Saturday, November 1, 2008

Grecion 2000 Side Affects

[CULTURE] Pass the Decree . Extreme right-wing attack.

"Gelmini decree is law. Despite the amendments portati dall’opposizione, nonostante le proteste che hanno scosso la penisola in questi giorni, il presidio davanti Palazzo Madama, i 133 no urlati a squarciagola, la riforma della scuola è e rimane quella imposta dalla maggioranza di Governo. 162 a favore, 134 contrari e tre astenuti, con queste cifre, passa la legge che non è stata modificata di una virgola.
Intanto anche all’interno della contestazione studentesca emergono i dissidi interni fra quelle anime tanto diverse. Se il fronte unito contro il decreto Gelmini aveva permesso a studenti di destra e di sinistra di manifestare quasi in maniera congiunta, il recente tentativo, da parte del Blocco studentesco di strumentalizzare e guidare la protesta ha avuto conseguenze come aver aggredito other kids using these helmets, belts and bottles, all without that there was no intervention from the police.
The budget is currently three children wounded, one shot in the head and hospitalized, and an agent. 18 fasteners, all members of the student block. The students' union website appears in a press release dated Oct. 28 that reads: "We ask the newspapers to give correct information at this time because we see an explicit attempt by the right and some of the media to manipulate our presence squares and the student movement ... We reaffirm the face of every attempt at manipulation and flattening of our protest and of our problems, we have nothing to do with the right training, who use violence, as happened yesterday at the high school Giulio Cesare. "


What Block student? was the movement of high school students until 2008 near Fiamma Tricolore, when it is dissociated by expulsion from the party Gianluca Iannone.


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