Thursday, September 18, 2008

Letter Of Recommendation For Stylist


After some months after the birth of Rec seems the time to take stock and see what we have done so far and what our future goals.
We like to think that everything started with our first public outing, the festival of August 5, although in reality follows a month of confrontations, meetings and ideas. The Street Style Night
there has served to introduce us to our country (Ghedi) and beyond, we have spread our questionnaire, promoted the blog, handed out flyers about our ideals and our social struggles, and we were a bit 'self-financed.
Same thing, changing the target to the entire province and beyond, was done during the working week at the party of Radio shock wave, where we met realtà che combattono per i nostri stessi ideali e con cui speriamo di continuare collaborazioni sempre più necessarie in questo clima di paura e disfattismo a livello politico e culturale. Nello stesso periodo è continuata l'attività antifascista, consolidata poi nella fondazione del coordinamento antifascista della bassa (ma non solo) bresciana.
L'attività di Rec prosegue su due fronti paralleli: la partecipazione al coordinamento antifascista e il proseguimento degli obiettivi interni prefissati all'inizio dell'estate.
Innanzitutto cominceremo ad analizzare i dati raccolti dai questionari. Abbiamo superato di gran lunga il numero di risposte che ci aspettavamo, e di questo dobbiamo ringraziare tutti voi che avete collaborato, giving us the necessary enthusiasm to really believe in this project.
And here finally revealed the mystery: what are the questions that we asked?
emerged from the answers we understand what the points and issues to be addressed as soon as possible to shed light on topical issues of which we have a clear idea.
The goal is to organize cultural events of all kinds and in all places (schools, board rooms, parks, roads ...) and hold conferences with specialists who can give us different views on different issues: we need to analyze all sides of things create in us a critical thinking, to know how to make a proper and rational choice.
The results of the questionnaires will also help us to draw up the draft Final of our manifesto our ideas and initiatives not want to be only local, but spread throughout the territory.
A cultural movement should have no territorial or cultural boundaries, according to some 'ideal of' think global, act local ". To do this' will also ask the support of the distinguished figures of Italian culture that share our ideals and help us grow.
REC is an ambitious and difficult to develop, especially in this era, it takes a lot of enthusiasm and willingness to respond to oppression and standards imposed by the fascist system.
We believe that a new world is possible, that we are not just pieces on a chessboard that are moved by the powerful. The power is the people, squares, streets, industries, clubs, schools ...
We are at your disposal for any questions, please contact us if you have ideas, if you want to publish your article or participate actively or as sympathetic to the cultural movement.
remains at your disposal the blog, where we urge you to leave your comments and ideas to create a confrontation that could be constructive and stimulating our minds. Thanks


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