his sister Adriarata, behind the banner that was to be opening:' There 's too racism must stop, and what ' successo e’ drammatico, nessuno puo’ sentire il dolore che ho dentro, per avere un paese bello bisogna vivere insieme’. Dolore e dignita’. Rispedite come di consueto al mittente dal vicesindaco di An De Corato: ‘Milano non crede al razzismo, ma sulla vicenda del ragazzo ucciso c'e’ una parte, quella della sinistra radicale, che si ostina a rinfocolare una congettura smentita da tutti. Ma anche da esponenti del centrosinistra, come la senatrice teodem Emanuela Baio. Che ha negato la patente di xenofobia alla nostra citta’ e piu’ razionalmente ha puntato il dito contro una societa’ malata, quella per esempio, dei tanti giovani, che come spettri, vagano per le strade della citta’ fino all'alba distruggendosi con alcol e droghe’. Gli fa da contorno uno dei due accusati di omicidio, il figlio, che tramite la madre fa sapere: ‘Meno male che sono in cella con altri sette italiani che mi tirano un po' su e poi abbiamo la stessa cultura, mentalita’, e ci capiamo’. Eccoci qua.
A lui e alla citta’ che dorme sonni tranquilli mentre dei giovani vengono ammazzati, risponde ancora Rifondazione con Arci, Sinistra Democratica, Verdi, sindacato di base e Cgil (c'era tutta la Camera del lavoro al corteo), associazionismo, centri sociali... Ma quale ponte con quei ragazzi che ancora alle 19 camminavano in centinaia lungo Melchiorre Gioia, incapaci di fermarsi? Moni Ovadia, ricordava ieri quando i clandestini erano Italians and says we should say thanks to these guys poured a blessing. Meanwhile, in the Fourth Oggiaro Torchiera social center with the anti-fascist network in Milan staged "Chronicles of resistance", music, memory, writing to re-weave the periphery. And Corvetto, groups of young people had their hip-hop, born in the melting 'pot of one of the most' toast of the town 'with a draft released by the district contracts and the work of outreach. All stuff that the city 'institution, that of "all home at night," does not want. Here, perhaps we need to start from the '. From the future.

Claudio Jampaglia, Milan (Liberation)


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