Saturday, November 29, 2008

Apache Trailer Weight

respective Cardinal not only poor but also humiliated

"The Social Card boasts an illustrious precedent - almost centenary. Like in the" American Food Stamps Program '39 "- this refers to the Minister Tremonti, who assures, will be anonymous. So, dear" poor beneficiaries "- of so much grace, 40 euro per month - and ultra sixty-five families with a child under three anni che rientrate nei parametri Isee, state (si fa per dire) tranquilli - non sarete schedati, come i bimbi rom. Nessun censimento dei poveri italiani - così dicono. Niente impronte digitali impresse sulla Social Card, ma ... (c'è sempre un ma) - attenzione! - il Titolare deve firmarla nell'apposito spazio sul retro, ed esibire un valido documento di riconoscimento su richiesta degli esercizi commerciali convenzionati - che, secondo il ministero dell'Economia, ad oggi, sono pari al 5% del totale.

Se andiamo sul sito del Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze e leggiamo l'informativa sull'utilizzo della "carta acquisti, beneficiario con 65 anni o più":
in section 3, we read: "... The Charter should be used exclusively by the owner and can not be sold or given to third parties. The owner is required to affix his signature in the space provided on the back of the card when of its receipt ..."."
And yet, in paragraph 9: "... To use the card in shops will still be required to affix an agreement on the receipt issued by the POS of the signature of the owner, according to one placed by itself on the back of the card. The business owner can apply to the presentation of a valid identity document.


Social Card? NO, THANK YOU! It 's more important the dignity of a person and his obvious poverty pilloried by a piece of paper.


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